diff --git a/pages.es/linux/archey.md b/pages.es/linux/archey.md index 8dfff21e8..be2bf7552 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/archey.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/archey.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # archey > Herramienta sencilla para mostrar información del sistema con estilo. +> Más información: . - Muestra información del sistema: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/cal.md b/pages.es/linux/cal.md index 757d4331e..6be2313bd 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/cal.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/cal.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cal > Muestra el calendario, con el día actual resaltado. +> Más información: . - Muestra el calendario para el mes actual: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/calc.md b/pages.es/linux/calc.md index dae41add3..6f4357b6e 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/calc.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/calc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # calc > Una calculadora de precisión arbitraria en la terminal. +> Más información: . - Iniciar calc en modo interactivo: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/cmus.md b/pages.es/linux/cmus.md index 89822cf25..e61d441d6 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/cmus.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/cmus.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Reproductor de música para la línea de comandos. > Usa las teclas de dirección para navegar, `` para seleccionar, y los números 1-8 para cambiar entra las diferentes vistas. +> Más información: . - Abre cmus en un directorio concreto: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/dmesg.md b/pages.es/linux/dmesg.md index fab0beb8a..e8297ffd5 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/dmesg.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/dmesg.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dmesg > Escribe los mensajes del núcleo a la salida estándar. +> Más información: . - Muestra los mensajes del núcleo: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/dos2unix.md b/pages.es/linux/dos2unix.md index 8666a8f53..8e6e87598 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/dos2unix.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/dos2unix.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Cambia saltos de línea con formato DOS a saltos de línea con formato Unix. > Reemplaza CRLF con CR. +> Más información: . - Cambia los saltos de línea de un archivo: diff --git a/pages.es/linux/free.md b/pages.es/linux/free.md index 06287fd12..fcb1fc944 100644 --- a/pages.es/linux/free.md +++ b/pages.es/linux/free.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # free > Muestra la cantidad de memoria libre y usada en el sistema. +> Más información: . - Muestra la memoria del sistema: diff --git a/pages.it/linux/add-apt-repository.md b/pages.it/linux/add-apt-repository.md index 786d5b1df..f22d89fd3 100644 --- a/pages.it/linux/add-apt-repository.md +++ b/pages.it/linux/add-apt-repository.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # add-apt-repository > Gestisce le definizioni di repository apt. +> Maggiori informazioni: . - Aggiunge un nuovo repository apt: diff --git a/pages.it/linux/dpkg-query.md b/pages.it/linux/dpkg-query.md index 59f90fc1e..342183c37 100644 --- a/pages.it/linux/dpkg-query.md +++ b/pages.it/linux/dpkg-query.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dpkg-query > Uno strumento che mostra informazioni sui pacchetti installati. +> Maggiori informazioni: . - Elenca tutti i pacchetti installati: diff --git a/pages.it/linux/fsck.md b/pages.it/linux/fsck.md index 394e8c161..e5714a51c 100644 --- a/pages.it/linux/fsck.md +++ b/pages.it/linux/fsck.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fsck > Controlla l'integrità di un filesystem o lo ripara. Il filesystem non dev'essere montato al momento in cui il comando viene eseguito. +> Maggiori informazioni: . - Controlla il filesystem `/dev/sdX`, riportando eventuali blocchi danneggiati: diff --git a/pages.ml/linux/cal.md b/pages.ml/linux/cal.md index 158aaa4fe..f7ae45f47 100644 --- a/pages.ml/linux/cal.md +++ b/pages.ml/linux/cal.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cal > ഇന്നത്തെ ദിവസം അടയാളപ്പെടുത്തിയുള്ള കലണ്ടർ വിവരം കാണിക്കുക . +> കൂടുതൽ വിവരങ്ങൾ: . - ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ മാസത്തിന്റെ കലണ്ടർ കാണാൻ : diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/add-apt-repository.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/add-apt-repository.md index b2f195d5e..45bb83982 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/add-apt-repository.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/add-apt-repository.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # add-apt-repository > Gerenciar definições de repositórios APT. +> Mais informações: . - Adicionar um repositório: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/apk.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/apk.md index 7a22c32c5..de4ee11b8 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/apk.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/apk.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # apk > Gerenciador de pacotes da distribuição Alpine. +> Mais informações: . - Atualizar os índices dos pacotes disponíveis: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/archey.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/archey.md index f5212fddf..71d6dc743 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/archey.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/archey.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # archey > Ferramenta que exibe informações do sistema de forma estilizada. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as informações do sistema: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/arp-scan.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/arp-scan.md index 18c305721..59716661c 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/arp-scan.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/arp-scan.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # arp-scan > Envia pacotes ARP para máquinas (identificadas por endereço IP ou por nome de domínio) em uma rede local, identificando as máquinas ativas de acordo com as respostas. +> Mais informações: . - Verificar as máquinas da rede local: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/as.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/as.md index 909fe07dd..3380106f6 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/as.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/as.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Assembler GNU multiplataforma. > Seu objetivo inicial é realizar o montagem do arquivo gerado pelo `gcc` para ser utilizado pelo `ld`. +> Mais informações: . - Realizar a montagem de um arquivo, o resultado dessa operação será gravado no arquivo a.out: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/aspell.