# blog-to-cohost bot using [cohost.py](https://github.com/valknight/Cohost.py) and feedparser to automate posting blog posts to cohost ## System requirements - Linux (Windows may work but is not tested) - Python - Pip - Bash - Docker (optional) ## Quicktstart - clone the repo from - `pip install -r requirements.txt` to install dependencies - edit `scripts/main.py` with your changes - `python3 scripts/main.py` to run ## Building ### Python - `python3 scripts/main.py` ### Docker - `docker build -t blog-to-cohost .` ## Contributing ## License, Credits and Disclaimers blog-to-cohost is licensed under the MIT License. The full license text is included in the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file in this repository. Tldr legal have a [great summary](https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/mit) of the license if you're interested. This repo is built off [cohost.py](https://github.com/valknight/Cohost.py), a library for [cohost.org](https://cohost.org/) No part of this code is approved by [cohost](https://cohost.org/), this uses an **unofficial** API.