diff --git a/pages/android/am.md b/pages/android/am.md index 2689e2965..9698a4ad6 100644 --- a/pages/android/am.md +++ b/pages/android/am.md @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `am start -a {{android.intent.action.MAIN}} -c {{android.intent.category.HOME}}` -- Convert an intent to an URI: +- Convert an intent to a URI: `am to-uri -a {{android.intent.action.VIEW}} -d {{tel:123}}` diff --git a/pages/android/getprop.md b/pages/android/getprop.md index ef0cbc66b..81438d8fa 100644 --- a/pages/android/getprop.md +++ b/pages/android/getprop.md @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ `getprop {{ro.oem_unlock_supported}}` -- Display the MAC address of the Android's WiFi card: +- Display the MAC address of the Android's Wi-Fi card: `getprop {{ro.boot.wifimacaddr}}` diff --git a/pages/common/acme.sh-dns.md b/pages/common/acme.sh-dns.md index 77dd81aae..c0df64944 100644 --- a/pages/common/acme.sh-dns.md +++ b/pages/common/acme.sh-dns.md @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ - Issue a wildcard certificate (denoted by an asterisk) using an automatic DNS API mode: -`acme.sh --issue --dns {{dns_namesilo}} --domain {{example.com}} --domain {{*.example.com}}` +`acme.sh --issue --dns {{dns_namesilo}} --domain {{example.com}} --domain {{*.example.com}}` - Issue a certificate using a DNS alias mode: diff --git a/pages/common/ansible-playbook.md b/pages/common/ansible-playbook.md index 51e1605d8..567fcafe7 100644 --- a/pages/common/ansible-playbook.md +++ b/pages/common/ansible-playbook.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "{{variable1}}={{value1}} {{variable2}}={{value2}}"` -- Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined in a json file: +- Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined in a JSON file: `ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "@{{variables.json}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/apropos.md b/pages/common/apropos.md index 431205e19..aacfbd5d0 100644 --- a/pages/common/apropos.md +++ b/pages/common/apropos.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `apropos -l {{regular_expression}}` -- Search for pages that contain all of the expressions given: +- Search for pages that contain all the expressions given: `apropos {{regular_expression_1}} -a {{regular_expression_2}} -a {{regular_expression_3}}` diff --git a/pages/common/aria2c.md b/pages/common/aria2c.md index 323dec6a5..6dd63784f 100644 --- a/pages/common/aria2c.md +++ b/pages/common/aria2c.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ `aria2c --force-sequential {{url_1}} {{url_2}}` -- Download from multiple sources each URI pointing to the same file: +- Download from multiple sources with each URI pointing to the same file: `aria2c {{url_1}} {{url_2}}` diff --git a/pages/common/arping.md b/pages/common/arping.md index ebbd2ffaa..a6723e20c 100644 --- a/pages/common/arping.md +++ b/pages/common/arping.md @@ -24,6 +24,6 @@ `arping -U {{ip_to_broadcast}}` -- Detect duplicated IP addresses in the network by sending ARP requests with a 3 seconds timeout: +- Detect duplicated IP addresses in the network by sending ARP requests with a 3 second timeout: `arping -D -w {{3}} {{ip_to_check}}` diff --git a/pages/common/atq.md b/pages/common/atq.md index 8efa034d7..2d91dac2b 100644 --- a/pages/common/atq.md +++ b/pages/common/atq.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `atq -q {{a}}` -- Show jobs of all users (run as super user): +- Show jobs of all users (run as superuser): `sudo atq` diff --git a/pages/common/aws.md b/pages/common/aws.md index 6f8b5cfa5..88e5a7e3a 100644 --- a/pages/common/aws.md +++ b/pages/common/aws.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `aws sts get-caller-identity` -- List AWS resources in a region and output in yaml: +- List AWS resources in a region and output in YAML: `aws dynamodb list-tables --region {{us-east-1}} --output yaml` diff --git a/pages/common/bastet.md b/pages/common/bastet.md index 94f0d0779..71bd160ba 100644 --- a/pages/common/bastet.md +++ b/pages/common/bastet.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Clone of the game Tetris in the terminal. > More information: . -- Start a tetris game: +- Start a Tetris game: `bastet` diff --git a/pages/common/bat.md b/pages/common/bat.md index 549078b5f..747f9b016 100644 --- a/pages/common/bat.md +++ b/pages/common/bat.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `bat -n {{file}}` -- Syntax highlight a json file: +- Syntax highlight a JSON file: `bat --language json {{file.json}}` diff --git a/pages/common/bedtools.md b/pages/common/bedtools.md index 2c455c9d2..523fff21f 100644 --- a/pages/common/bedtools.md +++ b/pages/common/bedtools.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Used to intersect, group, convert and count data in BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF format. > More information: . -- Intersect two files with respect to the sequences' strand and save the result to {{`path/to/output_file`}}: +- Intersect two files regarding the sequences' strand and save the result to the specified file: `bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/brotli.md b/pages/common/brotli.md index 7edada2bd..5bf484848 100644 --- a/pages/common/brotli.md +++ b/pages/common/brotli.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -# Brotli +# brotli -> Compress/uncompress files with brotli compression. +> Compress/uncompress files with Brotli compression. > More information: . - Compress a file, creating a compressed version next to the file: @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `brotli {{file.ext}} -o {{compressed_file.ext.br}}` -- Decompress a brotli file specifying the output filename: +- Decompress a Brotli file specifying the output filename: `brotli -d {{compressed_file.ext.br}} -o {{file.ext}}` diff --git a/pages/common/browser-sync.md b/pages/common/browser-sync.md index cd3bcff04..2b45d057a 100644 --- a/pages/common/browser-sync.md +++ b/pages/common/browser-sync.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `browser-sync start --server {{path/to/directory}} --files {{path/to/directory}}` -- Start a server from local directory, watching all css files in some directory: +- Start a server from local directory, watching all CSS files in a directory: `browser-sync start --server --files '{{path/to/directory/*.css}}'` diff --git a/pages/common/btm.md b/pages/common/btm.md index 43d13b8fa..a34ab0500 100644 --- a/pages/common/btm.md +++ b/pages/common/btm.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Aims to be lightweight, cross-platform and more graphical than `top`. > More information: . -- Show the default layout (cpu, memory, temperatures, disk, network, and processes): +- Show the default layout (CPU, memory, temperatures, disk, network, and processes): `btm` diff --git a/pages/common/cd.md b/pages/common/cd.md index 645733df5..3e3651d6d 100644 --- a/pages/common/cd.md +++ b/pages/common/cd.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `cd {{path/to/directory}}` -- Go to home directory of current user: +- Go to the home directory of the current user: `cd` diff --git a/pages/common/chroma.md b/pages/common/chroma.md index 827eb11b8..30fab87ad 100644 --- a/pages/common/chroma.md +++ b/pages/common/chroma.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ `chroma --lexer="{{python}}" {{source_file}}` -- Highlight a source file with Go lexer and output to a HTML file: +- Highlight a source file with the Go lexer and output to an HTML file: `chroma --lexer="{{go}}" --formatter="{{html}}" {{source_file}} > {{html_file}}` -- Highlight a source file with C++ lexer and output to an SVG image, using the Monokai style: +- Highlight a source file with the C++ lexer and output to an SVG, using the Monokai style: `chroma --lexer="{{c++}}" --formatter="{{svg}}" --syle="{{monokai}}" {{source_file}} > {{svg_file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/chromium.md b/pages/common/chromium.md index 7647337d1..ecae59b69 100644 --- a/pages/common/chromium.md +++ b/pages/common/chromium.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `chromium {{path/to/file.html}}` -- Open an URL: +- Open a URL: `chromium {{example.com}}` diff --git a/pages/common/cksum.md b/pages/common/cksum.md index 81b2ed377..2bc485c72 100644 --- a/pages/common/cksum.md +++ b/pages/common/cksum.md @@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ > Note, on old UNIX systems the CRC implementation may differ. > More information: . -- Display a 32 bit checksum, size in bytes and filename: +- Display a 32-bit checksum, size in bytes and filename: `cksum {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/common/code.md b/pages/common/code.md index 129252f92..a867d6686 100644 --- a/pages/common/code.md +++ b/pages/common/code.md @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ `code -d {{file1}} {{file2}}` -- Open VS Code with super user (sudo) permissions: +- Open VS Code with superuser (sudo) permissions: `sudo code {{path/to/file_or_directory}} --user-data-dir` diff --git a/pages/common/column.md b/pages/common/column.md index 0b51f58f7..220940e91 100644 --- a/pages/common/column.md +++ b/pages/common/column.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `printf "header1 header2\nbar foo\n" | column --table` -- Specify the column delimiter character for the `--table` option (e.g. "," for csv) (defaults to whitespace): +- Specify the column delimiter character for the `--table` option (e.g. "," for CSV) (defaults to whitespace): `printf "header1,header2\nbar,foo\n" | column --table --separator {{,}}` diff --git a/pages/common/conda-create.md b/pages/common/conda-create.md index 1e1d9f431..133531b3c 100644 --- a/pages/common/conda-create.md +++ b/pages/common/conda-create.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Create new conda environments. > More information: . -- Create a new environment named `py39`, and install Python 3.9 and numpy v1.11 or above in it: +- Create a new environment named `py39`, and install Python 3.9 and NumPy v1.11 or above in it: `conda create --yes --name {{py39}} python={{3.9}} "{{numpy>=1.11}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/convert.md b/pages/common/convert.md index 3e9bb274d..a1785d0a8 100644 --- a/pages/common/convert.md +++ b/pages/common/convert.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ `convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} -append {{image123.png}}` -- Create a gif from a series of images with 100ms delay between them: +- Create a GIF from a series of images with 100ms delay between them: `convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} -delay {{10}} {{animation.gif}}` diff --git a/pages/common/cordova.md b/pages/common/cordova.md index dec33d36c..d3267d772 100644 --- a/pages/common/cordova.md +++ b/pages/common/cordova.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS. > More information: . -- Create a cordova project: +- Create a Cordova project: `cordova create {{path}} {{package_name}} {{project_name}}` @@ -11,18 +11,18 @@ `cordova info` -- Add a cordova platform: +- Add a Cordova platform: `cordova platform add {{platform}}` -- Remove a cordova platform: +- Remove a Cordova platform: `cordova platform remove {{platform}}` -- Add a cordova plugin: +- Add a Cordova plugin: `cordova plugin add {{pluginid}}` -- Remove a cordova plugin: +- Remove a Cordova plugin: `cordova plugin remove {{pluginid}}` diff --git a/pages/common/couchdb.md b/pages/common/couchdb.md index 74db89707..fd8ee8bb1 100644 --- a/pages/common/couchdb.md +++ b/pages/common/couchdb.md @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ > Command-line interface for Apache CouchDB database server. > More information: . -- Start couchdb: +- Start CouchDB: `couchdb` -- Start couchdb interactive shell: +- Start CouchDB interactive shell: `couchdb -i` -- Start couchdb as a background process: +- Start CouchDB as a background process: `couchdb -b` diff --git a/pages/common/cradle-elastic.md b/pages/common/cradle-elastic.md index f6458a084..a7b40141e 100644 --- a/pages/common/cradle-elastic.md +++ b/pages/common/cradle-elastic.md @@ -1,28 +1,28 @@ # cradle elastic -> Manage the ElasticSearch instances for a Cradle instance. +> Manage the Elasticsearch instances for a Cradle instance. > More information: . -- Truncate the ElasticSearch index: +- Truncate the Elasticsearch index: `cradle elastic flush` -- Truncate the ElasticSearch index for a specific package: +- Truncate the Elasticsearch index for a specific package: `cradle elastic flush {{package_name}}` -- Submit the ElasticSearch schema: +- Submit the Elasticsearch schema: `cradle elastic map` -- Submit the ElasticSearch schema for a specific package: +- Submit the Elasticsearch schema for a specific package: `cradle elastic map {{package_name}}` -- Populate the ElasticSearch indices for all packages: +- Populate the Elasticsearch indices for all packages: `cradle elastic populate` -- Populate the ElasticSearch indices for a specific package: +- Populate the Elasticsearch indices for a specific package: `cradle elastic populate {{package_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/csslint.md b/pages/common/csslint.md index 6255ef354..b7db9420a 100644 --- a/pages/common/csslint.md +++ b/pages/common/csslint.md @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ `csslint --warnings={{box-sizing,selector-max,floats}} {{file.css}}` -- Specify certain rules to completely ignore: +- Specify certain rules to ignore: `csslint --ignore={{ids,rules-count,shorthand}} {{file.css}}` diff --git a/pages/common/curl.md b/pages/common/curl.md index 2ce58fde7..27030f235 100644 --- a/pages/common/curl.md +++ b/pages/common/curl.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Supports most protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and POP3. > More information: . -- Download the contents of an URL to a file: +- Download the contents of a URL to a file: `curl {{http://example.com}} --output {{filename}}` @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ `curl --data {{'{"name":"bob"}'}} --header {{'Content-Type: application/json'}} {{http://example.com/users/1234}}` -- Pass a user name and password for server authentication: +- Pass a username and password for server authentication: `curl --user myusername:mypassword {{http://example.com}}` diff --git a/pages/common/dcfldd.md b/pages/common/dcfldd.md index 2c89d15c6..48520fc7e 100644 --- a/pages/common/dcfldd.md +++ b/pages/common/dcfldd.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ `dcfldd if=/dev/{{disk_device}} of={{file.img}} hash=sha256 hashlog={{file.hash}}` -- Copy a disk to a raw image file, hashing each 1GB chunk: +- Copy a disk to a raw image file, hashing each 1 GB chunk: `dcfldd if=/dev/{{disk_device}} of={{file.img}} hash={{sha512|sha384|sha256|sha1|md5}} hashlog={{file.hash}} hashwindow={{1G}}` diff --git a/pages/common/dd.md b/pages/common/dd.md index 5815afee2..99e084efc 100644 --- a/pages/common/dd.md +++ b/pages/common/dd.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Convert and copy a file. > More information: . -- Make a bootable usb drive from an isohybrid file (such like `archlinux-xxx.iso`) and show the progress: +- Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid file (such like `archlinux-xxx.iso`) and show the progress: `dd if={{file.iso}} of=/dev/{{usb_drive}} status=progress` -- Clone a drive to another drive with 4MB block, ignore error and show progress: +- Clone a drive to another drive with 4 MiB block, ignore error and show progress: `dd if=/dev/{{source_drive}} of=/dev/{{dest_drive}} bs=4M conv=noerror status=progress` diff --git a/pages/common/detox.md b/pages/common/detox.md index e2995992b..99a00a476 100644 --- a/pages/common/detox.md +++ b/pages/common/detox.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ `detox {{file}}` -- Show how detox would rename all of the files in a directory tree: +- Show how detox would rename all the files in a directory tree: `detox --dry-run -r {{directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/df.md b/pages/common/df.md index e3a7a21e7..607f5fdc4 100644 --- a/pages/common/df.md +++ b/pages/common/df.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `df` -- Display all filesystems and their disk usage in human readable form: +- Display all filesystems and their disk usage in human-readable form: `df -h` diff --git a/pages/common/dfc.md b/pages/common/dfc.md index 8ed9c9dd0..e03c52be2 100644 --- a/pages/common/dfc.md +++ b/pages/common/dfc.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Gives an overview of the filesystem disk space usage with colours and graphs. > More information: . -- Display filesystems and their disk usage in human readable form with colours and graphs: +- Display filesystems and their disk usage in human-readable form with colours and graphs: `dfc` diff --git a/pages/common/diffoscope.md b/pages/common/diffoscope.md index 6c25a6fcd..89ec7b228 100644 --- a/pages/common/diffoscope.md +++ b/pages/common/diffoscope.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `diffoscope --no-progress {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` -- Compare two files and write a HTML-report to a file (use `-` for stdout): +- Compare two files and write an HTML-report to a file (use `-` for stdout): `diffoscope --html {{path/to/outfile|-}} {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` diff --git a/pages/common/django-admin.md b/pages/common/django-admin.md index 761b754c0..cead5371b 100644 --- a/pages/common/django-admin.md +++ b/pages/common/django-admin.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Django’s utility for administrative tasks. > More information: . -- Create a new django project: +- Create a new Django project: `django-admin startproject {{project_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/docker-exec.md b/pages/common/docker-exec.md index ff6ee9226..fc95d382f 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-exec.