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/aspell.md index 57ea49746..95f786261 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/aspell.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/aspell.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # aspell > Verificador ortográfico interativo. +> Mais informações: . - Verificar a ortografia do texto de um arquivo: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/authconfig.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/authconfig.md index 4572c6a75..bb4f6257b 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/authconfig.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/authconfig.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # authconfig > Interface de linha comandos para configurar o sistema de autenticação. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as configurações atuais (ou dry run): diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/autorandr.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/autorandr.md index 98f23a4b5..0a5ed3095 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/autorandr.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/autorandr.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # autorandr > Altera o layout da tela automaticamente. +> Mais informações: . - Salvar o layout da tela em uso: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/beep.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/beep.md index 1ccc48ce8..136ff9761 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/beep.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/beep.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # beep > Utilitário que permite o computador emitir sons. +> Mais informações: . - Emitir um som: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/bmon.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/bmon.md index 0df932b2b..693884442 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/bmon.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/bmon.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # bmon > Monitora a largura de banda e produz estatísticas relacionadas a rede. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir uma lista com todas as interfaces de rede: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/brctl.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/brctl.md index db1871a50..3574040d9 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/brctl.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/brctl.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # brctl > Administração de pontes de rede. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir uma lista com informações das pontes de rede existentes: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cal.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cal.md index c5984c3df..e28feba31 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cal.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cal.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cal > Exibe as informações do calendário, destacando o dia atual. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir o calendário do mês atual: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/calc.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/calc.md index cdd731d1e..4476deb6f 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/calc.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/calc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # calc > Calculadora interativa de precisão arbitrária no terminal. +> Mais informações: . - Iniciar a calculadora em modo interativo: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chage.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chage.md index 40816ffd8..b89fc4440 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chage.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chage.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chage > Gerencia informações de expiração de conta e senha do usuário. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as informações referentes a senha do usuário: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chattr.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chattr.md index 0097eb4e9..9d950ff98 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chattr.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chattr.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chattr > Altera os atributos de arquivos ou diretórios. +> Mais informações: . - Bloquear um arquivo ou diretório para mudanças ou remoção, mesmo para um super usuário: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chkconfig.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chkconfig.md index c77825642..a9df2790b 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/chkconfig.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/chkconfig.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chkconfig > Gerencia o runlevel dos serviços no CentOS 6. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir os serviços com os respectivos runlevels: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cmus.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cmus.md index 044a85dce..a340f4a8a 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cmus.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cmus.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Player de música via terminal. > Use as setas para navegar, `` para selecionar, e números 1-8 para alterar as telas de opções. +> Mais informações: . - Iniciar o cmus em um diretório específico: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/compgen.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/compgen.md index 8f61d9907..0bf0dbf90 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/compgen.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/compgen.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # compgen > Um programa para auto completar comandos no Bash, ele é executado ao pressionar duas vezes a tecla TAB. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir todos os comandos que você pode executar: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cpuid.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cpuid.md index 21b909da6..0d0bc1f83 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/cpuid.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/cpuid.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cpuid > Exibe informações detalhadas sobre todas as CPUs. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir informações de todas as CPUs: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/diff3.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/diff3.md index eb4324a7e..b8daa9b59 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/diff3.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/diff3.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # diff3 > Compara 3 arquivos linha por linha. +> Mais informações: . - Comparar os arquivos: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmesg.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmesg.md index 8abad70af..a4655e6e1 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmesg.