146 lines
4.7 KiB
146 lines
4.7 KiB
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const striptags = require("striptags");
const fetch_feed = require("./lib/fetch_feed.js");
const check_text = require("./lib/check_text.js");
// The length of auto-generated descriptions if one isn't provided.
global.feed_items = null;
global.feed_authors_error = null;
function normalise_link_list(links) {
if(links instanceof Array) {
let links_temp = links.filter(link => link.rel != "self");
if(links.length == 0) links = links[0];
else links = links_temp[0];
if(typeof(links) == "object") {
if(typeof(links.href) == "string")
links = links.href;
return links;
async function do_feeds() {
const pReflect = (await import("p-reflect")).default;
const dateformat = (await import("dateformat")).default;
if(global.feed_items === null) {
const feeds = JSON.parse(await fs.promises.readFile("../feeds.json", "utf-8"));
const feed_data = await Promise.all(feeds.map(async (feed) => { return {
author_name: feed.author_name,
author_image: `https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/${encodeURIComponent(feed.github_username)}`,
data: await pReflect(fetch_feed(feed.feed_uri))
} }));
const feed_data_ok = feed_data.filter(el => {
return el.data.isFulfilled && el.data.value != null
.map((feed) => {
feed.data = feed.data.value;
if(typeof process.env["DEBUG_FEEDS"] != "undefined")
console.log("FEED", feed.data);
return feed;
global.feed_authors_error = feed_data
.filter(el => el.data.isRejected|| el.data.value === null)
.map(el => el.author_name);
global.feed_items = [].concat(...feed_data_ok.map(feed => feed.data.items.map(item => {
item.author_name = feed.author_name;
item.author_image = feed.author_image;
item.parent = feed.data;
item.link = normalise_link_list(item.link);
item.parent.link = normalise_link_list(item.parent.link);
if(!item.content) item.content = item["content:encoded"] || "";
// Support feed items with e.g. { type: "html", text: "...", ... }
if(typeof item.content == "object") {
if(item.content.type === "html" && typeof item.content.text === "string")
item.content = item.content.text;
else if(typeof item.summary === "string")
item.content = item.summary;
|| (typeof item.description == "string" && item.description.length === 0)) item.description = striptags(item.content)
.substring(0, DESCRIPTION_LENGTH);
if(!item.pubdate) item.pubdate = item.published
|| item.updated
|| new Date("1970-01-01");
item.pubdate_obj = new Date(item.pubdate);
item.pubdate_iso = item.pubdate_obj.toISOString();
item.pubdate_display = dateformat(
"ddd dS mmmm yyyy h:MM:ss TT Z"
item.media_image = `./images/post.svg`;
if(typeof(item["media:content"]) == "object" && item["media:content"].medium === "image")
item.media_image = item["media:content"].url;
else {
// BUG: This is bad practice! We should use a propere HTML parser instead.
let temp_image = item.content.match(/<img[^>]+?\bsrc=["']([^>]+?)["'][^>]+?\/?>/);
if(temp_image !== null)
item.media_image = temp_image[1];
item.media_image_notfound = item.media_image == `./images/post.svg`;
console.log(`MEDIA IMAGE`, item.media_image);
if(typeof process.env["DEBUG_FEEDITEMS"] != "undefined")
console.log(`FEED ITEM`, item);
return item;
global.feed_items.sort((a, b) => b.pubdate_obj - a.pubdate_obj);
// console.log(feed_items.map(el => el.title));
const magic_string = `__excludehullblogs__`;
global.feed_items = global.feed_items.filter((item) => item.title.indexOf(magic_string) === -1
&& item.description.indexOf(magic_string) === -1
&& item.content.indexOf(magic_string) === -1)
if(process.env.FILTER_FEED) {
const feed_items_count = global.feed_items.length;
global.feed_items = global.feed_items.filter((item) => !check_text(item.title)
&& !check_text(item.description)
&& !check_text(item.content));
console.log(`>>> Feed filtering enabled, removed ${feed_items_count - global.feed_items.length} posts`);
return {
layout: "main.njk",
title: "Posts",
tags: "navigable",
date: "2000-01-01", // For sorting in the navigation bar
feed_items: global.feed_items,
feeds_errored: global.feed_authors_error,
pagination: {
data: "feed_items",
size: 15
var do_feeds_memoized = null;
module.exports = async function() {
if(do_feeds_memoized == null) {
const pMemoize = (await import("p-memoize")).default;
do_feeds_memoized = pMemoize(do_feeds);
return await do_feeds_memoized();