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-exec.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `docker exec --interactive --detach {{container_name}} {{command}}` -- Set an environment variable in a running bash session: +- Set an environment variable in a running Bash session: `docker exec --interactive --tty --env {{variable_name}}={{value}} {{container_name}} {{/bin/bash}}` diff --git a/pages/common/docker-network.md b/pages/common/docker-network.md index 38be8d686..1a5f92441 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-network.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-network.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `docker network ls` -- Create a user defined network: +- Create a user-defined network: `docker network create --driver {{driver_name}} {{network_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/docker-stats.md b/pages/common/docker-stats.md index 3738535e9..bb9310c77 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker-stats.md +++ b/pages/common/docker-stats.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `docker stats {{container_name}}` -- Change the columns format to display container's cpu usage percentage: +- Change the columns format to display container's CPU usage percentage: `docker stats --format "{{.Name}}:\t{{.CPUPerc}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/docker.md b/pages/common/docker.md index 4b87c36c3..012822986 100644 --- a/pages/common/docker.md +++ b/pages/common/docker.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ `docker pull {{image}}` -- Open a shell inside of an already running container: +- Open a shell inside a running container: `docker exec -it {{container_name}} {{sh}}` diff --git a/pages/common/dolt-config.md b/pages/common/dolt-config.md index ebdd79760..35656bccc 100644 --- a/pages/common/dolt-config.md +++ b/pages/common/dolt-config.md @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ `dolt config --get {{name}}` -- Modify the value of a local configuration variable, creating it if does not exist: +- Modify the value of a local configuration variable, creating it if it doesn't exist: `dolt config --add {{name}} {{value}}` -- Modify the value of a global configuration variable, creating it if does not exist: +- Modify the value of a global configuration variable, creating it if it doesn't exist: `dolt config --global --add {{name}} {{value}}` diff --git a/pages/common/dolt.md b/pages/common/dolt.md index c391443ed..27b11672e 100644 --- a/pages/common/dolt.md +++ b/pages/common/dolt.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # dolt -> Dolt is a SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a Git repository. +> Dolt is an SQL database that you can fork, clone, branch, merge, push and pull just like a Git repository. > More information: . - Execute a dolt subcommand: diff --git a/pages/common/dotnet.md b/pages/common/dotnet.md index 7753e4f9c..0bd669afd 100644 --- a/pages/common/dotnet.md +++ b/pages/common/dotnet.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `dotnet new {{template_short_name}}` -- Restore nuget packages: +- Restore NuGet packages: `dotnet restore` diff --git a/pages/common/du.md b/pages/common/du.md index 680f90634..6d2faa136 100644 --- a/pages/common/du.md +++ b/pages/common/du.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `du -h {{path/to/directory}}` -- Show the size of a single directory, in human readable units: +- Show the size of a single directory, in human-readable units: `du -sh {{path/to/directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/dvc-checkout.md b/pages/common/dvc-checkout.md index 22d7299e8..625bc39d0 100644 --- a/pages/common/dvc-checkout.md +++ b/pages/common/dvc-checkout.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `dvc checkout` -- Checkout to latest version of a specified target: +- Checkout the latest version of a specified target: `dvc checkout {{target}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ebook-convert.md b/pages/common/ebook-convert.md index 84205a217..e6a419717 100644 --- a/pages/common/ebook-convert.md +++ b/pages/common/ebook-convert.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # ebook-convert -> Can be used to convert e-books between common formats, e.g., pdf, epub and mobi. +> Can be used to convert e-books between common formats, e.g. PDF, EPUB and MOBI. > Part of the Calibre e-book library tool. > More information: . diff --git a/pages/common/envoy.md b/pages/common/envoy.md index ebff22fe7..ec88ddaa6 100644 --- a/pages/common/envoy.md +++ b/pages/common/envoy.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `envoy run --continue {{task_name}}` -- Dump a task as a bash script for inspection: +- Dump a task as a Bash script for inspection: `envoy run --pretend {{task_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/eslint.md b/pages/common/eslint.md index e11577957..7957b3a40 100644 --- a/pages/common/eslint.md +++ b/pages/common/eslint.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > A pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX. > More information: . -- Create eslint config: +- Create ESLint config: `eslint --init` diff --git a/pages/common/exrex.md b/pages/common/exrex.md index da62146e0..a8c8e8250 100644 --- a/pages/common/exrex.md +++ b/pages/common/exrex.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ `exrex --max-number {{100}} '{{regular_expression}}'` -- Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression, joined together by a custom delimiter string: +- Generate all possible strings that match a regular expression, joined by a custom delimiter string: `exrex --delimiter "{{, }}" '{{regular_expression}}'` diff --git a/pages/common/figlet.md b/pages/common/figlet.md index b001eb118..12d851cc7 100644 --- a/pages/common/figlet.md +++ b/pages/common/figlet.md @@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ `figlet {{input_text}} -f {{font_filename}}` -- Pipe command output through figlet: +- Pipe command output through FIGlet: `{{command}} | figlet` + +- Show available FIGlet fonts: + +`showfigfonts {{optional_string_to_display}}` diff --git a/pages/common/fisher.md b/pages/common/fisher.md index 866862a09..5060f8f3c 100644 --- a/pages/common/fisher.md +++ b/pages/common/fisher.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `fisher {{gist_url}}` -- Edit 'fishfile' by hand with your favorite editor and install multiple plugins: +- Edit 'fishfile' manually with your favorite editor and install multiple plugins: `{{editor}} ~/.config/fish/fishfile; fisher` diff --git a/pages/common/fkill.md b/pages/common/fkill.md index cb3ce5208..9bebad58d 100644 --- a/pages/common/fkill.md +++ b/pages/common/fkill.md @@ -7,6 +7,6 @@ `fkill` -- Kill the process by pid, name or port: +- Kill the process by PID, name or port: `fkill {{pid|name|:port}}` diff --git a/pages/common/flac.md b/pages/common/flac.md index ac61e3d2a..6bdde769e 100644 --- a/pages/common/flac.md +++ b/pages/common/flac.md @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@ # flac -> Encodes, decodes and tests flac files. +> Encodes, decodes and tests FLAC files. > More information: . -- Encode a wav file to flac (this will create a flac file in the same location as the wav file): +- Encode a WAV file to FLAC (this will create a FLAC file in the same location as the WAV file): `flac {{path/to/file.wav}}` -- Encode a wav file to flac, specifying the output file: +- Encode a WAV file to FLAC, specifying the output file: `flac -o {{path/to/output.flac}} {{path/to/file.wav}}` -- Decode a flac file to wav, specifying the output file: +- Decode a FLAC file to WAV, specifying the output file: `flac -d -o {{path/to/output.wav}} {{path/to/file.flac}}` -- Test a flac file for the correct encoding: +- Test a FLAC file for the correct encoding: `flac -t {{path/to/file.flac}}` diff --git a/pages/common/fswatch.md b/pages/common/fswatch.md index 69c8ab9f7..fd2e44860 100644 --- a/pages/common/fswatch.md +++ b/pages/common/fswatch.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > A cross-platform file change monitor. > More information: . -- Run a bash command on file creation, update or deletion: +- Run a Bash command on file creation, update or deletion: `fswatch {{path/to/file}} | xargs -n 1 {{bash_command}}` @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `fswatch {{path/to/directory}} | xargs -n 1 -I {} echo {}` -- Filter by event type, eg. Updated, Deleted or Created: +- Filter by event type: -`fswatch --event {{Updated}} {{path/to/directory}} | xargs -n 1 {{bash_command}}` +`fswatch --event {{Updated|Deleted|Created}} {{path/to/directory}} | xargs -n 1 {{bash_command}}` diff --git a/pages/common/gdalbuildvrt.md b/pages/common/gdalbuildvrt.md index 182ed4ba2..45413a3d7 100644 --- a/pages/common/gdalbuildvrt.md +++ b/pages/common/gdalbuildvrt.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `gdalbuildvrt -input_file_list {{path/to/list.txt}} {{path/to/output.vrt}}` -- Make a RGB virtual mosaic from 3 single-band input files: +- Make an RGB virtual mosaic from 3 single-band input files: `gdalbuildvrt -separate {{path/to/rgb.vrt}} {{path/to/red.tif}} {{path/to/green.tif}} {{path/to/blue.tif}}` diff --git a/pages/common/gdrive.md b/pages/common/gdrive.md index 104397ecc..274975f7c 100644 --- a/pages/common/gdrive.md +++ b/pages/common/gdrive.md @@ -1,21 +1,21 @@ # gdrive > Command-line tool to interact with Google Drive. -> Folder/file id can be obtained from the Google Drive folder or id url. +> Folder/file ID can be obtained from the Google Drive folder or ID URL. > More information: . -- Upload a local path to the parent folder with the specified id: +- Upload a local path to the parent folder with the specified ID: `gdrive upload -p {{id}} {{path/to/file_or_folder}}` -- Download file or directory by id to current directory: +- Download file or directory by ID to current directory: `gdrive download {{id}}` -- Download to a given local path by its id: +- Download to a given local path by its ID: `gdrive download --path {{path/to/folder}} {{id}}` -- Create a new revision of an id using a given file or folder: +- Create a new revision of an ID using a given file or folder: `gdrive update {{id}} {{path/to/file_or_folder}}` diff --git a/pages/common/gem.md b/pages/common/gem.md index b69b712a8..44238d40a 100644 --- a/pages/common/gem.md +++ b/pages/common/gem.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `gem search {{regular_expression}} --all` -- Install latest version of a gem: +- Install the latest version of a gem: `gem install {{gemname}}` diff --git a/pages/common/gh-alias.md b/pages/common/gh-alias.md index 74b30a172..98e6d7f23 100644 --- a/pages/common/gh-alias.md +++ b/pages/common/gh-alias.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `gh alias` -- List all of the aliases `gh` is configured to use: +- List all the aliases `gh` is configured to use: `gh alias list` diff --git a/pages/common/gist.md b/pages/common/gist.md index 1d3b2e26e..bf732ac3a 100644 --- a/pages/common/gist.md +++ b/pages/common/gist.md @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ `gist --list {{username}}` -- Update a gist using the id from URL: +- Update a gist using the ID from URL: `gist --update {{GIST_ID}} {{file.txt}}` diff --git a/pages/common/git-authors.md b/pages/common/git-authors.md index c3302595f..f71843550 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-authors.md +++ b/pages/common/git-authors.md @@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ `git authors --list` -- Append the list of committers to the the `AUTHORS` file and open it in the default editor: +- Append the list of committers to the `AUTHORS` file and open it in the default editor: `git authors` -- Append the list of committers, excluding emails, to the the `AUTHORS` file and open it in the default editor: +- Append the list of committers, excluding emails, to the `AUTHORS` file and open it in the default editor: `git authors --no-email` diff --git a/pages/common/git-bugreport.md b/pages/common/git-bugreport.md index 95787f2ab..dae5da471 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-bugreport.md +++ b/pages/common/git-bugreport.md @@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ > Captures debug information from the system and user, generating a text file to aid in the reporting of a bug in Git. > More information: . -- Create a new bugreport file in the current directory: +- Create a new bug report file in the current directory: `git bugreport` -- Create a new bugreport file in the specified directory, creating it if it does not exist: +- Create a new bug report file in the specified directory, creating it if it does not exist: `git bugreport --output-directory {{path/to/directory}}` -- Create a new bugreport file with the specified filename suffix in `strftime` format: +- Create a new bug report file with the specified filename suffix in `strftime` format: `git bugreport --suffix {{%m%d%y}}` diff --git a/pages/common/git-count-objects.md b/pages/common/git-count-objects.md index 9045e5642..c1fc32050 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-count-objects.md +++ b/pages/common/git-count-objects.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `git count-objects` -- Display a count of all objects and their total disk usage, displaying sizes in human readable units: +- Display a count of all objects and their total disk usage, displaying sizes in human-readable units: `git count-objects --human-readable` @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `git count-objects --verbose` -- Display more verbose information, displaying sizes in human readable units: +- Display more verbose information, displaying sizes in human-readable units: `git count-objects --human-readable --verbose` diff --git a/pages/common/git-delta.md b/pages/common/git-delta.md index b21b3cff0..533e26a0f 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-delta.md +++ b/pages/common/git-delta.md @@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ `git delta {{main}}` -- List files from specific branch that differ from another specific branch: +- List files from a specific branch that differ from another specific branch: `git delta {{branch_1}} {{branch_2}}` diff --git a/pages/common/git-describe.md b/pages/common/git-describe.md index 2eeae9288..a5fa3f098 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-describe.md +++ b/pages/common/git-describe.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # git describe -> Give an object a human readable name based on an available ref. +> Give an object a human-readable name based on an available ref. > More information: . - Create a unique name for the current commit (the name contains the most recent annotated tag, the number of additional commits, and the abbreviated commit hash): diff --git a/pages/common/git-instaweb.md b/pages/common/git-instaweb.md index eecd62856..69de8fad4 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-instaweb.md +++ b/pages/common/git-instaweb.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # git instaweb -> Helper to launch a gitweb server. +> Helper to launch a GitWeb server. > More information: . -- Launch a gitweb server for the current Git repository: +- Launch a GitWeb server for the current Git repository: `git instaweb --start` @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `git instaweb --start --port {{1234}}` -- Use a specified http daemon: +- Use a specified HTTP daemon: `git instaweb --start --httpd {{lighttpd|apache2|mongoose|plackup|webrick}}` @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ `git instaweb --start --browser` -- Stop the currently running gitweb server: +- Stop the currently running GitWeb server: `git instaweb --stop` -- Restart the currently running gitweb server: +- Restart the currently running GitWeb server: `git instaweb --restart` diff --git a/pages/common/git-pull.md b/pages/common/git-pull.md index 63b63cce5..a54ca7624 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-pull.md +++ b/pages/common/git-pull.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `git pull` -- Download changes from default remote repository and use fast forward: +- Download changes from default remote repository and use fast-forward: `git pull --rebase` diff --git a/pages/common/git-svn.md b/pages/common/git-svn.md index bbd4a5937..02878e10f 100644 --- a/pages/common/git-svn.md +++ b/pages/common/git-svn.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `git svn clone {{https://example.com/subversion_repo}} {{local_dir}}` -- Clone a SVN repository starting at a given revision number: +- Clone an SVN repository starting at a given revision number: `git svn clone -r{{1234}}:HEAD {{https://svn.example.net/subversion/repo}} {{local_dir}}` diff --git a/pages/common/go-list.md b/pages/common/go-list.md index 5441ccf8c..8ded827e4 100644 --- a/pages/common/go-list.md +++ b/pages/common/go-list.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `go list std` -- List packages in json format: +- List packages in JSON format: `go list -json time net/http` diff --git a/pages/common/gource.md b/pages/common/gource.md index 763c0861a..7a805c2fa 100644 --- a/pages/common/gource.md +++ b/pages/common/gource.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `gource -{{width}}x{{height}}` -- Set a custom time scale for the animation: +- Set a custom timescale for the animation: `gource -c {{time_scale_multiplier}}` diff --git a/pages/common/guetzli.md b/pages/common/guetzli.md index 4c85f873d..fe2162110 100644 --- a/pages/common/guetzli.md +++ b/pages/common/guetzli.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ `guetzli {{input.jpg}} {{output.jpg}}` -- Create compressed JPEG image from PNG image: +- Create a compressed JPEG from a PNG: `guetzli {{input.png}} {{output.jpg}}` -- Compress a JPEG image with desired visual quality (84-100): +- Compress a JPEG with the desired visual quality (84-100): `guetzli --quality {{quality_value}} {{input.jpg}} {{output.jpg}}` diff --git a/pages/common/heroku.md b/pages/common/heroku.md index 9620f8daf..bd507af18 100644 --- a/pages/common/heroku.md +++ b/pages/common/heroku.