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmesg.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dmesg > Escreve as mensagens do kernel na terminal. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as mensagens do kernel: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmidecode.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmidecode.md index e1b4cf544..f04ae70c2 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmidecode.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dmidecode.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Exibe em formato de fácil leitura o sumário DMI (também conhecido como SMBIOS) . > Requer privilégio de super usuário. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir o sumário do DMI: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dpkg-query.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dpkg-query.md index e9146b415..e69d7df61 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/dpkg-query.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/dpkg-query.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dpkg-query > Ferramenta que mostra informações dos pacotes instalados. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir os pacotes instalados: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fatlabel.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fatlabel.md index 56dd98a24..c16714a3c 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fatlabel.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fatlabel.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fatlabel > Define ou exibe o rótulo de uma partição FAT32. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir o rótulo de uma partição FAT32: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc-list.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc-list.md index 03dd9a200..be63c976d 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc-list.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc-list.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-list > Exibe todas as fontes disponíveis no sistema. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as fontes instaladas correspondentes ao critério de busca: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc.md index 4af6f7b36..80010021a 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc > Abre o último comando executado em um editor de texto. +> Mais informações: . - Abrir o último comando executado no editor de texto padrão do sistema: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fdisk.md b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fdisk.md index c6e51170a..6e88ca190 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/linux/fdisk.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/linux/fdisk.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fdisk > Gerenciador de tabelas de partições e partições no disco rígido. +> Mais informações: . - Exibir as partições: diff --git a/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md b/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md index ed4c246b2..ded4f5704 100644 --- a/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md +++ b/pages.pt_PT/linux/gedit.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # gedit > Editor de texto para Desktop do GNOME. +> Mais informações: . - Abrir ficheiro de texto: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/ac.md b/pages.zh/linux/ac.md index fc9cbf134..fa137b9ff 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/ac.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/ac.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # ac > 打印用户连接时长数据。 +> 更多信息: . - 以小时为单位打印当前用户连接时间: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/add-apt-repository.md b/pages.zh/linux/add-apt-repository.md index 657d8f8af..3bf6a2e25 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/add-apt-repository.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/add-apt-repository.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # add-apt-repository > apt 仓库管理。 +> 更多信息: . - 添加一个新的 apt 仓库: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/addr2line.md b/pages.zh/linux/addr2line.md index feed57ad5..1d4dcd9ce 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/addr2line.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/addr2line.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # addr2line > 将二进制文件地址转换成文件名和行数。 +> 更多信息: . - 显示可执行文件的指令地址对应源代码的文件名和行数: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/amixer.md b/pages.zh/linux/amixer.md index 58be3bae0..aa12364c2 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/amixer.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/amixer.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # amixer > ALSA 声卡驱动程序的混合器。 +> 更多信息: . - 增加 10% 的主音量: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/apk.md b/pages.zh/linux/apk.md index e33291c90..cd92ae5a9 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/apk.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/apk.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # apk > Alpine Linux 的包管理工具. +> 更多信息: . - 从所有的远程仓库中更新仓库索引: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/archey.md b/pages.zh/linux/archey.md index d18db7c8f..957a41d91 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/archey.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/archey.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # archey > 一个可以以新颖的方式显示系统信息的简单工具. +> 更多信息: . - 显示系统信息: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/arp-scan.md b/pages.zh/linux/arp-scan.md index dc4b62d18..8e7e5eee5 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/arp-scan.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/arp-scan.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # arp-scan > 发送 ARP 数据包到特定主机(指定 IP 地址或主机名),来扫描本地网络. +> 更多信息: . - 扫描当前本地网络: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/as.md b/pages.zh/linux/as.md index fd010f470..fd6f7a97c 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/as.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/as.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > 一个可移植的 GUN 汇编器. > 主要用于汇编`gcc`的输出,以供链接器`ld`使用. +> 更多信息: . - 汇编一个文件,输出为 a.out: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/aspell.md b/pages.zh/linux/aspell.md index 383a1b85f..562d20d7f 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/aspell.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/aspell.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # aspell > 交互式拼写检查工具. +> 更多信息: . - 为一个文件做拼写检查: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/authconfig.md b/pages.zh/linux/authconfig.md index afc2dcc09..3c5e1e4aa 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/authconfig.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/authconfig.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # authconfig > 用于设置系统认证资源的命令行界面。 +> 更多信息: . - 显示当前的配置(或空运行): diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/autorandr.md b/pages.zh/linux/autorandr.md index dd066f5a3..cc199c71e 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/autorandr.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/autorandr.