Adds OpenCFP (#1132)

* Adds OpenCFP

* make contrib

* Trying to figure out where the syntax error is

* Made requested fixes
Mark Railton 2017-08-05 10:29:30 +01:00 committed by Edward Dickson
parent 08eaf84424
commit 1bb4fe636d
2 changed files with 362 additions and 339 deletions

View File

@ -1,341 +1,363 @@
Commits | Author Commits | Author
:---: | --- :---: | ---
394 | nodiscc <> 435 nodiscc <>
290 | Kickball <> 291 Kickball <>
163 | n8225 <> 163 n8225 <>
114 | Andrew Rylatt <> 114 Andrew Rylatt <>
35 | Kovah <> 35 Kovah <>
17 | Thomas Dalichow <> 17 Thomas Dalichow <>
14 | Miguel Piedrafita <> 14 Miguel Piedrafita <>
13 | jungle-boogie <> 13 jungle-boogie <>
12 | Pe46dro <> 12 Alex <>
10 | cave beat <> 12 Pe46dro <>
9 | Joubert RedRat <> 10 cave beat <>
8 | CooperBarrett <> 9 Joubert RedRat <>
7 | Andrew Peng <> 8 CooperBarrett <>
7 | Andrew Rylatt <> 7 édouard u. <>
7 | Hammy Havoc <> 7 phre4k <>
7 | Ilian <> 7 Ilian <>
7 | n1trux <> 7 Andrew Peng <>
7 | phre4k <> 7 DJCrashdummy <>
7 | édouard u. <> 7 Hammy Havoc <>
6 | Per Guth <> 7 Andrew Rylatt <>
6 | Touhid Arastu <> 7 n1trux <>
5 | Jean Champémont <> 6 cave <>
5 | Max Maischein <> 6 Per Guth <>
5 | Mohammad Faisal <> 6 Touhid Arastu <>
5 | Moti Korets <> 5 Max Maischein <>
5 | Philip Kirkbride <> 5 Jean Champémont <>
5 | cave <> 5 Philip Kirkbride <>
4 | Alexandr Emelin <> 5 Moti Korets <>
4 | AndrewCz <> 5 Mohammad Faisal <>
4 | Cory Gibbons <> 4 Rodolfo Berrios <>
4 | D <> 4 Eliot Whalan <>
4 | Dominik Pfaffenbauer <> 4 Joshua Westerheide <>
4 | Dr. Azrael Tod <> 4 Johannes Zellner <>
4 | Eliot Whalan <> 4 Joery Zegers <>
4 | Ilya Sevostyanov <> 4 Jean Elchinger <>
4 | Jan Vlnas <> 4 Jan Vlnas <>
4 | Jean Elchinger <> 4 Ilya Sevostyanov <>
4 | Joery Zegers <> 4 AndrewCz <>
4 | Johannes Zellner <> 4 dyu <>
4 | Joshua Westerheide <> 4 dpfaffenbauer <>
4 | MK <> 4 dattaz <>
4 | Marius Voila <> 4 Valmik <>
4 | Rodolfo Berrios <> 4 Alexandr Emelin <>
4 | Valmik <> 4 Chris McCormick <>
4 | dattaz <> 4 Cory Gibbons <>
4 | dpfaffenbauer <> 4 /c² <>
4 | paddo <> 4 D <>
3 | Aguay <> 4 paddo <>
3 | Akhyar Amarullah <> 4 Marius Voila <>
3 | Burak Emre Kabakcı <> 4 MK <>
3 | Chris McCormick <> 4 Dominik Pfaffenbauer <>
3 | Conor O'Callaghan <> 4 Dr. Azrael Tod <>
3 | Cédric Krier <> 3 Yann Forget <>
3 | Danja Vasiliev <> 3 Pavan Yara <>
3 | Ethan Lowman <> 3 Ovidiu Dan <>
3 | FoxMaSk <> 3 rett gerst <>
3 | Gabin <> 3 Conor O'Callaghan <>
3 | Garrett Martin <> 3 jungle-boogie <>