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Create and manage Heroku apps from the command-line. > More information: . -- Log in to your heroku account: +- Log in to your Heroku account: `heroku login` -- Create a heroku app: +- Create a Heroku app: `heroku create` diff --git a/pages/common/hostess.md b/pages/common/hostess.md index acbef8229..2b5bb054c 100644 --- a/pages/common/hostess.md +++ b/pages/common/hostess.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > An idempotent command-line utility for managing the `/etc/hosts` file. > More information: . -- List domains, target ips and on/off status: +- List domains, target IP addresses and on/off status: `hostess list` @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `hostess del {{local.example.com}}` -- Disable a domain (but don't remove it completely): +- Disable a domain (but don't remove it): `hostess off {{local.example.com}}` diff --git a/pages/common/http.md b/pages/common/http.md index bb9920102..f55b0f8ff 100644 --- a/pages/common/http.md +++ b/pages/common/http.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ `http {{example.org}} {{X-MyHeader:123}}` -- Pass a user name and password for server authentication: +- Pass a username and password for server authentication: `http --auth {{username:password}} {{example.org}}` diff --git a/pages/common/id.md b/pages/common/id.md index 9b7a9abf6..96859f471 100644 --- a/pages/common/id.md +++ b/pages/common/id.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Display current user and group identity. > More information: . -- Display current user's id (UID), group id (GID) and groups to which they belong: +- Display current user's ID (UID), group ID (GID) and groups to which they belong: `id` @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `id -g` -- Display an arbitrary user's id (UID), group id (GID) and groups to which they belong: +- Display an arbitrary user's ID (UID), group ID (GID) and groups to which they belong: `id {{username}}` diff --git a/pages/common/identify.md b/pages/common/identify.md index e018794f3..d115c4e31 100644 --- a/pages/common/identify.md +++ b/pages/common/identify.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ > Command-line utility of Image Magick project to describe the format and characteristics of one or more image files. > More information: . -- Collect dimensions of all jpeg files under current directory: +- Collect dimensions of all JPEG files under current directory: `identify -format "%f,%w,%h\n" *.{{jpg}} > {{filelist.csv}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ifconfig.md b/pages/common/ifconfig.md index 938b60890..915c9519b 100644 --- a/pages/common/ifconfig.md +++ b/pages/common/ifconfig.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Network Interface Configurator. > More information: . -- View network settings of an ethernet adapter: +- View network settings of an Ethernet adapter: `ifconfig eth0` diff --git a/pages/common/imapsync.md b/pages/common/imapsync.md index e70b70ab8..6088cb511 100644 --- a/pages/common/imapsync.md +++ b/pages/common/imapsync.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # imapsync -> Email IMAP tool for syncing, copying and migrating email mailboxes between two imap servers, one way, and without duplicates. +> Email IMAP tool for syncing, copying and migrating email mailboxes between two IMAP servers, one way, and without duplicates. > More information: . -- Synchronize imap account between host1 and host2: +- Synchronize IMAP account between host1 and host2: `imapsync --host1 {{host1}} --user1 {{user1}} --password1 {{secret1}} --host2 {{host2}} --user2 {{user2}} --password2 {{secret2}}` diff --git a/pages/common/import.md b/pages/common/import.md index a59c41e95..5001bbf8e 100644 --- a/pages/common/import.md +++ b/pages/common/import.md @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ `import -window root {{output.postscript}}` -- Capture contents of a remote X server screen in the PNG image format: +- Capture contents of a remote X server screen in the PNG format: -`import -window root -display {{remote_host}}:{screen}.{display} {{output.png}}` +`import -window root -display {{remote_host}}:{{screen}}.{{display}} {{output.png}}` - Capture a specific window, given its ID as displayed by `xwininfo`, into the JPEG format: diff --git a/pages/common/infection.md b/pages/common/infection.md index d5f96d5cc..46a45b62d 100644 --- a/pages/common/infection.md +++ b/pages/common/infection.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `infection --min-covered-msi {{percentage}}` -- Use a specific test framework (defaults to phpunit): +- Use a specific test framework (defaults to PHPUnit): `infection --test-framework {{phpunit|phpspec}}` diff --git a/pages/common/install.md b/pages/common/install.md index 5c7710b15..a116aedc2 100644 --- a/pages/common/install.md +++ b/pages/common/install.md @@ -4,22 +4,22 @@ > Copy files (often executable) to a system location like `/usr/local/bin`, give them the appropriate permissions/ownership. > More information: . -- Copy files to destination: +- Copy files to the destination: `install {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` -- Copy files to destination, setting their ownership: +- Copy files to the destination, setting their ownership: `install -o {{user}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` -- Copy files to destination, setting their group ownership: +- Copy files to the destination, setting their group ownership: `install -g {{user}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` -- Copy files to destination, setting their `mode`: +- Copy files to the destination, setting their `mode`: `install -m {{+x}} {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` -- Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to destination: +- Copy files and apply access/modification times of source to the destination: `install -p {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ionic.md b/pages/common/ionic.md index 7a0bf9929..fb5705f5f 100644 --- a/pages/common/ionic.md +++ b/pages/common/ionic.md @@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ `ionic g {{page}}` -- Show versions of ionic, cordova, environment, etc.: +- Show versions of Ionic, Cordova, environment, etc.: `ionic info` -- Run app on an android/ios device: +- Run app on an Android/iOS device: `ionic cordova run {{android|ios}} --device` -- Check the health of a ionic app: +- Check the health of an Ionic app: `ionic doctor {{check}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ipcs.md b/pages/common/ipcs.md index d35fa4a16..2637c9534 100644 --- a/pages/common/ipcs.md +++ b/pages/common/ipcs.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Display information about resources used in IPC (Inter-process Communication). -- Specific information about the Message Queue which has the id 32768: +- Specific information about the Message Queue which has the ID 32768: `ipcs -qi 32768` diff --git a/pages/common/irssi.md b/pages/common/irssi.md index c50d8f732..20eb91734 100644 --- a/pages/common/irssi.md +++ b/pages/common/irssi.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Text based IRC client. > More information: . -- Open irssi and connect to a server with a nickname: +- Open Irssi and connect to a server with a nickname: `irssi -n {{nickname}} -c {{irc.example.com}}` -- Open irssi and connect with a specific server on a given port: +- Open Irssi and connect with a specific server on a given port: `irssi -c {{irc.example.com}} -p {{port}}` diff --git a/pages/common/jhat.md b/pages/common/jhat.md index 61f2886a0..a1c8b61c0 100644 --- a/pages/common/jhat.md +++ b/pages/common/jhat.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Java Heap Analysis Tool. > More information: . -- Analyze a heap dump (from jmap), view via http on port 7000: +- Analyze a heap dump (from `jmap`), view via HTTP on port 7000: `jhat {{dump_file.bin}}` @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `jhat -p {{port}} {{dump_file.bin}}` -- Analyze a dump letting jhat use up to 8GB RAM (2-4x dump size recommended): +- Analyze a dump letting `jhat` use up to 8 GB RAM (2-4x dump size recommended): `jhat -J-mx8G {{dump_file.bin}}` diff --git a/pages/common/kak.md b/pages/common/kak.md index 70f3b7d06..265de984d 100644 --- a/pages/common/kak.md +++ b/pages/common/kak.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `%s{{foo}}c{{bar}}` -- Un-select all secondary selections, and keep only the main one: +- Unselect all secondary selections, and keep only the main one: `` diff --git a/pages/common/keepass2.md b/pages/common/keepass2.md index 82f64ddda..99c8b5405 100644 --- a/pages/common/keepass2.md +++ b/pages/common/keepass2.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > A light-weight password manager. > More information: . -- Start KeePass 2, opening the most recently-opened password database: +- Start KeePass 2, opening the most recently opened password database: `keepass2` diff --git a/pages/common/kops.md b/pages/common/kops.md index d04a39cf4..23c0fd78d 100644 --- a/pages/common/kops.md +++ b/pages/common/kops.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `kops export kubecfg {{cluster_name}}` -- Get the cluster configuration as yaml: +- Get the cluster configuration as YAML: `kops get cluster {{cluster_name}} -o yaml` diff --git a/pages/common/last.md b/pages/common/last.md index 6e5db7bf2..e80bfe03c 100644 --- a/pages/common/last.md +++ b/pages/common/last.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `last -F -a` -- View all logins by a specific user and show the ip address instead of the hostname: +- View all logins by a specific user and show the IP address instead of the hostname: `last {{username}} -i` diff --git a/pages/common/latexmk.md b/pages/common/latexmk.md index 3943ac2b4..573ca4106 100644 --- a/pages/common/latexmk.md +++ b/pages/common/latexmk.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `latexmk {{source.tex}}` -- Compile a pdf document: +- Compile a PDF document: `latexmk -pdf {{source.tex}}` @@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ `latexmk -f {{source.tex}}` -- Clean up temporary tex files created for a specific tex file: +- Clean up temporary TEX files created for a specific TEX file: `latexmk -c {{source.tex}}` -- Clean up all temporary tex files in the current directory: +- Clean up all temporary TEX files in the current directory: `latexmk -c` diff --git a/pages/common/leave.md b/pages/common/leave.md index 101db80ca..ab45b77dc 100644 --- a/pages/common/leave.md +++ b/pages/common/leave.md @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ # leave -> Remind when it's time to leave. +> Set a reminder for when it's time to leave. > To remove reminders use `kill $(pidof leave)`. - Set a reminder at a given time: `leave {{time_to_leave}}` -- Remind to leave at noon: +- Set a reminder to leave at noon: `leave {{1200}}` @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `leave +{{amount_of_time}}` -- Remind to leave in 4 hours and 4 minutes: +- Set a reminder to leave in 4 hours and 4 minutes: `leave +{{0404}}` diff --git a/pages/common/live-server.md b/pages/common/live-server.md index f7cc2f08e..1f2445388 100644 --- a/pages/common/live-server.md +++ b/pages/common/live-server.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # live-server -> A simple development http server with live reload capability. +> A simple development HTTP server with live reload capability. > More information: . - Serve an `index.html` file and reload on changes: diff --git a/pages/common/logstash.md b/pages/common/logstash.md index f199c88f6..fa2649c55 100644 --- a/pages/common/logstash.md +++ b/pages/common/logstash.md @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ > Commonly used to load data from various sources (such as databases and log files) into Elasticsearch. > More information: . -- Check validity of a logstash configuration: +- Check validity of a Logstash configuration: `logstash --configtest --config {{logstash_config.conf}}` -- Run logstash using configuration: +- Run Logstash using configuration: `sudo logstash --config {{logstash_config.conf}}` -- Run logstash with the most basic inline configuration string: +- Run Logstash with the most basic inline configuration string: `sudo logstash -e 'input {} filter {} output {}'` diff --git a/pages/common/lorem.md b/pages/common/lorem.md index 1e9527e34..4dbef1e74 100644 --- a/pages/common/lorem.md +++ b/pages/common/lorem.md @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ `lorem -s {{5}} --raven` -- Print 40 random characters from Boccacio's Decameron: +- Print 40 random characters from Boccaccio's Decameron: `lorem --randomize -c {{40}} --decamerone` diff --git a/pages/common/lpr.md b/pages/common/lpr.md index 4aa47fe81..cda28b21e 100644 --- a/pages/common/lpr.md +++ b/pages/common/lpr.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `lpr -o page-ranges={{2|2-16}} {{path/to/file}}` -- Print double sided either in portrait (long) or in landscape (short): +- Print double-sided either in portrait (long) or in landscape (short): `lpr -o sides={{two_sided_long_edge|two_sided_short_edge}} {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ls.md b/pages/common/ls.md index 29f6862ec..daf758f13 100644 --- a/pages/common/ls.md +++ b/pages/common/ls.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `ls -la` -- Long format list with size displayed using human readable units (KiB, MiB, GiB): +- Long format list with size displayed using human-readable units (KiB, MiB, GiB): `ls -lh` diff --git a/pages/common/meson.md b/pages/common/meson.md index a0ec09a9a..165838923 100644 --- a/pages/common/meson.md +++ b/pages/common/meson.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > SCons-like build system that uses python as a front-end language and Ninja as a building backend. > More information: . -- Generate a c project with a given name and version: +- Generate a C project with a given name and version: `meson init --language={{c}} --name={{myproject}} --version={{0.1}}` diff --git a/pages/common/minetest.md b/pages/common/minetest.md index 2704f1cd1..437c7cc78 100644 --- a/pages/common/minetest.md +++ b/pages/common/minetest.md @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ > See also `minetestserver`, the server-only binary. > More information: . -- Start minetest in client mode: +- Start Minetest in client mode: `minetest` -- Start minetest in server mode by hosting a specific world: +- Start Minetest in server mode by hosting a specific world: `minetest --server --world {{name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/mixxx.md b/pages/common/mixxx.md index 96d05d61f..8cbf39b56 100644 --- a/pages/common/mixxx.md +++ b/pages/common/mixxx.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `mixxx --debugAssertBreak --developer --loglevel trace` -- Start mixxx using the specified settings file: +- Start Mixxx using the specified settings file: `mixxx --resourcePath {{mixxx/res/controllers}} --settingsPath {{path/to/settings-file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/mogrify.md b/pages/common/mogrify.md index 732a784e3..3f8666197 100644 --- a/pages/common/mogrify.md +++ b/pages/common/mogrify.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `mogrify -resize {{800x600}} {{DSC*}}` -- Convert all PNG images in the directory to JPEG: +- Convert all PNGs in the directory to JPEG: `mogrify -format {{jpg}} {{*.png}}` diff --git a/pages/common/molecule.md b/pages/common/molecule.md index 6584829ae..e4fe8164c 100644 --- a/pages/common/molecule.md +++ b/pages/common/molecule.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # molecule -> Molecule helps testing ansible roles. +> Molecule helps testing Ansible roles. > More information: . -- Create a new ansible role: +- Create a new Ansible role: `molecule init role --role-name {{role_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/mongorestore.md b/pages/common/mongorestore.md index ef64d3cd2..c5355f710 100644 --- a/pages/common/mongorestore.md +++ b/pages/common/mongorestore.md @@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ > Utility to import a collection or database from a binary dump into a MongoDB instance. > More information: . -- Import a bson data dump from a directory to a MongoDB database: +- Import a BSON data dump from a directory to a MongoDB database: `mongorestore --db {{database_name}} {{path/to/directory}}` -- Import a bson data dump from a directory to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): +- Import a BSON data dump from a directory to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): `mongorestore --host {{database_host:port}} --db {{database_name}} --username {{username}} {{path/to/directory}} --password` -- Import a collection from a bson file to a MongoDB database: +- Import a collection from a BSON file to a MongoDB database: `mongorestore --db {{database_name}} {{path/to/file}}` -- Import a collection from a bson file to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): +- Import a collection from a BSON file to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): `mongorestore --host {{database_host:port}} --db {{database_name}} --username {{username}} {{path/to/file}} --password` diff --git a/pages/common/montage.md b/pages/common/montage.md index b6c6bde89..453ce13f8 100644 --- a/pages/common/montage.md +++ b/pages/common/montage.md @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ `montage {{image1.png}} {{image2.jpg}} {{imageN.png}} -geometry +0+0 -tile 2x3 montage_%d.jpg` -- Resize and crop images to completely fill their grid cells before tiling: +- Resize and crop images to fill their grid cells before tiling: `montage {{image1.png}} {{image2.jpg}} {{imageN.png}} -geometry +0+0 -resize 640x480^ -gravity center -crop 640x480+0+0 montage.jpg` diff --git a/pages/common/mpv.md b/pages/common/mpv.md index 8943e5bf8..a979da329 100644 --- a/pages/common/mpv.md +++ b/pages/common/mpv.