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # autorandr > 自动调节屏幕布局。 +> 更多信息: . - 保存当前屏幕布局: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/btrfs.md b/pages.zh/linux/btrfs.md index 29bf27f70..4f7837b35 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/btrfs.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/btrfs.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # btrfs > 一种基于写时复制(COW)原理的 Linux 文件系统。 +> 更多信息: . - 创建子卷: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/cpuid.md b/pages.zh/linux/cpuid.md index 5165b67da..4e2255bc6 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/cpuid.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/cpuid.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cpuid > 显示有关所有 CPU 的详细信息. +> 更多信息: . - 显示所有 CPU 的信息: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/dmenu.md b/pages.zh/linux/dmenu.md index 6c274621a..c3579f615 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/dmenu.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/dmenu.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > 动态菜单。 > 根据文本输入创建菜单,其中每一项都在新行中。 +> 更多信息: . - 显示 `ls` 命令输出的菜单: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/dmesg.md b/pages.zh/linux/dmesg.md index c36057bc1..a1ccc533c 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/dmesg.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/dmesg.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # dmesg > 显示或控制内核环形缓冲区。 -> 更多信息:. +> 更多信息: . - 显示来自内核环形缓冲区的所有消息: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/dos2unix.md b/pages.zh/linux/dos2unix.md index e167c8e6b..df4bd2f91 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/dos2unix.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/dos2unix.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > 将 DOS 样式的行尾更改为 Unix 样式. > 用 CR 替换 CRLF. +> 更多信息: . - 更改文件的行尾: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/fc-cache.md b/pages.zh/linux/fc-cache.md index 9b8644a96..a822b8801 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/fc-cache.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/fc-cache.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-cache > 扫描字体目录,以便建立字体缓存文件。 +> 更多信息: . - 生成字体缓存文件: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/fc-list.md b/pages.zh/linux/fc-list.md index 1aca9f45a..0aff7f3cd 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/fc-list.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/fc-list.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-list > 列出系统上安装的可用字体。 +> 更多信息: . - 返回系统中已安装字体的列表: diff --git a/pages.zh/linux/flatpak.md b/pages.zh/linux/flatpak.md index 596851bdc..60557da85 100644 --- a/pages.zh/linux/flatpak.md +++ b/pages.zh/linux/flatpak.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # flatpak > 构建、安装和运行 Flatpak 应用和运行时。 +> 更多信息: . - 运行已安装应用: diff --git a/pages/linux/ac.md b/pages/linux/ac.md index 728f1e14c..5318fe662 100644 --- a/pages/linux/ac.md +++ b/pages/linux/ac.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # ac > Print statistics on how long users have been connected. +> More information: . - Print how long the current user has been connected in hours: diff --git a/pages/linux/add-apt-repository.md b/pages/linux/add-apt-repository.md index 154a62ebd..16f22bd0c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/add-apt-repository.md +++ b/pages/linux/add-apt-repository.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # add-apt-repository > Manages apt repository definitions. +> More information: . - Add a new apt repository: diff --git a/pages/linux/addr2line.md b/pages/linux/addr2line.md index 4601e468a..ec58cdf48 100644 --- a/pages/linux/addr2line.md +++ b/pages/linux/addr2line.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # addr2line > Convert addresses of a binary into file names and line numbers. +> More information: . - Display the filename and line number of the source code from an instruction address of an executable: diff --git a/pages/linux/amixer.md b/pages/linux/amixer.md index fe7b71dec..732c62118 100644 --- a/pages/linux/amixer.md +++ b/pages/linux/amixer.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # amixer > Mixer for ALSA soundcard driver. +> More information: . - Turn up the master volume by 10%: diff --git a/pages/linux/apk.md b/pages/linux/apk.md index b2f9324bc..42b8fc601 100644 --- a/pages/linux/apk.md +++ b/pages/linux/apk.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # apk > Alpine Linux package management tool. +> More information: . - Update repository indexes from all remote repositories: diff --git a/pages/linux/archey.md b/pages/linux/archey.md index 297fcc661..f51a842bd 100644 --- a/pages/linux/archey.md +++ b/pages/linux/archey.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # archey > Simple tool for stylishly displaying system information. +> More information: . - Show system information: diff --git a/pages/linux/arp-scan.md b/pages/linux/arp-scan.md index 6458744eb..25cbcbba4 100644 --- a/pages/linux/arp-scan.md +++ b/pages/linux/arp-scan.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # arp-scan > Send ARP packets to hosts (specified as IP addresses or hostnames) to scan the local network. +> More information: . - Scan the current local network: diff --git a/pages/linux/as.md b/pages/linux/as.md index 9f9d95c19..f2fbb228b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/as.md +++ b/pages/linux/as.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Portable GNU assembler. > Primarily intended to assemble output from `gcc` to be used by `ld`. +> More information: . - Assemble a file, writing the output to `a.out`: diff --git a/pages/linux/aspell.md b/pages/linux/aspell.md index 52375f454..46a64672b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/aspell.md +++ b/pages/linux/aspell.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # aspell > Interactive spell checker. +> More information: . - Spell check a single file: diff --git a/pages/linux/authconfig.md b/pages/linux/authconfig.md index 90ff08060..2c932070d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/authconfig.md +++ b/pages/linux/authconfig.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # authconfig > A CLI interface for configuring system authentication resources. +> More information: . - Display the current configuration (or dry run): diff --git a/pages/linux/autorandr.md b/pages/linux/autorandr.md index 106fca3dd..109e94aba 100644 --- a/pages/linux/autorandr.md +++ b/pages/linux/autorandr.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # autorandr > Automatically change screen layout. +> More information: . - Save the current screen layout: diff --git a/pages/linux/beep.md b/pages/linux/beep.md index bb3127b4f..612fc0abb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/beep.md +++ b/pages/linux/beep.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # beep > A utility to beep the PC speaker. +> More information: . - Play a beep: diff --git a/pages/linux/betterlockscreen.md b/pages/linux/betterlockscreen.md index b73f44a54..0d56531e3 100644 --- a/pages/linux/betterlockscreen.md +++ b/pages/linux/betterlockscreen.