3 | George C. Privon <> 3 IrosTheBeggar <>
3 | Görkem Çetin <> 3 Leo Gaggl <>
3 | Harvey Kandola <> 3 Morris Jobke <>
3 | IrosTheBeggar <> 3 Görkem Çetin <>
3 | Kevin Hinterlong <> 3 Cédric Krier <>
3 | Lee Watson <> 3 Ethan Lowman <>
3 | Leo Gaggl <> 3 George C. Privon <>
3 | Marc Picaud <> 3 Garrett Martin <>
3 | Mariusz Kozakowski <> 3 Gabin <>
3 | Martin Gontovnikas <> 3 Danja Vasiliev <>
3 | Mathieu Leplatre <> 3 Mathieu Leplatre <>
3 | Morris Jobke <> 3 Lee Watson <>
3 | Ovidiu Dan <> 3 Martin Gontovnikas <>
3 | Pavan Yara <> 3 FoxMaSk <>
3 | Peter Thaleikis <> 3 Mariusz Kozakowski <>
3 | Pietro Marangon <> 3 Kevin Hinterlong <>
3 | Tobi Schäfer <> 3 Harvey Kandola <>
3 | Yann Forget <> 3 Aguay <>
3 | Ye Lin Aung <> 3 Marc Picaud <>
3 | dyu <> 3 Burak Emre Kabakcı <>
3 | jungle-boogie <> 3 Pietro Marangon <>
3 | moba <> 3 Pierre Tinard <>
3 | pszlazak <> 3 Tobi Schäfer <>
3 | rett gerst <> 3 Peter Thaleikis <>
2 | Adminrezo (Nico Dewaele) <> 3 pszlazak <>
2 | Albert Cervera i Areny <> 3 Akhyar Amarullah <>
2 | Alexander Ryzhov <> 3 moba <>
2 | Alexis Metaireau <> 3 Ye Lin Aung <>
2 | Andrei Poenaru <> 2 王可森 <>
2 | Andrew Hayworth <> 2 Adminrezo (Nico Dewaele) <>
2 | Arik Fraimovich <> 2 Albert Cervera i Areny <>
2 | Bartłomiej Kurzeja <> 2 Alexander Ryzhov <>
2 | Brendan Abolivier <> 2 Alexis Metaireau <>
2 | Charles Farence III <> 2 Andrei Poenaru <>
2 | Chris Missal <> 2 Andrew Hayworth <>
2 | Costin Moise <> 2 Arik Fraimovich <>
2 | David Leonard <> 2 Bartłomiej Kurzeja <>
2 | David Wayne Baxter <> 2 Brendan Abolivier <>
2 | Derek Viera <> 2 Brian Morin <>
2 | Deryck <> 2 Charles Farence III <>
2 | Feleg <> 2 Chris Missal <>
2 | Felix Bartels <> 2 Costin Moise <>
2 | Gabin Aureche <> 2 David Leonard <>
2 | Gabriel Cossette <> 2 David Wayne Baxter <>
2 | Gonçalo Valério <> 2 Derek Viera <>
2 | Greg V <> 2 Deryck <>
2 | Henry Ruhs <> 2 Dillon Stadther <>
2 | Jake Breindel <> 2 Feleg <>
2 | James Cole <> 2 Felix Bartels <>
2 | Jason Robinson <> 2 Gabin Aureche <>
2 | Joseph Dykstra <> 2 Gabriel Cossette <>
2 | Julien Bisconti <> 2 Gonçalo Valério <>
2 | Jérémie Astori <> 2 Greg V <>
2 | Keith Thibodeaux <> 2 Henry Ruhs <>
2 | Kevin Lin <> 2 Jake Breindel <>
2 | Kevin Vandenborne <> 2 James Cole <>
2 | Madhu GB <> 2 Jan Soendermann <>
2 | Marc Laporte <> 2 Jason Robinson <>
2 | Marien Fressinaud <> 2 Joseph Dykstra <>
2 | Massimo Santini <> 2 Julien Bisconti <>
2 | Matthieu Aubry <> 2 Jérémie Astori <>
2 | Michael Tunnell <> 2 Keith Thibodeaux <>