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `mpv {{file}}` -- Play a video or audio file from an URL: +- Play a video or audio file from a URL: `mpv '{{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ}}'` @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `DOWN UP` -- Decrease or increase playback speed by 10 %: +- Decrease or increase playback speed by 10%: `[ ]` diff --git a/pages/common/mutool.md b/pages/common/mutool.md index 4649927bc..c75a83327 100644 --- a/pages/common/mutool.md +++ b/pages/common/mutool.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Convert PDF files, query information and extract data. > More information: . -- Convert pages 1-10 into 10 PNG images: +- Convert pages 1-10 into 10 PNGs: `mutool convert -o {{image%d.png}} {{file.pdf}} {{1-10}}` diff --git a/pages/common/nkf.md b/pages/common/nkf.md index 5708d928f..b8b8f3ba7 100644 --- a/pages/common/nkf.md +++ b/pages/common/nkf.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `nkf -w --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}` -- Set new line code to LF and overwrite (unix type): +- Set new line code to LF and overwrite (UNIX type): `nkf -d --overwrite {{path/to/file.txt}}` diff --git a/pages/common/nohup.md b/pages/common/nohup.md index 4dcef63dc..f04ac11c2 100644 --- a/pages/common/nohup.md +++ b/pages/common/nohup.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ > Allows for a process to live when the terminal gets killed. > More information: . -- Run process that can live beyond the terminal: +- Run a process that can live beyond the terminal: `nohup {{command}} {{command_options}}` diff --git a/pages/common/npm.md b/pages/common/npm.md index 79a3fce97..66aea2d75 100644 --- a/pages/common/npm.md +++ b/pages/common/npm.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ `npm uninstall {{module_name}}` -- Print a tree of locally-installed dependencies: +- Print a tree of locally installed dependencies: `npm list` diff --git a/pages/common/optipng.md b/pages/common/optipng.md index bd96b2aea..7ceeb046e 100644 --- a/pages/common/optipng.md +++ b/pages/common/optipng.md @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ # optipng -> PNG image file optimization utility. +> PNG file optimization utility. > More information: . - Compress a PNG with default settings: `optipng {{path/to/file.png}}` -- Compress a PNG with best compression: +- Compress a PNG with the best compression: `optipng -o{{7}} {{path/to/file.png}}` -- Compress a PNG with fastest compression: +- Compress a PNG with the fastest compression: `optipng -o{{0}} {{path/to/file.png}}` diff --git a/pages/common/paci.md b/pages/common/paci.md index 9436739e3..58a461fdc 100644 --- a/pages/common/paci.md +++ b/pages/common/paci.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # paci -> A package manager for bash scripts. +> A package manager for Bash scripts. > More information: . - Update the list of available packages and versions (it's recommended to run this before other `paci` commands): diff --git a/pages/common/pandoc.md b/pages/common/pandoc.md index 6ba9e33d3..cd0b29cf6 100644 --- a/pages/common/pandoc.md +++ b/pages/common/pandoc.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Convert documents between various formats. > More information: . -- Convert file to pdf (the output format is determined by file extension): +- Convert file to PDF (the output format is determined by file extension): `pandoc {{input.md}} -o {{output.pdf}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pathchk.md b/pages/common/pathchk.md index bae9ebbc6..e7d5fae24 100644 --- a/pages/common/pathchk.md +++ b/pages/common/pathchk.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Check the validity and portability of one or more pathnames. > More information: . -- Check pathames for validity in the current system: +- Check pathnames for validity in the current system: `pathchk {{path1 path2 …}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pdfposter.md b/pages/common/pdfposter.md index 7581850cc..10e084eb0 100644 --- a/pages/common/pdfposter.md +++ b/pages/common/pdfposter.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # pdfposter -> Convert a large-sheeted pdf into multiple A4 pages for printing. +> Convert a large-sheeted PDF into multiple A4 pages for printing. > More information: . - Convert an A2 poster into 4 A4 pages: diff --git a/pages/common/pdftocairo.md b/pages/common/pdftocairo.md index 04f5bfe04..ab0d95320 100644 --- a/pages/common/pdftocairo.md +++ b/pages/common/pdftocairo.md @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ `pdftocairo {{path/to/file.pdf}} -tiff -gray -paper A3` -- Convert to PNG cropping x and y pixels from the top left corner: +- Convert to PNG cropping x and y pixels from the top-left corner: `pdftocairo {{path/to/file.pdf}} -png -x {{x_pixels}} -y {{y_pixels}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pg_dump.md b/pages/common/pg_dump.md index b57372d13..b394e3642 100644 --- a/pages/common/pg_dump.md +++ b/pages/common/pg_dump.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file. > More information: . -- Dump database into a SQL-script file: +- Dump database into an SQL-script file: `pg_dump {{db_name}} > {{output_file.sql}}` diff --git a/pages/common/php.md b/pages/common/php.md index 048aeb710..ec99549fc 100644 --- a/pages/common/php.md +++ b/pages/common/php.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > PHP command-line interface. > More information: . -- Parse and execute a php script: +- Parse and execute a PHP script: `php {{file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pio-system.md b/pages/common/pio-system.md index 026cb464f..fb5879ff5 100644 --- a/pages/common/pio-system.md +++ b/pages/common/pio-system.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Miscellaneous system commands for PlatformIO. > More information: . -- Install shell completion for the current shell (supports bash, fish, zsh and powershell): +- Install shell completion for the current shell (supports Bash, Fish, Zsh and PowerShell): `pio system completion install` diff --git a/pages/common/pngcrush.md b/pages/common/pngcrush.md index f44168c68..46dfabba2 100644 --- a/pages/common/pngcrush.md +++ b/pages/common/pngcrush.md @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ # pngcrush -> PNG image compression utility. +> PNG compression utility. > More information: . - Compress a PNG file: `pngcrush {{in.png}} {{out.png}}` -- Compress all PNGs and output to directory: +- Compress all PNGs and output them to the specified directory: `pngcrush -d {{path/to/output}} *.png` diff --git a/pages/common/podman.md b/pages/common/podman.md index c6fdaa384..38b0b8cb7 100644 --- a/pages/common/podman.md +++ b/pages/common/podman.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ `podman pull {{image_name}}:{{image_tag}}` -- Open a shell inside of an already running container: +- Open a shell inside an already running container: `podman exec --interactive --tty {{container_name}} {{sh}}` diff --git a/pages/common/powerstat.md b/pages/common/powerstat.md index 4542cf244..a18de6891 100644 --- a/pages/common/powerstat.md +++ b/pages/common/powerstat.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `powerstat -R {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}` -- Show an histogram of the power measurements: +- Show a histogram of the power measurements: `powerstat -H {{interval}} {{number_of_samples}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pretty-bytes.md b/pages/common/pretty-bytes.md index 41922f61d..0733007fa 100644 --- a/pages/common/pretty-bytes.md +++ b/pages/common/pretty-bytes.md @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ # pretty-bytes -> Convert bytes to a human readable string. +> Convert bytes to a human-readable string. > More information: . -- Convert numeric bytes value to a human readable string: +- Convert numeric bytes value to a human-readable string: `pretty-bytes {{1337}}` -- Convert numeric bytes value from stdin to a human readable string: +- Convert numeric bytes value from stdin to a human-readable string: `echo {{1337}} | pretty-bytes` diff --git a/pages/common/ps.md b/pages/common/ps.md index 5d8cb3af2..41d0bebc6 100644 --- a/pages/common/ps.md +++ b/pages/common/ps.md @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ `ps --user $(id -u) f` -- Get the parent pid of a process: +- Get the parent PID of a process: `ps -o ppid= -p {{pid}}` diff --git a/pages/common/psql.md b/pages/common/psql.md index 8d2c303d7..c57c1ba3f 100644 --- a/pages/common/psql.md +++ b/pages/common/psql.md @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ > PostgreSQL command-line client. > More information: . -- Connect to database. It connects to localhost using default port 5432 with default user as currently logged in user: +- Connect to the database. It connects to localhost using default port 5432 with default user as currently logged in user: `psql {{database}}` -- Connect to database on given server host running on given port with given username, without a password prompt: +- Connect to the database on given server host running on given port with given username, without a password prompt: `psql -h {{host}} -p {{port}} -U {{username}} {{database}}` -- Connect to database; user will be prompted for password: +- Connect to the database; user will be prompted for password: `psql -h {{host}} -p {{port}} -U {{username}} -W {{database}}` diff --git a/pages/common/pueue-completions.md b/pages/common/pueue-completions.md index 366dd2196..441924cbd 100644 --- a/pages/common/pueue-completions.md +++ b/pages/common/pueue-completions.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # pueue completions -> Generates shell completion files for bash, elvish, fish, powershell, and zsh. +> Generates shell completion files for Bash, Elvish, Fish, PowerShell, and Zsh. > More information: . -- Generate completions for bash: +- Generate completions for Bash: `sudo pueue completions bash {{/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/pueue.bash}}` diff --git a/pages/common/qpdf.md b/pages/common/qpdf.md index a46cffeb2..d3d229b8f 100644 --- a/pages/common/qpdf.md +++ b/pages/common/qpdf.md @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ `qpdf --split-pages=n {{input.pdf}} {{out_%d.pdf}}` -- Rotate certain pages of a pdf with a given angle: +- Rotate certain pages of a PDF with a given angle: `qpdf --rotate={{90:2,4,6}} --rotate={{180:7-8}} {{input.pdf}} {{output.pdf}}` -- Remove the password from a password protected file: +- Remove the password from a password-protected file: `qpdf --password={{password}} --decrypt {{input.pdf}} {{output.pdf}}` diff --git a/pages/common/quota.md b/pages/common/quota.md index aabc4d32e..100795fac 100644 --- a/pages/common/quota.md +++ b/pages/common/quota.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Display users' disk space usage and allocated limits. -- Show disk quotas in human readable units for the current user: +- Show disk quotas in human-readable units for the current user: `quota -s` diff --git a/pages/common/rainbowstream.md b/pages/common/rainbowstream.md index a87e70910..1dc1daa01 100644 --- a/pages/common/rainbowstream.md +++ b/pages/common/rainbowstream.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Online help with `h`, up and down arrows for history, tab to auto-complete and 2-tab for suggestion. > More information: . -- Open rainbowstream: +- Open RainbowStream: `rainbowstream` @@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ `t {{message}}` -- Retweet the tweet with given id (id is beside the time): +- Retweet the tweet with given ID (ID is beside the time): `rt {{tweet_id}}` -- Favorite the tweet with given id: +- Favorite the tweet with given ID: `fav {{tweet_id}}` diff --git a/pages/common/redis-cli.md b/pages/common/redis-cli.md index ab699beab..e3fca63b5 100644 --- a/pages/common/redis-cli.md +++ b/pages/common/redis-cli.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `redis-cli -h {{host}} -p {{port}}` -- Connect to a remote server specifying an URI: +- Connect to a remote server specifying a URI: `redis-cli -u {{uri}}` diff --git a/pages/common/redshift.md b/pages/common/redshift.md index 307c59988..39f89a1bc 100644 --- a/pages/common/redshift.md +++ b/pages/common/redshift.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `redshift -t {{5700}}:{{3600}}` -- Turn on Redshift with a manually-specified custom location: +- Turn on Redshift with a manually specified custom location: `redshift -l {{latitude}}:{{longitude}}` diff --git a/pages/common/repren.md b/pages/common/repren.md index ae357d62d..04674b9b1 100644 --- a/pages/common/repren.md +++ b/pages/common/repren.md @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ > Multi-pattern string replacement and file renaming tool. > More information: . -- Do a dry-run renaming a directory of pngs with a literal string replacement: +- Do a dry-run renaming a directory of PNGs with a literal string replacement: `repren --dry-run --rename --literal --from '{{find_string}}' --to '{{replacement_string}}' {{*.png}}` -- Do a dry-run renaming a directory of jpegs with a regular expression: +- Do a dry-run renaming a directory of JPEGs with a regular expression: `repren --rename --dry-run --from '{{regular_expression}}' --to '{{replacement_string}}' {{*.jpg}} {{*.jpeg}}` -- Do a find-and-replace on the contents of a directory of csv files: +- Do a find-and-replace on the contents of a directory of CSV files: `repren --from '{{([0-9]+) example_string}}' --to '{{replacement_string \1}}' {{*.csv}}` diff --git a/pages/common/rg.md b/pages/common/rg.md index 108551023..b64575c08 100644 --- a/pages/common/rg.md +++ b/pages/common/rg.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `rg --no-ignore --hidden {{regular_expression}}` -- Search for a regular expression only in a certain filetype (e.g., html, css, etc.): +- Search for a regular expression only in a certain filetype (e.g. HTML, CSS, etc.): `rg --type {{filetype}} {{regular_expression}}` @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `rg {{regular_expression}} {{set_of_subdirs}}` -- Search for a regular expression in files matching a glob (e.g., `README.*`): +- Search for a regular expression in files matching a glob (e.g. `README.*`): `rg {{regular_expression}} --glob {{glob}}` diff --git a/pages/common/scrapy.md b/pages/common/scrapy.md index b2fb0cdf5..8b0358f6d 100644 --- a/pages/common/scrapy.md +++ b/pages/common/scrapy.md @@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ `scrapy crawl {{spider_name}}` -- Fetch a webpage as scrapy sees it and print source in stdout: +- Fetch a webpage as Scrapy sees it and print the source to stdout: `scrapy fetch {{url}}` -- Open a webpage in the default browser as scrapy sees it (disable JavaScript for extra fidelity): +- Open a webpage in the default browser as Scrapy sees it (disable JavaScript for extra fidelity): `scrapy view {{url}}` -- Open scrapy shell for URL, which allows interaction with the page source in python shell (or ipython if available): +- Open Scrapy shell for URL, which allows interaction with the page source in a Python shell (or IPython if available): `scrapy shell {{url}}` diff --git a/pages/common/sed.md b/pages/common/sed.md index 6673f2b49..7e78483b0 100644 --- a/pages/common/sed.md +++ b/pages/common/sed.md @@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ `sed -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}}` -- Replace separator `/` by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g., `#`: +- Replace separator `/` by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g. `#`: `sed 's#{{find}}#{{replace}}#' {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/common/serverless.md b/pages/common/serverless.md index fb46fe7a0..b476189e2 100644 --- a/pages/common/serverless.md +++ b/pages/common/serverless.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # serverless > Toolkit for deploying and operating serverless architectures on AWS, Google Cloud, Azure and IBM OpenWhisk. -> Commands can be run either using the `serverless` command or it's alias, `sls`. +> Commands can be run either using the `serverless` command or its alias, `sls`. > More information: . - Create a serverless project: diff --git a/pages/common/singularity.md b/pages/common/singularity.md index 8e6c9e9da..a6c1a0e49 100644 --- a/pages/common/singularity.md +++ b/pages/common/singularity.md @@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ `singularity pull --name {{image.sif}} {{library://godlovedc/funny/lolcow:latest}}` -- Rebuild a remote image using latest Singularity image format: +- Rebuild a remote image using the latest Singularity image format: `singularity build {{image.sif}} {{docker://godlovedc/lolcow}}` -- Start a container from an image and get a shell inside of it: +- Start a container from an image and get a shell inside it: `singularity shell {{image.sif}}` diff --git a/pages/common/solo.md b/pages/common/solo.md index 0caff4be7..c346834cf 100644 --- a/pages/common/solo.md +++ b/pages/common/solo.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `solo key update` -- Blink the led of a specific Solo: +- Blink the LED of a specific Solo: `solo key wink --serial {{serial_number}}` diff --git a/pages/common/spark.md b/pages/common/spark.md index 7f74b3d33..3c3799f09 100644 --- a/pages/common/spark.md +++ b/pages/common/spark.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `spark new {{project_name}} --braintree` -- Create a new Spark project with team based billing stubs: +- Create a new Spark project with team-based billing stubs: `spark new {{project_name}} --team-billing` diff --git a/pages/common/speedtest.md b/pages/common/speedtest.md index f03a29c6c..73b14fcb9 100644 --- a/pages/common/speedtest.md +++ b/pages/common/speedtest.