### Hi there, I'm CrimsonTome - an admin @[Freeside](https://freeside.co.uk). You can also find us at our organisation page [here](https://github.com/freesidehull)👋
#### 👷 Check out what I'm currently working on
{{range recentContributions 10}}
- [{{.Repo.Name}}]({{.Repo.URL}}) - {{.Repo.Description}} ({{humanize .OccurredAt}})
{{- end}}
#### 🌱 My latest projects
{{range recentRepos 10}}
- [{{.Name}}]({{.URL}}) - {{.Description}}
{{- end}}
#### 🔨 My recent Pull Requests
{{range recentPullRequests 10}}
- [{{.Title}}]({{.URL}}) on [{{.Repo.Name}}]({{.Repo.URL}}) ({{humanize .CreatedAt}})
{{- end}}
#### 📜 My recent blog posts
{{range rss "https://crimsontome.com/feed/feed.xml" 5}}
- [{{.Title}}]({{.URL}}) ({{humanize .PublishedAt}})
{{- end}}
#### ⭐ Recent Stars
{{range recentStars 10}}
- [{{.Repo.Name}}]({{.Repo.URL}}) - {{.Repo.Description}} ({{humanize .StarredAt}})
{{- end}}
#### 📫 How to reach me
- Email: crimsontome427@protonmail.com
- Discord: CrimsonTome427#7459
#### Quote of the day
[![Readme Quotes](https://quotes-github-readme.vercel.app/api?type=horizontal&theme=dark)](https://github.com/piyushsuthar/github-readme-quotes)