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # betterlockscreen > Simple, minimal lock screen. +> More information: . - Lock the screen: diff --git a/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md b/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md index aef677e04..738405a96 100644 --- a/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md +++ b/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # blkdiscard > Discards device sectors on storage devices. Useful for SSDs. +> More information: . - Discard all sectors on a device, removing all data: diff --git a/pages/linux/blkid.md b/pages/linux/blkid.md index 9c9756e68..e175122fe 100644 --- a/pages/linux/blkid.md +++ b/pages/linux/blkid.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # blkid > Lists all recognized partitions and their Universally Unique Identifier (UUID). +> More information: . - List all partitions: diff --git a/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md b/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md index 162fd5cc0..a889a1e06 100644 --- a/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # bluetoothctl > Handling bluetooth devices from the shell. +> More information: . - Enter the bluetoothctl shell: diff --git a/pages/linux/bmon.md b/pages/linux/bmon.md index 6a5dd53b9..b0a87cde9 100644 --- a/pages/linux/bmon.md +++ b/pages/linux/bmon.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # bmon > Monitor bandwidth and capture network related statistics. +> More information: . - Display the list of all the interfaces: diff --git a/pages/linux/brctl.md b/pages/linux/brctl.md index 60dec3177..f8f9de73f 100644 --- a/pages/linux/brctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/brctl.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # brctl > Ethernet bridge administration. +> More information: . - Show a list with information about currently existing ethernet bridges: diff --git a/pages/linux/btrfs.md b/pages/linux/btrfs.md index d0c534643..dfcb6e8d3 100644 --- a/pages/linux/btrfs.md +++ b/pages/linux/btrfs.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # btrfs > A filesystem based on the copy-on-write (COW) principle for Linux. +> More information: . - Create subvolume: diff --git a/pages/linux/cal.md b/pages/linux/cal.md index 447196300..926f2f14e 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cal.md +++ b/pages/linux/cal.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cal > Prints calendar information, with the current day highlighted. +> More information: . - Display a calendar for the current month: diff --git a/pages/linux/calc.md b/pages/linux/calc.md index e16afd303..e3737334a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/calc.md +++ b/pages/linux/calc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # calc > An interactive arbitrary-precision calculator on the terminal. +> More information: . - Start calc in interactive mode: diff --git a/pages/linux/chage.md b/pages/linux/chage.md index 6edcb2f93..05bc7c358 100644 --- a/pages/linux/chage.md +++ b/pages/linux/chage.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chage > Change user account and password expiry information. +> More information: . - List password information for the user: diff --git a/pages/linux/chattr.md b/pages/linux/chattr.md index 54a5446b7..15430a652 100644 --- a/pages/linux/chattr.md +++ b/pages/linux/chattr.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chattr > Change attributes of files or directories. +> More information: . - Make a file or directory immutable to changes and deletion, even by superuser: diff --git a/pages/linux/chcpu.md b/pages/linux/chcpu.md index 3c761c639..180ecf7ca 100644 --- a/pages/linux/chcpu.md +++ b/pages/linux/chcpu.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chcpu > Enable/disable a system's CPUs. +> More information: . - Disable CPUs via a list of CPU ID numbers: diff --git a/pages/linux/chfn.md b/pages/linux/chfn.md index 104298263..dabb6c4d5 100644 --- a/pages/linux/chfn.md +++ b/pages/linux/chfn.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chfn > Update `finger` info for a user. +> More information: . - Update a user's "Name" field in the output of `finger`: diff --git a/pages/linux/chkconfig.md b/pages/linux/chkconfig.md index 8ce18f285..f20847ff3 100644 --- a/pages/linux/chkconfig.md +++ b/pages/linux/chkconfig.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # chkconfig > Manage the runlevel of services on CentOS 6. +> More information: . - List services with runlevel: diff --git a/pages/linux/cmus.md b/pages/linux/cmus.md index 8178f72ac..f58d06231 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cmus.md +++ b/pages/linux/cmus.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Command-line Music Player. > Use arrow keys to navigate, `` to select, and numbers 1-8 switch between different views. +> More information: . - Open cmus into the specified directory (this will become your new working directory): diff --git a/pages/linux/colrm.md b/pages/linux/colrm.md index dad912ac8..9bba455c1 100644 --- a/pages/linux/colrm.md +++ b/pages/linux/colrm.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # colrm > Remove columns from stdin. +> More information: . - Remove first column of stdin: diff --git a/pages/linux/compgen.md b/pages/linux/compgen.md index 15e350519..99e6ae531 100644 --- a/pages/linux/compgen.md +++ b/pages/linux/compgen.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # compgen > A built-in command for auto-completion in bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice. +> More information: . - List all commands that you could run: diff --git a/pages/linux/compose.md b/pages/linux/compose.md index 3930de492..7de476d50 100644 --- a/pages/linux/compose.md +++ b/pages/linux/compose.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > An alias to a `run-mailcap`'s action compose. > Originally `run-mailcap` is used to mime-type/file. +> More information: . - Compose action can be used to compose any existing file or new on default mailcap edit tool: diff --git a/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md b/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md index f18f3e3c3..357967cf6 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md +++ b/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Calculate the average CPU frequency over a time period. > Requires root privileges. +> More information: . - Start calculating, defaulting to all CPU cores and 1 second refresh interval: diff --git a/pages/linux/cpufreq-info.md b/pages/linux/cpufreq-info.md index af14d1a67..f2c2cf4ec 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cpufreq-info.md +++ b/pages/linux/cpufreq-info.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cpufreq-info > A tool to show CPU frequency information. +> More information: . - Show CPU frequency information for all CPUs: diff --git a/pages/linux/cpufreq-set.md b/pages/linux/cpufreq-set.md index 57e973857..4c4c1ee2f 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cpufreq-set.md +++ b/pages/linux/cpufreq-set.