2 | Mikael Peigney <> 2 Kevin Lin <>
2 | Nicolas Carlier <> 2 Kevin Vandenborne <>
2 | Patrik Ragnarsson <> 2 Madhu GB <>
2 | Pavel Lobashov <> 2 Malte Kiefer <>
2 | Peter Demin <> 2 Marc Laporte <>
2 | Peter Ivanov <> 2 Marien Fressinaud <>
2 | Pierre Ozoux <> 2 Massimo Santini <>
2 | Pierre Tinard <> 2 Matthieu Aubry <>
2 | Poorchop <> 2 Michael Tunnell <>
2 | ReadmeCritic <> 2 Mikael Peigney <>
2 | Ricardo Torres <> 2 Nicolas Carlier <>
2 | Rodolfo Berrios <> 2 Patrik Ragnarsson <>
2 | Roland Geider <> 2 Pavel Lobashov <>
2 | Ryan Mulligan <> 2 Peter Demin <>
2 | Sam Tuke <> 2 Peter Ivanov <>
2 | Sameer Al-Sakran <> 2 Pierre Ozoux <>
2 | Shane Cooke <> 2 Poorchop <>
2 | Simon Vieille <> 2 ReadmeCritic <>
2 | Simone Grignola <> 2 Ricardo Torres <>
2 | Stefan Bohacek <> 2 Rodolfo Berrios <>
2 | Stefane Fermigier <> 2 Roland Geider <>
2 | Stefano <> 2 Ryan Mulligan <>
2 | Suraj Patil <> 2 Sam Tuke <>
2 | Think <> 2 Sameer Al-Sakran <>
2 | Thomas Citharel <> 2 Shane Cooke <>
2 | Tomer <> 2 Simon Vieille <>
2 | Vadim Rutkovsky <> 2 Simone Grignola <>
2 | Van-Duyet Le <> 2 Stefan Bohacek <>
2 | Yann <> 2 Stefane Fermigier <>
2 | Zeniic <> 2 Stefano <>
2 | cornerot <> 2 Suraj Patil <>
2 | cron410 <> 2 Think <>
2 | digiou <> 2 Thomas Citharel <>
2 | erdihu <> 2 Tomer <>
2 | fengshaun <> 2 Vadim Rutkovsky <>
2 | fuerbringer <> 2 Van-Duyet Le <>
2 | gseva <> 2 Will Bennett <>
2 | hebbet <> 2 Yann <>
2 | icterine <> 2 Zeniic <>
2 | jimykk <> 2 cornerot <>
2 | markkrj <> 2 cron410 <>
2 | rafael-santiago <> 2 digiou <>
2 | thomasfrivold <> 2 erdihu <>
2 | tillarnold <> 2 fengshaun <>
2 | tomc3 <> 2 fuerbringer <>
2 | yuche <> 2 gseva <>
2 | 王可森 <> 2 hebbet <>
1 | Alashov Berkeli <> 2 icterine <>
1 | Alex Bogdanovski <> 2 jimykk <>
1 | Alex Fornuto <> 2 markkrj <>
1 | Alexey Strokach <> 2 rafael-santiago <>
1 | Alfred Bez <> 2 thomasfrivold <>
1 | Alys <> 2 tillarnold <>
1 | Andre <> 2 tomc3 <>
1 | Andrew Murray <> 2 yuche <>
1 | Andrew Nesbitt <> 1 florianl <>
1 | Angel Velasquez <> 1 Marcin Karpezo <>
1 | Anton Troyanov <> 1 Marco Dickert <>
1 | Arda Kılıçdağı <> 1 Marcus Ramberg <>
1 | Armando Lüscher <> 1 foorb <>
1 | ArthurHoaro <> 1 Denis <>
1 | Austin <> 1 David Yu <>
1 | Bas <> 1 Mark Ide <>
1 | Beard of War <> 1 Mark Railton <>
1 | Ben <> 1 David Ng <>
1 | Bob Mottram <> 1 Martin Malinda <>
1 | Brett <> 1 trebonius0 <>
1 | Burung Hantu <> 1 MatFluor <>
1 | C.J. Jameson <> 1 David Baldwynn <>
1 | Caleb Xu <> 1 Matt Hazinski <>
1 | Calle Wolff <> 1 Matt Lee <>
