# # ~/.bashrc # # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return alias ls='ls -Al --color=auto' #sets the prompt to the userame@hostname with the full working directory, starts a newline for the command to be on PS1="\u@\h~$ \w"$(tput setaf 2)" "$(tput blink)" > "$(tput sgr0)" " ######## #ALCI ######## alias evb='sudo systemctl enable --now vboxservice.service' ####### #user aliases #some adapted from sbrl's bash aliases alias pi='sudo pacman -S' alias pu='sudo pacman -Syu' alias gc='git clone' alias gpl='git pull' alias gph='git push' alias gl='git log' alias gac='git commit -am' alias gs='git status' alias untar='tar -zxvf' alias ipe='curl ipinfo.io/ip' alias c='clear' alias words='wc -w' alias yt='youtube-dl' alias mp3='youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3' alias eb='clear && exec bash' alias back='cd -' alias mkdir='mkdir -pv' alias rm='rm -vi' alias rmr='rm -rv' alias rmdir='rmdir -vi' alias cp='cp -vi' alias mv='mv -vi' alias upstats='echo "Up since:" && uptime -s && uptime -p' alias sshserver='ssh root@' alias restartwifi='sudo systemctl restart iwd.service' #end of manual aliases #user functions up () { local d="" local limit="$1" # Default to limit of 1 if [ -z "$limit" ] || [ "$limit" -le 0 ]; then limit=1 fi for ((i=1;i<=limit;i++)); do d="../$d" done # perform cd. Show error if cd fails if ! cd "$d"; then echo "Couldn't go up $limit dirs."; fi } #### from https://github.com/dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible/blob/master/README.md bkr() { (nohup "$@" &>/dev/null &) } bkr ./some_script.sh # some_script.sh is now running in the background trim_all() { # Usage: trim_all " example string " set -f set -- $* printf '%s\n' "$*" set +f } split() { # Usage: split "string" "delimiter" IFS=$'\n' read -d "" -ra arr <<< "${1//$2/$'\n'}" printf '%s\n' "${arr[@]}" } lower() { # Usage: lower "string" printf '%s\n' "${1,,}" } upper() { # Usage: upper "string" printf '%s\n' "${1^^}" } reverse_case() { # Usage: reverse_case "string" printf '%s\n' "${1~~}" } strip_all() { # Usage: strip_all "string" "pattern" printf '%s\n' "${1//$2}" } lines() { # Usage: lines "file" mapfile -tn 0 lines < "$1" printf '%s\n' "${#lines[@]}" } # end of user functions #startup commands PF_INFO="ascii title os host kernel uptime pkgs memory shell editor wm de" pfetch|lolcat