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > A tool to modify CPU frequency settings. > The frequency value should range between the output of command `cpufreq-info -l`. +> More information: . - Set the CPU frequency policy of CPU 1 to "userspace": diff --git a/pages/linux/cpuid.md b/pages/linux/cpuid.md index 24d7c7273..97d9710d2 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cpuid.md +++ b/pages/linux/cpuid.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cpuid > Display detailed information about all CPUs. +> More information: . - Display information for all CPUs: diff --git a/pages/linux/create_ap.md b/pages/linux/create_ap.md index e729db08d..65ba584b5 100644 --- a/pages/linux/create_ap.md +++ b/pages/linux/create_ap.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # create_ap > Create an AP (Access Point) at any channel. +> More information: . - Create an open network with no passphrase: diff --git a/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md b/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md index 246523a38..c5ca535ce 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md +++ b/pages/linux/cryptsetup.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # cryptsetup > Manage plain dm-crypt and LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) encrypted volumes. +> More information: . - Initialize a LUKS volume (overwrites all data on the partition): diff --git a/pages/linux/datamash.md b/pages/linux/datamash.md index 35fe08e3e..bbc79541a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/datamash.md +++ b/pages/linux/datamash.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # datamash > Tool to perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. +> More information: . - Get max, min, mean and median of a single column of numbers: diff --git a/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md b/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md index d8aee28db..d6144afe0 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md +++ b/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dbus-daemon > The D-Bus message daemon, allowing multiple programs to exchange messages. +> More information: . - Run the daemon with a configuration file: diff --git a/pages/linux/debman.md b/pages/linux/debman.md index ee2522bf1..44b004e02 100644 --- a/pages/linux/debman.md +++ b/pages/linux/debman.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # debman > Read man pages from uninstalled packages. +> More information: . - Read a man page for a command that is provided by a specified package name: diff --git a/pages/linux/debugfs.md b/pages/linux/debugfs.md index 3e282fdd9..f8d92a766 100644 --- a/pages/linux/debugfs.md +++ b/pages/linux/debugfs.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # debugfs > An interactive ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem debugger. +> More information: . - Open the filesystem in read only mode: diff --git a/pages/linux/diff3.md b/pages/linux/diff3.md index 4f01f7d4f..bbd226e35 100644 --- a/pages/linux/diff3.md +++ b/pages/linux/diff3.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # diff3 > Compare three files line by line. +> More information: . - Compare files: diff --git a/pages/linux/disown.md b/pages/linux/disown.md index b808737cf..75cc98d73 100644 --- a/pages/linux/disown.md +++ b/pages/linux/disown.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Allow sub-processes to live beyond the shell that they are attached to. > See also the `jobs` command. +> More information: . - Disown the current job: diff --git a/pages/linux/dmenu.md b/pages/linux/dmenu.md index a102df886..5201208a3 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dmenu.md +++ b/pages/linux/dmenu.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Dynamic menu. > Creates a menu from a text input with each item on a new line. +> More information: . - Display a menu of the output of the `ls` command: diff --git a/pages/linux/dmesg.md b/pages/linux/dmesg.md index 92d1dfab1..e561bea4c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dmesg.md +++ b/pages/linux/dmesg.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dmesg > Write the kernel messages to standard output. +> More information: . - Show kernel messages: diff --git a/pages/linux/dmidecode.md b/pages/linux/dmidecode.md index f23ce42bb..0bd2b612b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dmidecode.md +++ b/pages/linux/dmidecode.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Display the DMI (alternatively known as SMBIOS) table contents in a human-readable format. > Requires root privileges. +> More information: . - Show all DMI table contents: diff --git a/pages/linux/do-release-upgrade.md b/pages/linux/do-release-upgrade.md index 1ae1d18cf..b9b445d40 100644 --- a/pages/linux/do-release-upgrade.md +++ b/pages/linux/do-release-upgrade.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # do-release-upgrade > The Ubuntu release upgrader. +> More information: . - Upgrade to the latest release: diff --git a/pages/linux/dos2unix.md b/pages/linux/dos2unix.md index a3722cc09..5d8d264ee 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dos2unix.md +++ b/pages/linux/dos2unix.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Change DOS-style line endings to Unix-style. > Replaces CRLF with CR. +> More information: . - Change the line endings of a file: diff --git a/pages/linux/dpkg-query.md b/pages/linux/dpkg-query.md index b6069ad9a..84fdc2395 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dpkg-query.md +++ b/pages/linux/dpkg-query.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # dpkg-query > A tool that shows information about installed packages. +> More information: . - List all installed packages: diff --git a/pages/linux/dunstify.md b/pages/linux/dunstify.md index 309c99195..20dc6073a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dunstify.md +++ b/pages/linux/dunstify.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > A notification tool that is an extension of notify-send, but has more features based around dunst. > Works with all options that work for notify-send. +> More information: . - Show a notification with a given title and message: diff --git a/pages/linux/e2fsck.md b/pages/linux/e2fsck.md index 4ab434a49..2a53ddb72 100644 --- a/pages/linux/e2fsck.md +++ b/pages/linux/e2fsck.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # e2fsck > Check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem. The filesystem should be unmounted at the time the command is run. +> More information: . - Check filesystem, reporting any damaged blocks: diff --git a/pages/linux/e2label.md b/pages/linux/e2label.md index 280e2bd0d..01b9f2179 100644 --- a/pages/linux/e2label.md +++ b/pages/linux/e2label.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # e2label > Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem. +> More information: . - Change the volume label on a specific ext partition: diff --git a/pages/linux/e4defrag.md b/pages/linux/e4defrag.md index e3249d589..788e05d14 100644 --- a/pages/linux/e4defrag.md +++ b/pages/linux/e4defrag.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # e4defrag > Defragment an ext4 filesystem. +> More information: . - Defragment the filesystem: diff --git a/pages/linux/ebuild.md b/pages/linux/ebuild.md index 6ee5a3345..9ed701d06 100644 --- a/pages/linux/ebuild.md +++ b/pages/linux/ebuild.