1 | Carlos Rodriguez <> 1 Matteo Piccina <>
1 | Chanchal Kumar Ghosh <> 1 ghaseminya <>
1 | Chema <> 1 Dan <>
1 | Christoph Kappestein <> 1 Michael Barrow <>
1 | Christoph Wiechert <> 1 Michael Burns <>
1 | Christophe Hamerling <> 1 ttoups <>
1 | Clément AUBIN <> 1 Michael van Tricht <>
1 | Craig Davison <> 1 Michael van Tricht <>
1 | Cristian Menghi <> 1 Damir Gainetdinov <>
1 | Damir Gainetdinov <> 1 uchchishta <>
1 | Dan <> 1 Mike Goodwin <>
1 | David Baldwynn <> 1 Mike Steele <>
1 | David Ng <> 1 MinorTom <>
1 | David Yu <> 1 Cristian Menghi <>
1 | Dirk Krause <> 1 Moritz Kröger <>
1 | Dmitriy Volkov <> 1 Craig Davison <>
1 | Doğan Çelik <> 1 Clément AUBIN <>
1 | Dražen Lučanin <> 1 Murdoc Bates <>
1 | Ed Tewiah <> 1 vincent-clipet <>
1 | Edreih Aldana <> 1 NicolasCARPi <>
1 | Eike Kettner <> 1 Norman Xu <>
1 | Emeric POUPON <> 1 Nÿco <>
1 | Eren Hatırnaz <> 1 Ober7 <>
1 | Eric Moon <> 1 Oliver Kopp <>
1 | Ethan Madden <> 1 Christophe Hamerling <>
1 | Eugen <> 1 Paolo Pustorino <>
1 | Evelthon Prodromou <> 1 ilsi <>
1 | Fazal Majid <> 1 Pau Kiat Wee <>
1 | Florian Kaiser <> 1 Paul <>
1 | Florian Wilhelm <> 1 Christoph Wiechert <>
1 | FortressBuilder <> 1 itsnotv <>
1 | Girish Ramakrishnan <> 1 Paweł Kapała <>
1 | Greg Chetcuti <> 1 Christoph Kappestein <>
1 | Icantcodeatall <> 1 Chema <>
1 | Igor Antun <> 1 jake <jake@diesel>
1 | Ilya Pirozhenko <> 1 wxcafé <>
1 | Izac Lorimer <> 1 Chanchal Kumar Ghosh <>
1 | Jakob Gillich <> 1 Peter van den Hurk <>
1 | Jan <> 1 Carlos Rodriguez <>
1 | Jannik Anker <> 1 Phill <>
1 | Jarek Lipski <> 1 Phonic Mouse <>
1 | Jean Menezes da Rocha <> 1 Pierre Blanes <>
1 | Jeremiah Marks <> 1 Anton Troyanov <>
1 | Joel Calado <> 1 Calle Wolff <>
1 | Josh Harmon <> 1 Caleb Xu <>
1 | Joshua Hamilton <> 1 Angel Velasquez <>
1 | José Castro <> 1 Rafael Milewski <>
1 | Julien <> 1 lachlan-00 <>
1 | Julien Bisconti <> 1 Remi Rampin <>
1 | Julien Reichardt <> 1 Remy Adriaanse <>
1 | Justin Clift <> 1 Remy Honig <>
1 | Justin O'Reilly <> 1 littleguga <>
1 | Ketrel <> 1 Riddler <>
1 | Kevin Lin <> 1 Roberto Rosario <>
1 | Keyhaku <> 1 C.J. Jameson <>
1 | Kieran <> 1 lsascha <>
1 | Konstantin Sorokin <> 1 xuansamdinh <>
1 | Kyle Farwell <> 1 Ryan DeShone <>
1 | Kyle Stetz <> 1 Ryan Halliday <>
1 | Liran Tal <> 1 memorex258 <>
1 | Marcin Karpezo <> 1 Sahin Boydas <>
1 | Marcus Ramberg <> 1 Salvatore Gentile <>
1 | Mark Ide <> 1 mertinop <>
1 | Martin Malinda <> 1 Andrew Nesbitt <>
1 | MatFluor <> 1 Scott Humphries <>