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `speedtest --precision={{precision}}` -- Run a speed test and print it's progress (only available for output format `human-readable` and `json`): +- Run a speed test and print its progress (only available for output format `human-readable` and `json`): `speedtest --progress={{yes|no}}` diff --git a/pages/common/sqsc.md b/pages/common/sqsc.md index 4b8f77ee9..cffda309e 100644 --- a/pages/common/sqsc.md +++ b/pages/common/sqsc.md @@ -27,6 +27,6 @@ `sqsc query "SELECT body FROM {{queue_name}} WHERE body LIKE '%user%'"` -- Pull all messages from a queue into a local sqlite database in your present working directory: +- Pull all messages from a queue into a local SQLite database in your present working directory: `sqsc pull {{queue_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ssh-keygen.md b/pages/common/ssh-keygen.md index 7fa33b760..6d998bd4b 100644 --- a/pages/common/ssh-keygen.md +++ b/pages/common/ssh-keygen.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 100` -- Generate an RSA 4096 bit key with email as a comment: +- Generate an RSA 4096-bit key with email as a comment: `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "{{email}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/st-info.md b/pages/common/st-info.md index 8d717c786..b1daabfd2 100644 --- a/pages/common/st-info.md +++ b/pages/common/st-info.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `st-info --flash` -- Display amount of sram memory available: +- Display amount of SRAM memory available: `st-info --sram` diff --git a/pages/common/stolonctl.md b/pages/common/stolonctl.md index dbdba75e4..000737c26 100644 --- a/pages/common/stolonctl.md +++ b/pages/common/stolonctl.md @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `stolonctl --cluster-name {{cluster_name}} --store-backend {{store_backend}} --store-endpoints {{store_endpoints}} spec` -- Update cluster specification with a patch in json format: +- Update cluster specification with a patch in JSON format: `stolonctl --cluster-name {{cluster_name}} --store-backend {{store_backend}} --store-endpoints {{store_endpoints}} update --patch '{{cluster_spec}}'` diff --git a/pages/common/svgcleaner.md b/pages/common/svgcleaner.md index c1b2b2dec..b6effb70b 100644 --- a/pages/common/svgcleaner.md +++ b/pages/common/svgcleaner.md @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # svgcleaner -> SVG image optimizing utility. +> SVG optimizing utility. > More information: . -- Optimize an SVG image: +- Optimize an SVG: `svgcleaner {{input.svg}} {{output.svg}}` -- Optimize an SVG image multiple times: +- Optimize an SVG multiple times: `svgcleaner --multipass {{input.svg}} {{output.svg}}` diff --git a/pages/common/swig.md b/pages/common/swig.md index 9e09ad2cc..8ba7d920d 100644 --- a/pages/common/swig.md +++ b/pages/common/swig.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # swig > Generate bindings between C / C++ code and various high level languages such as JavaScript, Python, C#, and more. -> It uses special .i or .swg files to generate the bindings (C/C++ with SWIG directives, then outputs a C/C++ file that contains all of the wrapper code needed to build an extension module. +> It uses special .i or .swg files to generate the bindings (C/C++ with SWIG directives, then outputs a C/C++ file that contains all the wrapper code needed to build an extension module. - Generate a binding between C++ and Python: diff --git a/pages/common/syncthing.md b/pages/common/syncthing.md index ac314bdea..0bbd4574e 100644 --- a/pages/common/syncthing.md +++ b/pages/common/syncthing.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Continuous bidirectional decentralised folder synchronisation tool. > More information: . -- Start syncthing: +- Start Syncthing: `syncthing` -- Start syncthing without opening a web browser: +- Start Syncthing without opening a web browser: `syncthing -no-browser` @@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ `syncthing -gui-address={{ip_address:port|path/to/socket.sock}}` -- Show filepaths to the files used by syncthing: +- Show filepaths to the files used by Syncthing: `syncthing -paths` -- Disable the syncthing monitor process: +- Disable the Syncthing monitor process: `syncthing -no-restart` diff --git a/pages/common/tee.md b/pages/common/tee.md index 5cc96ad16..7423f20dc 100644 --- a/pages/common/tee.md +++ b/pages/common/tee.md @@ -3,13 +3,13 @@ > Read from standard input and write to standard output and files (or commands). > More information: . -- Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output: +- Copy standard input to each file, and also to standard output: -`echo "example" | tee {{FILE}}` +`echo "example" | tee {{path/to/file}}` -- Append to the given FILEs, do not overwrite: +- Append to the given files, do not overwrite: -`echo "example" | tee -a {{FILE}}` +`echo "example" | tee -a {{path/to/file}}` - Print standard input to the terminal, and also pipe it into another program for further processing: diff --git a/pages/common/terminalizer.md b/pages/common/terminalizer.md index b087cade2..bd6ae6317 100644 --- a/pages/common/terminalizer.md +++ b/pages/common/terminalizer.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # terminalizer -> Utility program which records the terminal and generate animated gifs or share a video. +> Utility program which records the terminal and generate animated GIFs or share a video. > More information: . - Create the global config directory: @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `terminalizer play {{filename}}` -- Render a recording file as an animated gif image: +- Render a recording file as an animated GIF image: `terminalizer render {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/common/theharvester.md b/pages/common/theharvester.md index 0a13cbb4b..3b33ec7c6 100644 --- a/pages/common/theharvester.md +++ b/pages/common/theharvester.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `theHarvester --domain {{domain_name}} --source {{google}} --limit {{200}}` -- Save the output to two files in xml and html format: +- Save the output to two files in XML and HTML format: `theHarvester --domain {{domain_name}} --source {{google}} --file {{output_file_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/topydo.md b/pages/common/topydo.md index 77b51a8d1..3b79dca50 100644 --- a/pages/common/topydo.md +++ b/pages/common/topydo.md @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@ # topydo -> A todo list application that uses the todo.txt format. +> A to-do list application that uses the todo.txt format. > More information: . -- Add a todo to a specific project with a given context: +- Add a to-do to a specific project with a given context: `topydo add "{{todo_message}} +{{project_name}} @{{context_name}}"` -- Add a todo with a due date of tomorrow with a priority of `A`: +- Add a to-do with a due date of tomorrow with a priority of `A`: `topydo add "(A) {{todo _message}} due:{{1d}}"` -- Add a todo with a due date of friday: +- Add a to-do with a due date of Friday: `topydo add "{{todo_message}} due:{{fri}}"` -- Add a non-strict repeating todo (next due = now + rec): +- Add a non-strict repeating to-do (next due = now + rec): `topydo add "water flowers due:{{mon}} rec:{{1w}}"` -- Add a strict repeating todo (next due = currentdue + rec): +- Add a strict repeating to-do (next due = current due + rec): `topydo add "{{todo_message}} due:{{2020-01-01}} rec:{{+1m}}"` diff --git a/pages/common/traefik.md b/pages/common/traefik.md index f423c0bf7..acfa1b0da 100644 --- a/pages/common/traefik.md +++ b/pages/common/traefik.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # traefik -> A HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer. +> An HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer. > More information: . - Start server with default config: diff --git a/pages/common/transcode.md b/pages/common/transcode.md index 63a83a5f2..41aada3b5 100644 --- a/pages/common/transcode.md +++ b/pages/common/transcode.md @@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ `transcode -J stabilize -i {{input_file}}` -- Remove camera shakes after creating stabilisation file, transform video using xvid: +- Remove camera shakes after creating stabilisation file, transform video using XviD: `transcode -J transform -i {{input_file}} -y xvid -o {{output_file}}` -- Resize the video to 640x480 pixels and convert to MPEG4 codec using xvid: +- Resize the video to 640x480 pixels and convert to MPEG4 codec using XviD: `transcode -Z 640x480 -i {{input_file}} -y xvid -o {{output_file}}` diff --git a/pages/common/trawl.md b/pages/common/trawl.md index 62d35add9..c28fdcd4f 100644 --- a/pages/common/trawl.md +++ b/pages/common/trawl.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `trawl -n` -- Filter interface names using a case insensitive regular expression: +- Filter interface names using a case-insensitive regular expression: `trawl -f wi` diff --git a/pages/common/truncate.md b/pages/common/truncate.md index 28de0dbb2..d5fd62086 100644 --- a/pages/common/truncate.md +++ b/pages/common/truncate.md @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ `truncate --size {{10G}} {{filename}}` -- Extend the file size by 50M, fill with holes (which reads as zero bytes): +- Extend the file size by 50 MiB, fill with holes (which reads as zero bytes): `truncate --size +{{50M}} {{filename}}` -- Shrink the file by 2GiB, by removing data from the end of file: +- Shrink the file by 2 GiB, by removing data from the end of file: `truncate --size -{{2G}} {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/common/tslint.md b/pages/common/tslint.md index 8eb8cec87..7dccb53d2 100644 --- a/pages/common/tslint.md +++ b/pages/common/tslint.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > A pluggable linting utility for TypeScript. > More information: . -- Create tslint config: +- Create TSLint config: `tslint --init` diff --git a/pages/common/type.md b/pages/common/type.md index abefe1d3b..2acd9dd7a 100644 --- a/pages/common/type.md +++ b/pages/common/type.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # type -> Display the kind of command the shell will execute. +> Display the type of command the shell will execute. -- Display the kind of a command: +- Display the type of a command: `type {{command}}` diff --git a/pages/common/ufraw-batch.md b/pages/common/ufraw-batch.md index cfa20658a..c7a4dc53d 100644 --- a/pages/common/ufraw-batch.md +++ b/pages/common/ufraw-batch.md @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ > Convert RAW files from cameras into standard image files. -- Simply convert RAW files to jpg: +- Simply convert RAW files to JPG: `ufraw-batch --out-type=jpg {{input_file(s)}}` -- Simply convert RAW files to png: +- Simply convert RAW files to PNG: `ufraw-batch --out-type=png {{input_file(s)}}` diff --git a/pages/common/uuencode.md b/pages/common/uuencode.md index 9a9a39c69..55b84dc78 100644 --- a/pages/common/uuencode.md +++ b/pages/common/uuencode.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ `uuencode {{path/to/input_file}} {{output_file_name_after_decoding}}` -- Encode a file and and write the result to a file: +- Encode a file and write the result to a file: `uuencode -o {{path/to/output_file}} {{path/to/input_file}} {{output_file_name_after_decoding}}` -- Encode a file using Base64 instead of the default uuencode encoding and and write the result to a file: +- Encode a file using Base64 instead of the default uuencode encoding and write the result to a file: `uuencode -m -o {{path/to/output_file}} {{path/to/input_file}} {{output_file_name_after_decoding}}` diff --git a/pages/common/vdir.md b/pages/common/vdir.md index d02567088..a9c3de80e 100644 --- a/pages/common/vdir.md +++ b/pages/common/vdir.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ `vdir` -- List with sizes displayed in human readable units (KB, MB, GB): +- List with sizes displayed in human-readable units (KB, MB, GB): `vdir -h` diff --git a/pages/common/vectorize-pixelart.md b/pages/common/vectorize-pixelart.md index c48c255b7..19be6efff 100644 --- a/pages/common/vectorize-pixelart.md +++ b/pages/common/vectorize-pixelart.md @@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ > Convert PNG pixel art graphics to SVG/EPS vector images. > More information: . -- Convert a PNG image to a vector image format: +- Convert a PNG to a vector image format: `vectorize-pixelart {{path/to/input.png}} {{path/to/output.svg|.eps}}` diff --git a/pages/common/vegeta.md b/pages/common/vegeta.md index 6392ae0c7..6212d309c 100644 --- a/pages/common/vegeta.md +++ b/pages/common/vegeta.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ `echo "{{GET https://example.com}}" | vegeta attack -duration={{30s}}` -- Launch an attack on a server with a self-signed https certificate: +- Launch an attack on a server with a self-signed HTTPS certificate: `echo "{{GET https://example.com}}" | vegeta attack -insecure -duration={{30s}}` diff --git a/pages/common/vue.md b/pages/common/vue.md index e842fb6b4..c70376f56 100644 --- a/pages/common/vue.md +++ b/pages/common/vue.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Multi-purpose CLI for Vue.js. > More information: . -- Create a new vue project interactively: +- Create a new Vue project interactively: `vue create {{project_name}}` diff --git a/pages/common/waitress-serve.md b/pages/common/waitress-serve.md index 8eebc41fb..793fb8faa 100644 --- a/pages/common/waitress-serve.md +++ b/pages/common/waitress-serve.md @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ `waitress-serve --call {{import.path.wsgi_factory}}` -- Set the URL scheme to https: +- Set the URL scheme to HTTPS: `waitress-serve --url-scheme={{https}} {{import.path:wsgi_func}}` diff --git a/pages/common/wapm.md b/pages/common/wapm.md index 6f4656207..987e7d233 100644 --- a/pages/common/wapm.md +++ b/pages/common/wapm.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ `wapm uninstall {{package_name}}` -- Print a tree of locally-installed dependencies: +- Print a tree of locally installed dependencies: `wapm list` diff --git a/pages/common/watson.md b/pages/common/watson.md index ee643474c..fc7f12cf8 100644 --- a/pages/common/watson.md +++ b/pages/common/watson.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `watson stop` -- Display latest working sessions: +- Display the latest working sessions: `watson log` diff --git a/pages/common/weasyprint.md b/pages/common/weasyprint.md index 4b1991db7..f75339c7c 100644 --- a/pages/common/weasyprint.md +++ b/pages/common/weasyprint.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Render HTML to PDF or PNG. > More information: . -- Render a HTML file to PDF: +- Render an HTML file to PDF: `weasyprint {{path/to/input.html}} {{path/to/output}}.pdf` -- Render a HTML file to PNG, including an additional user stylesheet: +- Render an HTML file to PNG, including an additional user stylesheet: `weasyprint {{path/to/input.html}} {{path/to/output}}.png --stylesheet {{path/to/stylesheet.css}}` diff --git a/pages/common/webpack.md b/pages/common/webpack.md index 1ceec62c7..72a7a7357 100644 --- a/pages/common/webpack.md +++ b/pages/common/webpack.md @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ `webpack {{app.js}} {{bundle.js}}` -- Load css files too from the js file (this uses the css loader for `.css` files): +- Load CSS files too from the JavaScript file (this uses the CSS loader for `.css` files): -`webpack {{app.js}} {{bundle.js}} --module-bind 'css=css'` +`webpack {{app.js}} {{bundle.js}} --module-bind '{{css=css}}'` -- Pass a config file (with eg. the entry script and the output filename) and show compilation progress: +- Pass a config file (with e.g. the entry script and the output filename) and show compilation progress: `webpack --config {{webpack.config.js}} --progress` diff --git a/pages/common/webtorrent.md b/pages/common/webtorrent.md index f2cdf9c59..b56412352 100644 --- a/pages/common/webtorrent.md +++ b/pages/common/webtorrent.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # webtorrent > The command-line interface for WebTorrent. -> Supports magnets, urls, info hashes and .torrent files. +> Supports magnets, URLs, info hashes and `.torrent` files. > More information: . - Download a torrent: diff --git a/pages/common/wget.md b/pages/common/wget.md index 9ebc645cb..711a91b11 100644 --- a/pages/common/wget.md +++ b/pages/common/wget.md @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ > Supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP. > More information: . -- Download the contents of an URL to a file (named "foo" in this case): +- Download the contents of a URL to a file (named "foo" in this case): `wget {{https://example.com/foo}}` -- Download the contents of an URL to a file (named "bar" in this case): +- Download the contents of a URL to a file (named "bar" in this case): `wget --output-document {{bar}} {{https://example.com/foo}}` diff --git a/pages/common/xmllint.md b/pages/common/xmllint.md index 8dbb2767a..87db0f523 100644 --- a/pages/common/xmllint.md +++ b/pages/common/xmllint.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ `xmllint --xpath "string(//{{foo}})" {{source_file.xml}}` -- Return the href attribute of the second anchor element in an html file: +- Return the href attribute of the second anchor element in an HTML file: `xmllint --html --xpath "string(//a[2]/@href)" webpage.xhtml` @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ `xmllint --format {{source_file.xml}}` -- Check that a XML file meets the requirements of its DOCTYPE declaration: +- Check that an XML file meets the requirements of its DOCTYPE declaration: `xmllint --valid {{source_file.xml}}` diff --git a/pages/common/xz.md b/pages/common/xz.md index f0cca6e5e..d71ae19f6 100644 --- a/pages/common/xz.md +++ b/pages/common/xz.md @@ -11,13 +11,13 @@ `xz -d {{file.xz}}` -- Compress a file to the lzma file format: +- Compress a file to the LZMA file format: -`xz --format=lzma {{file}}` +`xz --format={{lzma}} {{file}}` -- Decompress an lzma file: +- Decompress an LZMA file: -`xz -d --format=lzma {{file.lzma}}` +`xz -d --format={{lzma}} {{file.lzma}}` - Decompress a file and write to stdout: diff --git a/pages/common/yesod.md b/pages/common/yesod.md index bef5b36dd..270203618 100644 --- a/pages/common/yesod.md +++ b/pages/common/yesod.