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # ebuild > A low level interface to the Gentoo Portage system. +> More information: . - Create or update the package manifest: diff --git a/pages/linux/edit.md b/pages/linux/edit.md index 2b6204677..1cabfb8c3 100644 --- a/pages/linux/edit.md +++ b/pages/linux/edit.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > An alias to a `run-mailcap`'s action edit. > Originally `run-mailcap` is used to process/edit mime-type/file. +> More information: . - Edit action can be used to view any file on default mailcap explorer: diff --git a/pages/linux/edquota.md b/pages/linux/edquota.md index bd3b261a2..9931a4386 100644 --- a/pages/linux/edquota.md +++ b/pages/linux/edquota.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Edit quotas for a user or group. By default it operates on all filesystems with quotas. > Quota information is stored permanently in the `quota.user` and `quota.group` files in the root of the filesystem. +> More information: . - Edit quota of the current user: diff --git a/pages/linux/eix.md b/pages/linux/eix.md index 7239454ef..71957d868 100644 --- a/pages/linux/eix.md +++ b/pages/linux/eix.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Utilities for searching local Gentoo packages. > Update local package cache using `eix-update`. +> More information: . - Search for a package: diff --git a/pages/linux/eject.md b/pages/linux/eject.md index 11bf9ae55..46bb480d0 100644 --- a/pages/linux/eject.md +++ b/pages/linux/eject.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # eject > Eject cds, floppy disks and tape drives. +> More information: . - Display the default device: diff --git a/pages/linux/emerge.md b/pages/linux/emerge.md index 3eee53fd3..82777ee35 100644 --- a/pages/linux/emerge.md +++ b/pages/linux/emerge.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # emerge > Gentoo Linux package manager utility. +> More information: . - Synchronize all packages: diff --git a/pages/linux/enum4linux.md b/pages/linux/enum4linux.md index 75bcbc908..54012adea 100644 --- a/pages/linux/enum4linux.md +++ b/pages/linux/enum4linux.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Tool for enumerating Windows and Samba information from remote systems. > It attempts to offer similar functionality to enum.exe formerly available from www.bindview.com. +> More information: . - Try to enumerate using all methods: diff --git a/pages/linux/equery.md b/pages/linux/equery.md index d785f1975..3641bfd4a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/equery.md +++ b/pages/linux/equery.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # equery > View information about Portage packages. +> More information: . - List all installed packages: diff --git a/pages/linux/eval.md b/pages/linux/eval.md index ee1135a91..ab466ad4d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/eval.md +++ b/pages/linux/eval.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # eval > Execute arguments as a single command in the current shell and return its result. +> More information: . - Call `echo` with the "foo" argument: diff --git a/pages/linux/export.md b/pages/linux/export.md index 06ebceb93..b55408112 100644 --- a/pages/linux/export.md +++ b/pages/linux/export.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # export > Command to mark shell variables in the current environment to be exported with any newly forked child processes. +> More information: . - Set a new environment variable: diff --git a/pages/linux/f5fpc.md b/pages/linux/f5fpc.md index a9d32c878..5f1689624 100644 --- a/pages/linux/f5fpc.md +++ b/pages/linux/f5fpc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # f5fpc > A proprietry commercial SSL VPN client by BIG-IP Edge. +> More information: . - Open a new VPN connection: diff --git a/pages/linux/fallocate.md b/pages/linux/fallocate.md index 49e474fd7..0a5ab91d6 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fallocate.md +++ b/pages/linux/fallocate.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Reserve or deallocate disk space to files. > The utility allocates space without zeroing. +> More information: . - Reserve a file taking up 700MB of disk space: diff --git a/pages/linux/fatlabel.md b/pages/linux/fatlabel.md index 9a742ce4d..1b100d305 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fatlabel.md +++ b/pages/linux/fatlabel.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fatlabel > Sets or gets the label of a FAT32 partition. +> More information: . - Get the label of a FAT32 partition: diff --git a/pages/linux/fc-cache.md b/pages/linux/fc-cache.md index 47e8592aa..2ba5fcb20 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc-cache.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc-cache.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-cache > Scan font directories in order to build font cache files. +> More information: . - Generate font cache files: diff --git a/pages/linux/fc-list.md b/pages/linux/fc-list.md index d0e38f14a..07c8bca66 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc-list.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc-list.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-list > List available fonts installed on the system. +> More information: . - Return a list of installed fonts in your system: diff --git a/pages/linux/fc-match.md b/pages/linux/fc-match.md index 9af18eefb..632ec6367 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc-match.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc-match.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-match > Match available fonts. +> More information: . - Return a sorted list of best matching fonts: diff --git a/pages/linux/fc-pattern.md b/pages/linux/fc-pattern.md index 3ca45e60d..9c3c546cc 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc-pattern.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc-pattern.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc-pattern > Shows information about a font matching a pattern. +> More information: . - Display default information about a font: diff --git a/pages/linux/fc.md b/pages/linux/fc.md index 7e6c46410..cb8e4dc1d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fc > Open the most recent command and edit it. +> More information: . - Open in the default system editor: diff --git a/pages/linux/fcrackzip.md b/pages/linux/fcrackzip.md index 54701fed7..bb41eb44b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fcrackzip.md +++ b/pages/linux/fcrackzip.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fcrackzip > ZIP archive password cracking utility. +> More information: . - Brute-force a password with a length of 4 to 8 characters, and contains only alphanumeric characters (order matters): diff --git a/pages/linux/fdisk.md b/pages/linux/fdisk.md index ffda822ae..45ba06279 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fdisk.md +++ b/pages/linux/fdisk.