"use strict"; const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const fetch_json = require("./lib/fetch_json.js"); const shuffle = require("./lib/shuffle.js"); async function fetch_info(blogger) { if(typeof blogger.github_username !== "string") return; const github_userdata = (await fetch_json(`https://api.github.com/users/${blogger.github_username}`)).body; if(typeof github_userdata.message === "string") { console.error(github_userdata.message); } blogger.bio = github_userdata.bio; blogger.url_blog = github_userdata.blog; blogger.url_github = github_userdata.html_url; blogger.url_twitter = github_userdata.twitter_username === null ? null : `https://twitter.com/@${github_userdata.twitter_username.replace(/^@/, "")}`; blogger.url_avatar = github_userdata.avatar_url; // If the link to the blog doesn't include a protocol, default to https. // If this breaks your blog, then you should enable https to fix the issue. // ALL Internet traffic should be encrypted. Your blog is not an exception. if(blogger.url_blog.search(/^[a-zA-Z]+:\/\//) === -1) blogger.url_blog = `https://${blogger.url_blog}`; if(typeof blogger.url_blog !== "string" || blogger.url_blog.length == 0) blogger.url_blog = null; } module.exports = async function() { const feeds_data = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "../feeds.json"), "utf-8")); await Promise.all(feeds_data.map(fetch_info)); shuffle(feeds_data); // Don't give any 1 person the advantage return { layout: "main.njk", title: "Bloggers", tags: "navigable", date: "2001-01-01", bloggers: feeds_data } }