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > All Yesod commands are invoked through the `stack` project manager. > More information: . -- Create a new scaffolded site, with sqlite as backend, in the `my-project` directory: +- Create a new scaffolded site, with SQLite as backend, in the `my-project` directory: `stack new {{my-project}} {{yesod-sqlite}}` diff --git a/pages/common/youtube-dl.md b/pages/common/youtube-dl.md index 8178bbf61..d87747676 100644 --- a/pages/common/youtube-dl.md +++ b/pages/common/youtube-dl.md @@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ `youtube-dl --sub-lang {{en}} --write-sub '{{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mwa0_nE9H7A}}'` -- Download a playlist and extract mp3 from it: +- Download a playlist and extract MP3s from it: `youtube-dl -f "bestaudio" --continue --no-overwrites --ignore-errors --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" {{url_to_playlist}}` diff --git a/pages/common/zip.md b/pages/common/zip.md index 5d78d3b44..379cfbef8 100644 --- a/pages/common/zip.md +++ b/pages/common/zip.md @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ `zip -d {{compressed.zip}} "{{foo/*.tmp}}"` -- Archive a directory and its contents to a multi-part [s]plit zip file (e.g. 3GB parts): +- Archive a directory and its contents to a multi-part [s]plit zip file (e.g. 3 GB parts): `zip -r -s {{3g}} {{compressed.zip}} {{path/to/directory}}` diff --git a/pages/common/zopflipng.md b/pages/common/zopflipng.md index b339bcd9d..0f535b8be 100644 --- a/pages/common/zopflipng.md +++ b/pages/common/zopflipng.md @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # zopflipng -> PNG image compression utility. +> PNG compression utility. > More information: . -- Optimize a PNG image: +- Optimize a PNG: `zopflipng {{input.png}} {{output.png}}` -- Optimize several PNG images and save with given prefix: +- Optimize several PNGs and save with given prefix: `zopflipng --prefix={{prefix}} {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}}` diff --git a/pages/common/zsteg.md b/pages/common/zsteg.md index c15508fa6..5c15c7d8e 100644 --- a/pages/common/zsteg.md +++ b/pages/common/zsteg.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > It detects LSB steganography, ZLIB-compressed data, OpenStego, Camouflage and LSB with the Eratosthenes set. > More information: . -- Detect embedded data in a PNG image: +- Detect embedded data in a PNG: `zsteg {{path/to/image.png}}` @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `zsteg --all {{path/to/image.bmp}}` -- Detect embedded data in a PNG image, iterating pixels vertically and using MSB first: +- Detect embedded data in a PNG, iterating pixels vertically and using MSB first: `zsteg --msb --order yx {{path/to/image.png}}` @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `zsteg --bits {{1,2,3|1-3}} {{path/to/image.bmp}}` -- Detect embedded data in a PNG image, extracting only prime pixels and inverting bits: +- Detect embedded data in a PNG, extracting only prime pixels and inverting bits: `zsteg --prime --invert {{path/to/image.png}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/aplay.md b/pages/linux/aplay.md index 562eac8a1..f99234550 100644 --- a/pages/linux/aplay.md +++ b/pages/linux/aplay.md @@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ `aplay {{path/to/file}}` -- Play the first 10 seconds of a specific file at 2500Hz: +- Play the first 10 seconds of a specific file at 2500 Hz: `aplay --duration={{10}} --rate={{2500}} {{path/to/file}}` -- Play the raw file as a 22050Hz, mono, 8-bit, Mu-Law `.au` file: +- Play the raw file as a 22050 Hz, mono, 8-bit, Mu-Law `.au` file: `aplay --channels={{1}} --file-type {{raw}} --rate={{22050}} --format={{mu_law}} {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/aptitude.md b/pages/linux/aptitude.md index ae767a7ba..16491547b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/aptitude.md +++ b/pages/linux/aptitude.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ `aptitude remove {{package}}` -- Upgrade installed packages to newest available versions: +- Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions: `aptitude upgrade` diff --git a/pages/linux/arecord.md b/pages/linux/arecord.md index daded85b0..e8ffa5e45 100644 --- a/pages/linux/arecord.md +++ b/pages/linux/arecord.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `arecord -vv --format=cd --duration={{10}} {{path/to/file.wav}}` -- Record a snippet and save it as mp3 (finish with Ctrl-C when done): +- Record a snippet and save it as an MP3 (finish with Ctrl-C when done): `arecord -vv --format=cd --file-type raw | lame -r - {{path/to/file.mp3}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/aspell.md b/pages/linux/aspell.md index 46a64672b..6af3935bb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/aspell.md +++ b/pages/linux/aspell.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `aspell dicts` -- Run aspell with different language (takes two letter ISO 639 language code): +- Run aspell with a different language (takes two-letter ISO 639 language code): `aspell --lang={{cs}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/at.md b/pages/linux/at.md index bc35c909d..8f25085ae 100644 --- a/pages/linux/at.md +++ b/pages/linux/at.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `at {{hh:mm}}` -- Execute the commands and email the result using a local mailing program such as sendmail: +- Execute the commands and email the result using a local mailing program such as Sendmail: `at {{hh:mm}} -m` diff --git a/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md b/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md index 738405a96..3937625e2 100644 --- a/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md +++ b/pages/linux/blkdiscard.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `blkdiscard --secure /dev/{{device}}` -- Discard the first 100MB of a device: +- Discard the first 100 MB of a device: `blkdiscard --length {{100MB}} /dev/{{device}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md b/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md index a889a1e06..7f4d85c73 100644 --- a/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/bluetoothctl.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # bluetoothctl -> Handling bluetooth devices from the shell. +> Manage Bluetooth devices from the command-line. > More information: . - Enter the bluetoothctl shell: diff --git a/pages/linux/bpftrace.md b/pages/linux/bpftrace.md index 02e3d2673..a27704c25 100644 --- a/pages/linux/bpftrace.md +++ b/pages/linux/bpftrace.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `sudo bpftrace -l` -- Run a one-liner program (e.g syscall count by program): +- Run a one-liner program (e.g. syscall count by program): `sudo bpftrace -e '{{tracepoint:raw_syscalls:sys_enter { @[comm] = count(); }}}'` diff --git a/pages/linux/brctl.md b/pages/linux/brctl.md index f8f9de73f..a3246724c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/brctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/brctl.md @@ -3,15 +3,15 @@ > Ethernet bridge administration. > More information: . -- Show a list with information about currently existing ethernet bridges: +- Show a list with information about currently existing Ethernet bridges: `sudo brctl show` -- Create a new ethernet bridge interface: +- Create a new Ethernet bridge interface: `sudo brctl add {{bridge_name}}` -- Delete an existing ethernet bridge interface: +- Delete an existing Ethernet bridge interface: `sudo brctl del {{bridge_name}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/cal.md b/pages/linux/cal.md index 926f2f14e..da909d75a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cal.md +++ b/pages/linux/cal.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `cal -3` -- Use monday as the first day of the week: +- Use Monday as the first day of the week: `cal --monday` diff --git a/pages/linux/compgen.md b/pages/linux/compgen.md index 99e6ae531..047afcdba 100644 --- a/pages/linux/compgen.md +++ b/pages/linux/compgen.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # compgen -> A built-in command for auto-completion in bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice. +> A built-in command for auto-completion in Bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice. > More information: . - List all commands that you could run: @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `compgen -A function` -- Show shell reserved key words: +- Show shell reserved keywords: `compgen -k` diff --git a/pages/linux/conky.md b/pages/linux/conky.md index 4cdc80fe7..9f8d22104 100644 --- a/pages/linux/conky.md +++ b/pages/linux/conky.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `conky -C > ~/.conkyrc` -- Launch conky with a given config file: +- Launch Conky with a given config file: `conky -c {{path/to/config}}` @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `conky -d` -- Align conky on the desktop: +- Align Conky on the desktop: `conky -a {{{top,bottom,middle}_{left,right,middle}}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md b/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md index 357967cf6..e7f1a010c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md +++ b/pages/linux/cpufreq-aperf.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ `sudo cpufreq-aperf -c {{1}}` -- Start calculating with a 3 seconds refresh interval for all CPU cores: +- Start calculating with a 3 second refresh interval for all CPU cores: `sudo cpufreq-aperf -i {{3}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/create_ap.md b/pages/linux/create_ap.md index 65ba584b5..b9bd011ff 100644 --- a/pages/linux/create_ap.md +++ b/pages/linux/create_ap.md @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ `create_ap -m bridge {{wlan0}} {{br0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}` -- Create an access port for Internet sharing from the same WiFi interface: +- Create an access port for Internet sharing from the same Wi-Fi interface: `create_ap {{wlan0}} {{wlan0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}` -- Choose a different WiFi adapter driver: +- Choose a different Wi-Fi adapter driver: `create_ap --driver {{wifi_adapter}} {{wlan0}} {{eth0}} {{access_point_ssid}} {{passphrase}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/daemonize.md b/pages/linux/daemonize.md index 602e962f6..69b186fcb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/daemonize.md +++ b/pages/linux/daemonize.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `daemonize {{command}} {{command_arguments}}` -- Write the pid to the specified file: +- Write the PID to the specified file: `daemonize -p {{path/to/pidfile}} {{command}} {{command_arguments}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md b/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md index d6144afe0..8f111bad5 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md +++ b/pages/linux/dbus-daemon.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `dbus-daemon --address {{address}}` -- Output the process id to stdout: +- Output the process ID to stdout: `dbus-daemon --print-pid` diff --git a/pages/linux/dockerd.md b/pages/linux/dockerd.md index 6af6294ff..1b3107238 100644 --- a/pages/linux/dockerd.md +++ b/pages/linux/dockerd.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `dockerd` -- Run docker daemon and config it to listen to specific sockets(unix,tcp): +- Run docker daemon and config it to listen to specific sockets (UNIX and TCP): `dockerd --host unix://{{path/to/tmp.sock}} --host tcp://{{ip}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/faketime.md b/pages/linux/faketime.md index b5c2b75c1..4e003c66d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/faketime.md +++ b/pages/linux/faketime.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `faketime '{{yesterday}}' {{bash}}` -- Simulate how any program would act next friday night: +- Simulate how a program would act next Friday night: -`faketime '{{next Friday 1 am}}' {{path/to/any/program}}` +`faketime '{{next Friday 1 am}}' {{path/to/program}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/fallocate.md b/pages/linux/fallocate.md index 0a5ab91d6..a6f8637b2 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fallocate.md +++ b/pages/linux/fallocate.md @@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ > The utility allocates space without zeroing. > More information: . -- Reserve a file taking up 700MB of disk space: +- Reserve a file taking up 700 MiB of disk space: `fallocate --length {{700M}} {{path/to/file}}` -- Shrink an already allocated file by 200MB: +- Shrink an already allocated file by 200 MiB: `fallocate --collapse-range --length {{200M}} {{path/to/file}}` -- Shrink 20MB of space after 100MB in a file: +- Shrink 20 MB of space after 100 MiB in a file: `fallocate --collapse-range --offset {{100M}} --length {{20M}} {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/fc-cache.md b/pages/linux/fc-cache.md index 2ba5fcb20..0889d3cb9 100644 --- a/pages/linux/fc-cache.md +++ b/pages/linux/fc-cache.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # fc-cache -> Scan font directories in order to build font cache files. +> Scan font directories to build font cache files. > More information: . - Generate font cache files: diff --git a/pages/linux/flameshot.md b/pages/linux/flameshot.md index 321d99008..5bfa02e42 100644 --- a/pages/linux/flameshot.md +++ b/pages/linux/flameshot.md @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # flameshot -> Screenshot utility with a gui interface. +> Screenshot utility with a GUI. > Supports basic image editing, such as text, shapes, colors, and imgur. > More information: . -- Launch flameshot in gui mode: +- Launch flameshot in GUI mode: `flameshot launcher` diff --git a/pages/linux/flashrom.md b/pages/linux/flashrom.md index f3b898ad1..b316a9226 100644 --- a/pages/linux/flashrom.md +++ b/pages/linux/flashrom.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `flashrom -p {{programmer}} --verify {{path/to/file}}` -- Probe the chip using RaspberryPi: +- Probe the chip using Raspberry Pi: `flashrom -p {{linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/free.md b/pages/linux/free.md index e8a5df852..8424c10da 100644 --- a/pages/linux/free.md +++ b/pages/linux/free.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `free -{{b|k|m|g}}` -- Display memory in human readable units: +- Display memory in human-readable units: `free -h` diff --git a/pages/linux/genkernel.md b/pages/linux/genkernel.md index 62256bd69..ac0ef9e7b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/genkernel.md +++ b/pages/linux/genkernel.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `sudo genkernel --kernname={{custom_name}} all` -- Use a kernel source outside of the default directory `/usr/src/linux`: +- Use a kernel source outside the default directory `/usr/src/linux`: `sudo genkernel --kerneldir={{path/to/directory}} all` diff --git a/pages/linux/hashcat.md b/pages/linux/hashcat.md index 41b15d58c..87e18d3ff 100644 --- a/pages/linux/hashcat.md +++ b/pages/linux/hashcat.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{0}} {{hash_value}} {{/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt}}` -- Perform a rule based dictionary attack (mode 0) using the RockYou wordlist mutated with common password variations: +- Perform a rule-based dictionary attack (mode 0) using the RockYou wordlist mutated with common password variations: `hashcat --hash-type {{hash_type_id}} --attack-mode {{0}} --rules-file {{/usr/share/hashcat/rules/best64.rule}} {{hash_value}} {{/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/http_load.md b/pages/linux/http_load.md index 6f39bd7fa..734488184 100644 --- a/pages/linux/http_load.md +++ b/pages/linux/http_load.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # http_load -> A HTTP benchmarking tool. +> An HTTP benchmarking tool. > Runs multiple HTTP fetches in parallel to test the throughput of a web server. > More information: . diff --git a/pages/linux/httpie.md b/pages/linux/httpie.md index 5e47073e8..594053c13 100644 --- a/pages/linux/httpie.md +++ b/pages/linux/httpie.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `http {{https://example.com}} < {{file.json}}` -- Send a PUT request with a given json body: +- Send a PUT request with a given JSON body: `http PUT {{https://example.com/todos/7}} {{hello=world}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/i3lock.md b/pages/linux/i3lock.md index f17d952fb..fe40c4444 100644 --- a/pages/linux/i3lock.md +++ b/pages/linux/i3lock.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `i3lock -u` -- Display mouse pointer instead of hiding it ('default' for default pointer, 'win' for a MS Windows pointer): +- Display mouse pointer instead of hiding it ('default' for default pointer, 'win' for an MS Windows pointer): `i3lock -p {{default|win}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/i7z.md b/pages/linux/i7z.md index f7ce938f4..0de36da90 100644 --- a/pages/linux/i7z.md +++ b/pages/linux/i7z.md @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ > An Intel CPU (only i3, i5 and i7) realtime reporting tool. -- Start i7z (needs to be run in super user mode): +- Start i7z (needs to be run in superuser mode): `sudo i7z` diff --git a/pages/linux/imgp.md b/pages/linux/imgp.md index 18fb12579..131a0ba55 100644 --- a/pages/linux/imgp.md +++ b/pages/linux/imgp.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # imgp -> Command-line image resizer and rotator for JPEG and PNG images. +> Command-line image resizer and rotator for JPEGs and PNGs. - Convert single images and/or whole directories containing valid image formats: diff --git a/pages/linux/inxi.md b/pages/linux/inxi.md index 17c840fad..ebe0e9f93 100644 --- a/pages/linux/inxi.md +++ b/pages/linux/inxi.