1 | Matt Hazinski <> 1 Sergey Bronnikov <>
1 | Matt Lee <> 1 Andrew Murray <>
1 | Matteo Piccina <> 1 Simon Hanna <>
1 | Michael Barrow <> 1 n2i <>
1 | Michael Burns <> 1 Andre <>
1 | Michael van Tricht <> 1 Spencer McIntyre <>
1 | Michael van Tricht <> 1 Starbeamrainbowlabs <>
1 | Mike Goodwin <> 1 Alys <>
1 | Mike Steele <> 1 Stefan Weil <>
1 | MinorTom <> 1 nodomain <>
1 | Moritz Kröger <> 1 Alfred Bez <>
1 | Murdoc Bates <> 1 Steve Divskinsy <>
1 | NicolasCARPi <> 1 Alexey Strokach <>
1 | Norman Xu <> 1 Sylvain Boily <>
1 | Nÿco <> 1 THS-on <>
1 | Ober7 <> 1 Tanner Collin <>
1 | Oliver Kopp <> 1 The Scorpion <>
1 | Paolo Pustorino <> 1 pips <>
1 | Pau Kiat Wee <> 1 Alexandr Nesterenko <>
1 | Paul <> 1 Burung Hantu <>
1 | Paweł Kapała <> 1 Thorsten Rinne <>
1 | Peter van den Hurk <> 1 Tim Allingham <>
1 | Phill <> 1 Brian <>
1 | Phonic Mouse <> 1 Tobias Zeising <>
1 | Pierre Blanes <> 1 Alashov Berkeli <>
1 | Rafael Milewski <> 1 Brett <>
1 | Remi Rampin <> 1 Alex Fornuto <>
1 | Remy Adriaanse <> 1 Bob Mottram <>
1 | Remy Honig <> 1 sc0repi0 <>
1 | Riddler <> 1 Viktor Geringer <>
1 | Roberto Rosario <> 1 skarphet <>
1 | Ryan DeShone <> 1 steven jacobs <>
1 | Ryan Halliday <> 1 Ben <>
1 | Sahin Boydas <> 1 Beard of War <>
1 | Salvatore Gentile <> 1 stevesbrain <>
1 | Scott Humphries <> 1 axeloz <>
1 | Sergey Bronnikov <> 1 benmaynard11 <>
1 | Spencer McIntyre <> 1 bricej13 <>
1 | Starbeamrainbowlabs <> 1 Bas <>
1 | Stefan Weil <> 1 Austin <>
1 | Sylvain Boily <> 1 cbdev <>
1 | THS-on <> 1 Guilherme Oenning <>
1 | Tanner Collin <> 1 Greg Chetcuti <>
1 | The Scorpion <> 1 Girish Ramakrishnan <>
1 | Thorsten Rinne <> 1 FortressBuilder <>
1 | Tim Allingham <> 1 t1st3 <>
1 | Tobias Zeising <> 1 Icantcodeatall <>
1 | Viktor Geringer <> 1 Igor Antun <>
1 | benmaynard11 <> 1 Igor Petrov <>
1 | bricej13 <> 1 Florian Wilhelm <>
1 | cbdev <> 1 Ilya Pirozhenko <>
1 | cpdev <> 1 Florian Kaiser <>
1 | dimqua <> 1 Fazal Majid <>
1 | domainzero <> 1 Ivan Krutov <>
1 | ePirat <> 1 Izac Lorimer <>
1 | evitalis <> 1 cpdev <>
1 | florianl <> 1 Jakob Gillich <>
1 | foorb <> 1 zotlabs <>
1 | ghaseminya <> 1 James Mills <>
1 | ilsi <> 1 Jan <>
1 | itsnotv <> 1 ArthurHoaro <>
1 | jake <jake@diesel> 1 Evelthon Prodromou <>
1 | lachlan-00 <> 1 Jannik Anker <>
1 | littleguga <> 1 Jarek Lipski <>
1 | lsascha <> 1 Alex Bogdanovski <>
1 | memorex258 <> 1 Eugen <>
1 | mertinop <> 1 Ethan Madden <>
1 | n2i <> 1 Jean Menezes da Rocha <>
1 | pips <> 1 Jeremiah Marks <>
1 | sc0repi0 <> 1 Joel Calado <>
