const discord = require("discord.js"); module.exports = { name: "help", aliases: [''], /** * * @param {Client} client * @param {Message} message * @param {String[]} args */ run: async (client, message, args) => { if(!args[0]){ const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("HullCSS Help") .setDescription("You can use `!help ` to get additional commands within a specific category") .setColor('GREEN') .addField('❓`!help`','This Command', true) .addField('🛠ī¸`!help admin`','Displays Admin Commands!', true) .addField('ℹī¸ `!help general`', 'Displays General Commands!', true) .addField('🎉`!help fun`', 'Displays Fun Commands!', true) .addField('🐹 `!help gorb`', 'Displays Gorb Commands', true){ embeds: [embed] }); } if(args[0] === 'admin'){ const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Admin Commands") .setColor('GREEN'){ embeds: [embed] }); } if(args[0] === 'general'){ const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("General Commands") .setColor('GREEN') .addField('!buy', 'Sends a link to purchase membership') .addField('!links', 'Get all the links') .addField('!freeside', 'A link to the Freeside discord server') .addField('!robsoc', 'A link to the Robotics Society discord server'){ embeds: [embed] }); } if(args[0] === 'fun'){ const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Fun Commands") .setColor('GREEN') .addField('!8ball', 'Answer your deepest questions.') .addField('!gorb', 'guinea pig orb') .addField('!torch', 'Light the way'){ embeds: [embed] }); } if(args[0] === 'gorb'){ const embed = new discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Gorb Commands") .setColor('GREEN') .addField('!gorb cs', 'CS Gorb') .addField('!gorb party', 'Party Gorb') .addField('!gorb christmas', 'Christmas Gorb') .addField('!gorb storm', 'Storm Gorb'){ embeds: [embed] }); } } }