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Print a summary of system information and resources for debugging purposes. -- Print a short summary of CPU, memory, hard drive and kernel information: +- Print a summary of CPU, memory, hard drive and kernel information: `inxi` diff --git a/pages/linux/ip.md b/pages/linux/ip.md index 90948a722..6b9b1d11d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/ip.md +++ b/pages/linux/ip.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ `ip link set {{interface}} up/down` -- Add/Delete an ip address to an interface: +- Add/Delete an IP address to an interface: `ip addr add/del {{ip}}/{{mask}} dev {{interface}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/iwconfig.md b/pages/linux/iwconfig.md index fe2adc332..49aba727a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/iwconfig.md +++ b/pages/linux/iwconfig.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `iwconfig {{interface}}` -- Set the ESSID (network name) of the specified interface (e.g., eth0 or wlp2s0): +- Set the ESSID (network name) of the specified interface (e.g. eth0 or wlp2s0): `iwconfig {{interface}} {{new_network_name}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/iwctl.md b/pages/linux/iwctl.md index c14f6924b..693d18cd8 100644 --- a/pages/linux/iwctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/iwctl.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `iwctl --help` -- Display your wifi stations: +- Display your Wi-Fi stations: `iwctl station list` diff --git a/pages/linux/jobs.md b/pages/linux/jobs.md index 24a0331d8..7941e6426 100644 --- a/pages/linux/jobs.md +++ b/pages/linux/jobs.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `jobs` -- List jobs and their process ids: +- List jobs and their process IDs: `jobs -l` @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `jobs -n` -- Display process id of process group leader: +- Display process ID of process group leader: `jobs -p` diff --git a/pages/linux/jpegtran.md b/pages/linux/jpegtran.md index b424b1126..55925a070 100644 --- a/pages/linux/jpegtran.md +++ b/pages/linux/jpegtran.md @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ `jpegtran -rotate {{90|180|270}} {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}` -- Transpose the image across the upper left to lower right axis: +- Transpose the image across the upper-left to lower right axis: `jpegtran -transpose {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}` @@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ `jpegtran -grayscale {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}` -- Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H` from the upper left corner, saving the output to a specific file: +- Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H` from the upper-left corner, saving the output to a specific file: `jpegtran -crop {{W}}x{{H}} -outfile {{path/to/output.jpg}} {{path/to/image.jpg}}` -- Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H`, starting at point `X` and `Y` from the upper left corner: +- Crop the image to a rectangular region of width `W` and height `H`, starting at point `X` and `Y` from the upper-left corner: `jpegtran -crop {{W}}x{{H}}+{{X}}+{{Y}} {{path/to/image.jpg}} > {{path/to/output.jpg}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/kde-inhibit.md b/pages/linux/kde-inhibit.md index c72b5b8d5..55a971601 100644 --- a/pages/linux/kde-inhibit.md +++ b/pages/linux/kde-inhibit.md @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ `kde-inhibit --screenSaver {{command}} {{command_arguments}}` -- Launch vlc, and inhibit colour correction (night mode) while it's running: +- Launch VLC, and inhibit color correction (night mode) while it's running: `kde-inhibit --colorCorrect {{vlc}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/lastcomm.md b/pages/linux/lastcomm.md index 1aecfe0b8..82a15df64 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lastcomm.md +++ b/pages/linux/lastcomm.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Show last commands executed. > More information: . -- Print information about all of the commands in the acct (record file): +- Print information about all the commands in the acct (record file): `lastcomm` diff --git a/pages/linux/lastlog.md b/pages/linux/lastlog.md index 6ea64247c..8ac38a976 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lastlog.md +++ b/pages/linux/lastlog.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ `lastlog -u {{username}}` -- Display records before than 7 days: +- Display records before 7 days ago: `lastlog -b {{7}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/libreoffice.md b/pages/linux/libreoffice.md index eb18c49f2..413567017 100644 --- a/pages/linux/libreoffice.md +++ b/pages/linux/libreoffice.md @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `libreoffice --pt {{printer_name}} {{path/to/file1}} {{path/to/file2}}` -- Convert all `.doc` files in current directory to pdf: +- Convert all `.doc` files in current directory to PDF: `libreoffice --convert-to {{pdf}} {{*.doc}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/logwatch.md b/pages/linux/logwatch.md index 3d6aaa65c..6eb21161e 100644 --- a/pages/linux/logwatch.md +++ b/pages/linux/logwatch.md @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ # logwatch -> Summarizes many different logs for common services (e.g., apache, pam_unix, sshd, etc.) in a single report. +> Summarizes many different logs for common services (e.g. apache, pam_unix, sshd, etc.) in a single report. -- Analyze logs for a range of dates at certain level of detail: +- Analyze logs for a range of dates at a certain level of detail: `logwatch --range {{yesterday|today|all|help}} --detail {{low|medium|others}}'` diff --git a/pages/linux/lshw.md b/pages/linux/lshw.md index 8f8f27e70..064d53c1a 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lshw.md +++ b/pages/linux/lshw.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `sudo lshw -X` -- List all hardwares in tabular format: +- List all hardware in tabular format: `sudo lshw -short` diff --git a/pages/linux/lslocks.md b/pages/linux/lslocks.md index d1728daea..a78d8a610 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lslocks.md +++ b/pages/linux/lslocks.md @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ `lslocks --pid {{PID}}` -- List locks with json output to stdout: +- List locks with JSON output to stdout: `lslocks --json` diff --git a/pages/linux/lsmod.md b/pages/linux/lsmod.md index 470770389..b45927754 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lsmod.md +++ b/pages/linux/lsmod.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # lsmod -> Shows the status of linux kernel modules. +> Shows the status of Linux kernel modules. > See also `modprobe`, which loads kernel modules. - List all currently loaded kernel modules: diff --git a/pages/linux/lsscsi.md b/pages/linux/lsscsi.md index f640774a1..06cd43202 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lsscsi.md +++ b/pages/linux/lsscsi.md @@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ `lsscsi -L` -- List all SCSI devices with human readable disk capacity: +- List all SCSI devices with human-readable disk capacity: `lsscsi -s` diff --git a/pages/linux/lsusb.md b/pages/linux/lsusb.md index c10dd871c..5bc504265 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lsusb.md +++ b/pages/linux/lsusb.md @@ -18,6 +18,6 @@ `lsusb -D {{device}}` -- List devices with a specified vendor and product id only: +- List devices with a specified vendor and product ID only: `lsusb -d {{vendor}}:{{product}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/lvcreate.md b/pages/linux/lvcreate.md index a2243c9d7..7470bf2d7 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lvcreate.md +++ b/pages/linux/lvcreate.md @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ `lvcreate -l {{60%VG}} -n {{mylv}} {{vg1}}` -- Create a logical volume called mylv that uses all of the unallocated space in the volume group vg1: +- Create a logical volume called mylv that uses all the unallocated space in the volume group vg1: `lvcreate -l {{100%FREE}} -n {{mylv}} {{vg1}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/lvextend.md b/pages/linux/lvextend.md index f52212262..8948df2c4 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lvextend.md +++ b/pages/linux/lvextend.md @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ > See also: `lvm`. > More information: . -- Increase a volume's size to 120GB: +- Increase a volume's size to 120 GB: `lvextend --size {{120G}} {{logical_volume}}` -- Increase a volume's size by 40GB as well as the underlying filesystem: +- Increase a volume's size by 40 GB as well as the underlying filesystem: `lvextend --size +{{40G}} -r {{logical_volume}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/lvreduce.md b/pages/linux/lvreduce.md index 324e7f1e1..62053ce6e 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lvreduce.md +++ b/pages/linux/lvreduce.md @@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ > See also: `lvm`. > More information: . -- Reduce a volume's size to 120GB: +- Reduce a volume's size to 120 GB: `lvreduce --size {{120G}} {{logical_volume}}` -- Reduce a volume's size by 40GB as well as the underlying filesystem: +- Reduce a volume's size by 40 GB as well as the underlying filesystem: `lvreduce --size -{{40G}} -r {{logical_volume}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/lvresize.md b/pages/linux/lvresize.md index 3a72c4f94..a5dea44a8 100644 --- a/pages/linux/lvresize.md +++ b/pages/linux/lvresize.md @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ > See also: `lvm`. > More information: . -- Change the size of a logical volume to 120GB: +- Change the size of a logical volume to 120 GB: `lvresize --size {{120G}} {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}` -- Extend the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120GB: +- Extend the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120 GB: `lvresize --size +{{120G}} --resizefs {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}` @@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ `lvresize --size {{100}}%FREE {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}` -- Reduce the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120GB: +- Reduce the size of a logical volume as well as the underlying filesystem by 120 GB: `lvresize --size -{{120G}} --resizefs {{volume_group}}/{{logical_volume}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/mcookie.md b/pages/linux/mcookie.md index c0473cfda..62b9bb312 100644 --- a/pages/linux/mcookie.md +++ b/pages/linux/mcookie.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # mcookie -> Generates random 128 bit hexadecimal numbers. +> Generates random 128-bit hexadecimal numbers. - Generate a random number: diff --git a/pages/linux/medusa.md b/pages/linux/medusa.md index 3985fbab8..c0601466d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/medusa.md +++ b/pages/linux/medusa.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `medusa -M ftp -h host -U {{path/to/username_file}} -P {{path/to/password_file}}` -- Execute a login attempt against a HTTP server using the username, password and user-agent specified: +- Execute a login attempt against an HTTP server using the username, password and user-agent specified: `medusa -M HTTP -h host -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -m USER-AGENT:"{{Agent}}"` diff --git a/pages/linux/nmcli-connection.md b/pages/linux/nmcli-connection.md index 107938d40..84e918d17 100644 --- a/pages/linux/nmcli-connection.md +++ b/pages/linux/nmcli-connection.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Connection management with NetworkManager. > More information: . -- List all NetworkManager connections (shows name, uuid, type and device): +- List all NetworkManager connections (shows name, UUID, type and device): `nmcli connection` -- Activate a connection by specifying an uuid: +- Activate a connection by specifying a UUID: `nmcli connection up uuid {{uuid}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/parted.md b/pages/linux/parted.md index ed561a2f3..d666b543d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/parted.md +++ b/pages/linux/parted.md @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ `select {{/dev/sdX}}` -- Create a 16GB partition with the specified filesystem in interactive mode: +- Create a 16 GB partition with the specified filesystem in interactive mode: `mkpart {{primary|logical|extended}} {{btrfs|ext2|ext3|ext4|fat16|fat32|hfs|hfs+|linux-swap|ntfs|reiserfs|udf|xfs}} {{0%}} {{16G}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/pasuspender.md b/pages/linux/pasuspender.md index 284432268..af1b78f95 100644 --- a/pages/linux/pasuspender.md +++ b/pages/linux/pasuspender.md @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ > Temporarily suspends `pulseaudio` while another command is running to allow access to alsa. -- Suspend pulseaudio while running `jackd`: +- Suspend PulseAudio while running `jackd`: `pasuspender -- {{jackd -d alsa --device hw:0}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/pdfgrep.md b/pages/linux/pdfgrep.md index 475899f6c..3690472c2 100644 --- a/pages/linux/pdfgrep.md +++ b/pages/linux/pdfgrep.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ `pdfgrep --with-filename --page-number {{pattern}} {{file.pdf}}` -- Do a case insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches: +- Do a case-insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches: `pdfgrep --max-count {{3}} --ignore-case {{'^foo'}} {{file.pdf}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/perf.md b/pages/linux/perf.md index 44a32233a..7f823b3fb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/perf.md +++ b/pages/linux/perf.md @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # perf -> Framework for linux performance counter measurements. +> Framework for Linux performance counter measurements. - Display basic performance counter stats for a command: `perf stat {{gcc hello.c}}` -- Display system-wide real time performance counter profile: +- Display system-wide real-time performance counter profile: `sudo perf top` diff --git a/pages/linux/phpdismod.md b/pages/linux/phpdismod.md index dc0eff1ae..385db0157 100644 --- a/pages/linux/phpdismod.md +++ b/pages/linux/phpdismod.md @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ > Disable PHP extensions on Debian-based OSes. -- Disable the json extension for every SAPI of every PHP version: +- Disable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version: `sudo phpdismod {{json}}` -- Disable the json extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI: +- Disable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI: `sudo phpdismod -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} {{json}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/phpenmod.md b/pages/linux/phpenmod.md index a290f418f..c5a17cd67 100644 --- a/pages/linux/phpenmod.md +++ b/pages/linux/phpenmod.md @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ > Enable PHP extensions on Debian-based OSes. -- Enable the json extension for every SAPI of every PHP version: +- Enable the JSON extension for every SAPI of every PHP version: `sudo phpenmod {{json}}` -- Enable the json extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI: +- Enable the JSON extension for PHP 7.3 with the cli SAPI: `sudo phpenmod -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} {{json}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/phpquery.md b/pages/linux/phpquery.md index afcc901e8..62223c2bb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/phpquery.md +++ b/pages/linux/phpquery.md @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ `sudo phpquery -v {{7.3}} -s {{cli}} -M` -- Check if the json extension is enabled for PHP 7.3 with the apache2 SAPI: +- Check if the JSON extension is enabled for PHP 7.3 with the apache2 SAPI: `sudo phpquery -v {{7.3}} -s {{apache2}} -m {{json}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/pkgfile.md b/pages/linux/pkgfile.md index 03095cf1a..42a2aecc4 100644 --- a/pages/linux/pkgfile.md +++ b/pages/linux/pkgfile.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ `pkgfile --list --binaries {{package_name}}` -- Search for a package that owns a specific file using case insensitive matching: +- Search for a package that owns a specific file using case-insensitive matching: `pkgfile --ignorecase {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/protontricks.md b/pages/linux/protontricks.md index 92b1bbcad..ab34a47bb 100644 --- a/pages/linux/protontricks.md +++ b/pages/linux/protontricks.md @@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ `protontricks {{appid}} {{winetricks_args}}` -- Run a command within a games installation directory: +- Run a command within a game's installation directory: `protontricks -c {{command}} {{appid}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/pulseaudio.md b/pages/linux/pulseaudio.md index aa2745cba..1eab7e4f1 100644 --- a/pages/linux/pulseaudio.md +++ b/pages/linux/pulseaudio.md @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ # pulseaudio -> The pulseaudio sound system daemon and manager. +> The PulseAudio sound system daemon and manager. > More information: . -- Check if pulseaudio is running (a non-zero exit code means it is not running): +- Check if PulseAudio is running (a non-zero exit code means it is not running): `pulseaudio --check` -- Start the pulseaudio daemon in the background: +- Start the PulseAudio daemon in the background: `pulseaudio --start` -- Kill the running pulseaudio daemon: +- Kill the running PulseAudio daemon: `pulseaudio --kill` diff --git a/pages/linux/rdesktop.md b/pages/linux/rdesktop.md index 227bdfe29..9c5cddc49 100644 --- a/pages/linux/rdesktop.md +++ b/pages/linux/rdesktop.md @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ `rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -d {{domainname}} {{host:port}}` -- Use the 16 bit color (speed up): +- Use the 16-bit color (speed up): `rdesktop -u {{username}} -p {{password}} -a 16 {{host:port}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/rtcwake.md b/pages/linux/rtcwake.md index 27d553661..9c753dc07 100644 --- a/pages/linux/rtcwake.md +++ b/pages/linux/rtcwake.md @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ # rtcwake -> Enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time relative to your bios clock. +> Enter a system sleep state until specified wakeup time relative to your BIOS clock. - Show whether an alarm is set or not: `sudo rtcwake -m show -v` -- Suspend to ram and wakeup after 10 seconds: +- Suspend to RAM and wakeup after 10 seconds: `sudo rtcwake -m mem -s {{10}}` @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `sudo rtcwake -m disk --date +{{15}}min` -- Freeze the system (more efficient than suspend-to-ram but linux > 3.9 required) and wakeup at a given date and time: +- Freeze the system (more efficient than suspend-to-RAM but version 3.9 or newer of the Linux kernel is required) and wakeup at a given date and time: `sudo rtcwake -m freeze --date {{YYYYMMDDhhmm}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/schroot.md b/pages/linux/schroot.md index 6f05c8499..6aaf8e48d 100644 --- a/pages/linux/schroot.md +++ b/pages/linux/schroot.