1 | skarphet <> 1 Eric Moon <>
1 | steven jacobs <> 1 Eren Hatırnaz <>
1 | stevesbrain <> 1 dimqua <>
1 | t1st3 <> 1 Josh Harmon <>
1 | timbe16 <> 1 Joshua Hamilton <>
1 | trebonius0 <> 1 Emeric POUPON <>
1 | ttoups <> 1 José Castro <>
1 | uchchishta <> 1 Eike Kettner <>
1 | vincent-clipet <> 1 Julien <>
1 | wxcafé <> 1 Julien Bisconti <>
1 | xuansamdinh <> 1 domainzero <>
1 | zotlabs <> 1 Julien Reichardt <>
1 | Руслан Корнев <> 1 Justin Clift <>
1 Justin O'Reilly <>
1 Armando Lüscher <>
1 Arda Kılıçdağı <>
1 Ketrel <>
1 Edreih Aldana <>
1 Kevin Lin <>
1 ePirat <>
1 timbe16 <>
1 Keyhaku <>
1 Ed Tewiah <>
1 Kieran <>
1 Konstantin Sorokin <>
1 Dražen Lučanin <>
1 Kyle Farwell <>
1 Kyle Stetz <>
1 Doğan Çelik <>
1 Dmitriy Volkov <>
1 Liran Tal <>
1 Dirk Krause <>
1 evitalis <>
1 Руслан Корнев <>
1 Diego Molina <>

View File

@ -427,6 +427,7 @@ _[Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol](
* [Conference Organizing Distribution (COD)]( - Create conference and event websites built on top of Drupal. ([Source Code]( `GPL` `PHP` * [Conference Organizing Distribution (COD)]( - Create conference and event websites built on top of Drupal. ([Source Code]( `GPL` `PHP`
* [frab]( - web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby` * [frab]( - web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby`
* [Open Conference Systems (OCS)]( - is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. ([Demo](, [Source Code]( `GPL` `PHP` * [Open Conference Systems (OCS)]( - is a free Web publishing tool that will create a complete Web presence for your scholarly conference. ([Demo](, [Source Code]( `GPL` `PHP`
* [OpenCFP]( - OpenCFP is a PHP-based conference talk submission system. `MIT` `PHP`
* [OpenConferenceWare]( - An open source web application for supporting conference-like events. This customizable, general-purpose platform provides proposals, sessions, schedules, tracks, user profiles. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby` * [OpenConferenceWare]( - An open source web application for supporting conference-like events. This customizable, general-purpose platform provides proposals, sessions, schedules, tracks, user profiles. ([Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby`
* [osem]( - Event management tailored to free Software conferences. ([Demo](, [Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby` * [osem]( - Event management tailored to free Software conferences. ([Demo](, [Source Code]( `MIT` `Ruby`