diff --git a/pages/linux/blastn.md b/pages/linux/blastn.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..551a37995 --- /dev/null +++ b/pages/linux/blastn.md @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# blastn + +> Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST. +> More information: . + +- Align two or more sequences using megablast (default), with the e-value threshold of 1e-9, pairwise output format (default): + +`blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -evalue {{1e-9}}` + +- Align two or more sequences using blastn: + +`blastn -task blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}}` + +- Align two or more sequences, custom tabular output format, output to file: + +`blastn -query {{query.fa}} -subject {{subject.fa}} -outfmt {{'6 qseqid qlen qstart qend sseqid slen sstart send bitscore evalue pident'}} -out {{output.tsv}}` + +- Search nucleotide databases using a nucleotide query, 16 threads (CPUs) to use in the BLAST search, with a maximum number of 10 aligned sequences to keep: + +`blastn -query {{query.fa}} -db {{path/to/blast_db}} -num_threads {{16}} -max_target_seqs {{10}}` + +- Search the remote non-redundant nucleotide database using a nucleotide query: + +`blastn -query {{query.fa}} -db {{nt}} -remote` + +- Display help (use `-help` for detailed help): + +`blastn -h`