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > A program for managing partition tables and partitions on a hard disk. > See also: `partprobe`. +> More information: . - List partitions: diff --git a/pages/linux/feh.md b/pages/linux/feh.md index 84bb2da03..55510fa06 100644 --- a/pages/linux/feh.md +++ b/pages/linux/feh.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # feh > Lightweight image viewing utility. +> More information: . - View images locally or using a URL: diff --git a/pages/linux/file-rename.md b/pages/linux/file-rename.md index e183bc9e4..74b2d540e 100644 --- a/pages/linux/file-rename.md +++ b/pages/linux/file-rename.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Rename multiple files. > NOTE: this page refers to the command from the `file-rename` Debian package. +> More information: . - Rename files using a Perl Common Regular Expression (substitute 'foo' with 'bar' wherever found): diff --git a/pages/linux/file.md b/pages/linux/file.md index 785cee746..68abb8544 100644 --- a/pages/linux/file.md +++ b/pages/linux/file.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # file > Determine file type. +> More information: . - Give a description of the type of the specified file. Works fine for files with no file extension: diff --git a/pages/linux/findmnt.md b/pages/linux/findmnt.md index f3d7c3eb0..d475e5df6 100644 --- a/pages/linux/findmnt.md +++ b/pages/linux/findmnt.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # findmnt > Find your filesystem. +> More information: . - List all mounted filesystems: diff --git a/pages/linux/firejail.md b/pages/linux/firejail.md index 4d98dd035..688a7481f 100644 --- a/pages/linux/firejail.md +++ b/pages/linux/firejail.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # firejail > Securely sandboxes processes to containers using built-in Linux capabilities. +> More information: . - Integrate firejail with your desktop environment: diff --git a/pages/linux/firewall-cmd.md b/pages/linux/firewall-cmd.md index a60d445c1..37330cfff 100644 --- a/pages/linux/firewall-cmd.md +++ b/pages/linux/firewall-cmd.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # firewall-cmd > The firewalld command-line client. +> More information: . - View the available firewall zones: diff --git a/pages/linux/flatpak.md b/pages/linux/flatpak.md index 5270c8874..9962c263c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/flatpak.md +++ b/pages/linux/flatpak.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # flatpak > Build, install and run flatpak applications and runtimes. +> More information: . - Run an installed application: diff --git a/pages/linux/foreman.md b/pages/linux/foreman.md index 67c4e35ce..288c64c68 100644 --- a/pages/linux/foreman.md +++ b/pages/linux/foreman.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # foreman > Manage Procfile-based applications. +> More information: . - Start an application with the Procfile in the current directory: diff --git a/pages/linux/free.md b/pages/linux/free.md index 405326a66..e8a5df852 100644 --- a/pages/linux/free.md +++ b/pages/linux/free.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # free > Display amount of free and used memory in the system. +> More information: . - Display system memory: diff --git a/pages/linux/fsck.md b/pages/linux/fsck.md index f627dc567..28054da8e 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fsck.md +++ b/pages/linux/fsck.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fsck > Check the integrity of a filesystem or repair it. The filesystem should be unmounted at the time the command is run. +> More information: . - Check filesystem `/dev/sdX`, reporting any damaged blocks: diff --git a/pages/linux/fstrim.md b/pages/linux/fstrim.md index 262f9d4c4..7e5a85892 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fstrim.md +++ b/pages/linux/fstrim.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ > Discard unused blocks on a mounted filesystem. > Only supported by flash memory devices such as SSDs and microSD cards. +> More information: . - Trim unused blocks on all mounted partitions that support it: diff --git a/pages/linux/fuser.md b/pages/linux/fuser.md index 442892048..8391f7212 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fuser.md +++ b/pages/linux/fuser.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # fuser > Display process IDs currently using files or sockets. +> More information: . - Find which processes are accessing a file or directory: diff --git a/pages/linux/gedit.md b/pages/linux/gedit.md index 0486e170c..f14ddfd94 100644 --- a/pages/linux/gedit.md +++ b/pages/linux/gedit.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # gedit > Text editor of the GNOME Desktop project. +> More information: . - Open a text file: diff --git a/pages/linux/genkernel.md b/pages/linux/genkernel.md index 7b5320bd5..62256bd69 100644 --- a/pages/linux/genkernel.md +++ b/pages/linux/genkernel.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # genkernel > Gentoo Linux utility to compile and install kernels. +> More information: . - Automatically compile and install a generic kernel: diff --git a/pages/linux/getent.md b/pages/linux/getent.md index c0b86ed54..b5785a360 100644 --- a/pages/linux/getent.md +++ b/pages/linux/getent.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # getent > Get entries from Name Service Switch libraries. +> More information: . - Get list of all groups: diff --git a/pages/linux/getfacl.md b/pages/linux/getfacl.md index 5a930ce1b..968af59a9 100644 --- a/pages/linux/getfacl.md +++ b/pages/linux/getfacl.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # getfacl > Get file access control lists. +> More information: . - Display the file access control list: diff --git a/pages/linux/gnome-terminal.md b/pages/linux/gnome-terminal.md index cd9ccae43..9f530a781 100644 --- a/pages/linux/gnome-terminal.md +++ b/pages/linux/gnome-terminal.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # gnome-terminal > The GNOME Terminal emulator. +> More information: . - Open a new GNOME terminal window: diff --git a/pages/linux/gpasswd.md b/pages/linux/gpasswd.md index 78008fba8..1fb9349bf 100644 --- a/pages/linux/gpasswd.md +++ b/pages/linux/gpasswd.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # gpasswd > Administer `/etc/group` and `/etc/gshadow`. +> More information: . - Define group administrators: diff --git a/pages/linux/gs.md b/pages/linux/gs.md index 9bd14957d..91bef6161 100644 --- a/pages/linux/gs.md +++ b/pages/linux/gs.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # gs > GhostScript is a PDF and PostScript interpreter. +> More information: . - To view a file: diff --git a/pages/linux/guake.md b/pages/linux/guake.md index 3fa98e48b..c1f5693a2 100644 --- a/pages/linux/guake.md +++ b/pages/linux/guake.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # guake > A drop-down terminal for GNOME. +> More information: . - Toggle Guake visibility: diff --git a/pages/linux/guix-package.md b/pages/linux/guix-package.md index a3b054480..07b688171 100644 --- a/pages/linux/guix-package.md +++ b/pages/linux/guix-package.md @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # guix package > Install, upgrade and remove Guix packages, or rollback to previous configurations. +> More information: . - Install a new package: