Merge pull request #208 from notpeter/master

Added ffmpeg, haxelib, Matt's Traceroute and imagemagick convert.
Romain Prieto 2014-05-31 12:03:24 +10:00
commit 2c6e59816c
6 changed files with 107 additions and 0 deletions

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# HandBrakeCLI
> Video conversion tool
- Convert a video file to MKV (AAC 160kbit audio and x264 CRF20 video)
`HandBrakeCLI -i {{input.avi}} -o {{output.mkv}} -e x264 -q 20 -B 160`
- Resize a video file to 320x240
`HandBrakeCLI -i {{input.mp4}} -o {{output.mp4} -w 320 -l 240`
- List available presets
`HandBrakeCLI --preset-list`
- Convert an AVI video to MP4 using the Android preset
`HandBrakeCLI --preset="Android" -i {{input.ext}} -o {{output.mp4}}`

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# MP4Box
> MPEG-4 Systems Toolbox - Muxes streams into MP4 container
- Display information about an existing MP4 file
`MP4Box -info {{filename}}`
- Add an SRT subtitle file into an MP4 file
`MP4Box -add {{}}:lang=eng -add {{input.mp4}} {{output.mp4}}`
- Combine audio from one file and video from another
`MP4Box -add {{input1.mp4}}#audio -add {{input2.mp4}}#video {{output.mp4}`

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# convert
> Imagemagick image conversion tool
- Convert an image from JPG to PNG
`convert {{image.jpg}} {{image.png}}`
- Scale an image 50% it's original size
`convert {{image.png}} -resize 50% {{image2.png}}`
- Horizontally append images
`convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} +append {{image123.png}}`

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# ffmpeg
> Video conversion tool
- Extract the sound from a video and save it as MP3
`ffmpeg -i {{video-filename}} -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192 -f mp3 {{sound.mp3}}`
- Convert frames from a video into individual numbered images
`ffmpeg -i {{video-filename}} {{image%d.png}}`
- Combine numbered images (image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc) into a video
`ffmpeg -f image2 -i {{image%d.jpg}} {{video.mpg}}`
- Convert AVI video to MP4. AAC Audio @ 128kbit, Video @ 1250Kbit
`ffmpeg -i {{in.avi}} -acodec libfaac -ab 128k -vcodec mpeg4 -b 1250K {{out.mp4}}`

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# haxelib
> Haxe Library Manager
- Search for a Haxe library
`haxelib search {{keyword}}`
- Install a Haxe library
`haxelib install {{libname}}`
- Upgrade all installed Haxe libraries
`haxelib upgrade`
- Install the development version of a library from a Git repository
`haxelib git {{libname}} {{GIT-URL}}`

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# mtr
> Combined traceroute and ping tool
- Traceroute to a host and continuously ping all intermediary hops
`mtr {{host}}`
- Disable IP address and host name mapping
`mtr -n {{host}}`
- Generate output after pinging each hop 10 times
`mtr -w {{host}}`
- Force IP IPv4 or IPV6
`mtr -4 {{host}}`