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `schroot --all {{command}}` -- Start an interactive shell with in a specific chroot as a specific user: +- Start an interactive shell within a specific chroot as a specific user: `schroot --chroot {{chroot}} --user {{user}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/silentcast.md b/pages/linux/silentcast.md index 1e02100f8..3e0d255a9 100644 --- a/pages/linux/silentcast.md +++ b/pages/linux/silentcast.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # silentcast -> Silent screencast creator. Saves in `.mkv` and animated gif formats. +> Silent screencast creator. Saves in `.mkv` and animated GIF formats. > More information: . - Launch silentcast: diff --git a/pages/linux/slapt-get.md b/pages/linux/slapt-get.md index df0cc8a76..0090dfcd8 100644 --- a/pages/linux/slapt-get.md +++ b/pages/linux/slapt-get.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `slapt-get --upgrade` -- Locate packages of interest by the package name, disk set, or version: +- Locate packages by the package name, disk set, or version: `slapt-get --search {{package_name}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/slapt-src.md b/pages/linux/slapt-src.md index 6ebfc2d9d..5a900bc8f 100644 --- a/pages/linux/slapt-src.md +++ b/pages/linux/slapt-src.md @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ `slapt-src --install {{slackbuild_name}}` -- Locate slackbuilds of interest by their name or description: +- Locate slackbuilds by their name or description: `slapt-src --search {{search_term}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/snmpwalk.md b/pages/linux/snmpwalk.md index 0c222dc0a..49f5230f6 100644 --- a/pages/linux/snmpwalk.md +++ b/pages/linux/snmpwalk.md @@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ `snmpwalk -v1 -c {{community}} {{ip}}` -- Query specific system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv2 on a specified port: +- Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv2 on a specified port: `snmpwalk -v2c -c {{community}} {{ip}}:{{port}} {{oid}}` -- Query specific system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 and authentication without encryption: +- Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 and authentication without encryption: `snmpwalk -v3 -l {{authNoPriv}} -u {{username}} -a {{MD5|SHA}} -A {{passphrase}} {{ip}} {{oid}}` -- Query specific system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3, authentication, and encryption: +- Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3, authentication, and encryption: `snmpwalk -v3 -l {{authPriv}} -u {{username}} -a {{MD5|SHA}} -A {{auth_passphrase}} -x {{DES|AES}} -X {{enc_passphrase}} {{ip}} {{oid}}` -- Query specific system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 without authentication or encryption: +- Query system information on a remote host by OID using SNMPv3 without authentication or encryption: `snmpwalk -v3 -l {{noAuthNoPriv}} -u {{username}} {{ip}} {{oid}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/spectre-meltdown-checker.md b/pages/linux/spectre-meltdown-checker.md index 5a97e6254..04d1c03e7 100644 --- a/pages/linux/spectre-meltdown-checker.md +++ b/pages/linux/spectre-meltdown-checker.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `sudo spectre-meltdown-checker` -- Check the currently running kernel and show an explanation of the actions to take in order to mitigate a vulnerability: +- Check the currently running kernel and show an explanation of the actions to take to mitigate a vulnerability: `sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --explain` diff --git a/pages/linux/spi.md b/pages/linux/spi.md index a45790772..71901cb81 100644 --- a/pages/linux/spi.md +++ b/pages/linux/spi.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `spi --upgrade` -- Locate packages or slackbuilds of interest by package name or description: +- Locate packages or slackbuilds by package name or description: `spi {{search_terms}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/sreport.md b/pages/linux/sreport.md index 32713b79c..8d9387f5b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/sreport.md +++ b/pages/linux/sreport.md @@ -11,6 +11,6 @@ `sreport job sizes printjobcount` -- Show users with highest cpu time use: +- Show users with the highest CPU time use: `sreport user topuser` diff --git a/pages/linux/steghide.md b/pages/linux/steghide.md index 11df94a99..3bf5b38c0 100644 --- a/pages/linux/steghide.md +++ b/pages/linux/steghide.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Steganography tool for JPEG, BMP, WAV and AU file formats. > More information: . -- Embed data in a PNG image, prompting for a passphrase: +- Embed data in a PNG, prompting for a passphrase: `steghide embed --coverfile {{path/to/image.png}} --embedfile {{path/to/data.txt}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/swupd.md b/pages/linux/swupd.md index 35c2a279d..7b6504a42 100644 --- a/pages/linux/swupd.md +++ b/pages/linux/swupd.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Package management utility for Clear Linux. > More information: . -- Update to latest version: +- Update to the latest version: `sudo swupd update` diff --git a/pages/linux/systemd-analyze.md b/pages/linux/systemd-analyze.md index 5a302034b..c1be8e5c7 100644 --- a/pages/linux/systemd-analyze.md +++ b/pages/linux/systemd-analyze.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `systemd-analyze blame` -- Print a tree of the time critical chain of units: +- Print a tree of the time-critical chain of units: `systemd-analyze critical-chain` diff --git a/pages/linux/tomb.md b/pages/linux/tomb.md index 7ea7cf150..dcdda26cd 100644 --- a/pages/linux/tomb.md +++ b/pages/linux/tomb.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Manage encrypted storage directories that can be safely transported and hidden in a filesystem. > More information: . -- Create a new tomb with an initial size of 100MB: +- Create a new tomb with an initial size of 100 MB: `tomb dig -s {{100}} {{encrypted_directory.tomb}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/xclip.md b/pages/linux/xclip.md index 4dd5fb42c..dba82113c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xclip.md +++ b/pages/linux/xclip.md @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ `xclip -sel clip {{input_file.txt}}` -- Copy the contents of a PNG image into the system clipboard (can be pasted in other programs correctly): +- Copy the contents of a PNG into the system clipboard (can be pasted in other programs correctly): `xclip -sel clip -t image/png {{input_file.png}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/xcursorgen.md b/pages/linux/xcursorgen.md index 2c7bfba21..ad6a9fb63 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xcursorgen.md +++ b/pages/linux/xcursorgen.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # xcursorgen -> Create an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images. +> Create an X cursor file from a collection of PNGs. > If `--prefix` is omitted, the image files must be located in the current working directory. > More information: . diff --git a/pages/linux/xdg-mime.md b/pages/linux/xdg-mime.md index 7017f00cf..97952cfd1 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xdg-mime.md +++ b/pages/linux/xdg-mime.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `xdg-mime query filetype {{path/to/file}}` -- Display the default application for opening PNG images: +- Display the default application for opening PNGs: `xdg-mime query default {{image/png}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/xdg-open.md b/pages/linux/xdg-open.md index a7ad4df9c..494edc22c 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xdg-open.md +++ b/pages/linux/xdg-open.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `xdg-open .` -- Open an URL in the default browser: +- Open a URL in the default browser: `xdg-open {{https://example.com}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/xdotool.md b/pages/linux/xdotool.md index 07507c4e4..9e515dae1 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xdotool.md +++ b/pages/linux/xdotool.md @@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ `xdotool click {{3}}` -- Get the id of the currently active window: +- Get the ID of the currently active window: `xdotool getactivewindow` -- Focus on the window with id of 12345: +- Focus on the window with ID of 12345: `xdotool windowfocus --sync {{12345}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/xsetwacom.md b/pages/linux/xsetwacom.md index 4cab54942..f01826731 100644 --- a/pages/linux/xsetwacom.md +++ b/pages/linux/xsetwacom.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Command-line tool to change settings for Wacom pen tablets at runtime. -- List all the available wacom devices. The device name is in the first column: +- List all the available Wacom devices. The device name is in the first column: `xsetwacom list` diff --git a/pages/linux/yetris.md b/pages/linux/yetris.md index eda472c9b..c3e908ef5 100644 --- a/pages/linux/yetris.md +++ b/pages/linux/yetris.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ > Clone of the game Tetris in the terminal. > More information: . -- Start a tetris game: +- Start a Tetris game: `yetris` diff --git a/pages/linux/yum.md b/pages/linux/yum.md index 5c6a62434..63f17f9f9 100644 --- a/pages/linux/yum.md +++ b/pages/linux/yum.md @@ -23,6 +23,6 @@ `yum check-update` -- Upgrade installed packages to newest available versions: +- Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions: `yum upgrade` diff --git a/pages/linux/zramctl.md b/pages/linux/zramctl.md index a4ed2e9ef..7de59546f 100644 --- a/pages/linux/zramctl.md +++ b/pages/linux/zramctl.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `sudo modprobe zram num_devices={{2}}` -- Find and initialise the next free zram device to a 2GB virtual drive using LZ4 compression: +- Find and initialise the next free zram device to a 2 GB virtual drive using LZ4 compression: `sudo zramctl --find --size {{2GB}} --algorithm {{lz4}}` diff --git a/pages/linux/zypper.md b/pages/linux/zypper.md index bf18e84d7..ed4a53d2b 100644 --- a/pages/linux/zypper.md +++ b/pages/linux/zypper.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `zypper remove {{package}}` -- Upgrade installed packages to newest available versions: +- Upgrade installed packages to the newest available versions: `zypper update` diff --git a/pages/osx/afinfo.md b/pages/osx/afinfo.md index 38f581532..477bf3214 100644 --- a/pages/osx/afinfo.md +++ b/pages/osx/afinfo.md @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ `afinfo -i {{path/to/file}}` -- Print output in xml format: +- Print output in XML format: `afinfo -x {{path/to/file}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/caffeinate.md b/pages/osx/caffeinate.md index 83c3fc87d..12893e22d 100644 --- a/pages/osx/caffeinate.md +++ b/pages/osx/caffeinate.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # caffeinate -> Prevent mac from sleeping. +> Prevent macOS from sleeping. - Prevent from sleeping for 1 hour (3600 seconds): diff --git a/pages/osx/compgen.md b/pages/osx/compgen.md index 15e350519..c41c9455f 100644 --- a/pages/osx/compgen.md +++ b/pages/osx/compgen.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # compgen -> A built-in command for auto-completion in bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice. +> A built-in command for auto-completion in Bash, which is called on pressing TAB key twice. - List all commands that you could run: @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `compgen -A function` -- Show shell reserved key words: +- Show shell reserved keywords: `compgen -k` diff --git a/pages/osx/dd.md b/pages/osx/dd.md index eea6dbc01..1b467caa5 100644 --- a/pages/osx/dd.md +++ b/pages/osx/dd.md @@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ > Convert and copy a file. -- Make a bootable usb drive from an isohybrid file (such like `archlinux-xxx.iso`): +- Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid file (such like `archlinux-xxx.iso`): `dd if={{file.iso}} of=/dev/{{usb_drive}}` -- Clone a drive to another drive with 4MB block and ignore error: +- Clone a drive to another drive with 4 MB block and ignore error: `dd if=/dev/{{source_drive}} of=/dev/{{dest_drive}} bs=4m conv=noerror` diff --git a/pages/osx/du.md b/pages/osx/du.md index c018dc0a5..5d7a69c1e 100644 --- a/pages/osx/du.md +++ b/pages/osx/du.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ `du -h {{path/to/directory}}` -- Show the size of a single directory, in human readable units: +- Show the size of a single directory, in human-readable units: `du -sh {{path/to/directory}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/m.md b/pages/osx/m.md index d790c6fbb..2b88d1976 100644 --- a/pages/osx/m.md +++ b/pages/osx/m.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `m battery status` -- Turn off bluetooth: +- Turn off Bluetooth: `m bluetooth off` diff --git a/pages/osx/pdfgrep.md b/pages/osx/pdfgrep.md index 475899f6c..3690472c2 100644 --- a/pages/osx/pdfgrep.md +++ b/pages/osx/pdfgrep.md @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ `pdfgrep --with-filename --page-number {{pattern}} {{file.pdf}}` -- Do a case insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches: +- Do a case-insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches: `pdfgrep --max-count {{3}} --ignore-case {{'^foo'}} {{file.pdf}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/port.md b/pages/osx/port.md index 80e76ec73..2951f2d2c 100644 --- a/pages/osx/port.md +++ b/pages/osx/port.md @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ `port installed` -- Update port and fetch latest list of available packages: +- Update port and fetch the latest list of available packages: `sudo port selfupdate` diff --git a/pages/osx/sed.md b/pages/osx/sed.md index afd64610c..e56528871 100644 --- a/pages/osx/sed.md +++ b/pages/osx/sed.md @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ `sed -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}}` -- Replace separator / by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g., #: +- Replace separator `/` by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g. `#`: `sed 's#{{find}}#{{replace}}#' {{filename}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/stat.md b/pages/osx/stat.md index a1a2b0cce..c8290faf3 100644 --- a/pages/osx/stat.md +++ b/pages/osx/stat.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `stat {{file}}` -- Same as above but verbose (more similar to linux's `stat`): +- Same as above but verbose (more similar to Linux's `stat`): `stat -x {{file}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/systemsetup.md b/pages/osx/systemsetup.md index 431beae76..c7e61f5d3 100644 --- a/pages/osx/systemsetup.md +++ b/pages/osx/systemsetup.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ `systemsetup -setremotelogin on` -- Specify TimeZone, NTP Server and enable network time: +- Specify timezone, NTP Server and enable network time: `systemsetup -settimezone {{US/Pacific}} -setnetworktimeserver {{us.pool.ntp.org}} -setusingnetworktime on` diff --git a/pages/osx/tmutil.md b/pages/osx/tmutil.md index 07befcfd3..e4d61b6d3 100644 --- a/pages/osx/tmutil.md +++ b/pages/osx/tmutil.md @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ > Utility for managing Time Machine backups. Most verbs require root privileges. > More information: . -- Set a HFS+ drive as the backup destination: +- Set an HFS+ drive as the backup destination: `sudo tmutil setdestination {{path/to/disk_mount_point}}` -- Set a APF share or SMB share as the backup destination: +- Set an APF share or SMB share as the backup destination: `sudo tmutil setdestination {{protocol://user[:password]@host/share}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/wifi-password.md b/pages/osx/wifi-password.md index 3efb71c6e..778fb644d 100644 --- a/pages/osx/wifi-password.md +++ b/pages/osx/wifi-password.md @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ # wifi-password -> Get the password of the wifi. +> Get the password of the Wi-Fi. > More information: . -- Get the password for the wifi you are currently logged onto: +- Get the password for the Wi-Fi you are currently logged onto: `wifi-password` -- Get the password for the wifi with a specific SSID: +- Get the password for the Wi-Fi with a specific SSID: `wifi-password {{ssid}}` diff --git a/pages/osx/yaa.md b/pages/osx/yaa.md index f7333ee2d..ddf1d6f33 100644 --- a/pages/osx/yaa.md +++ b/pages/osx/yaa.md @@ -22,6 +22,6 @@ `yaa archive -a {{algorithm}} -d {{path/to/directory}} -o {{path/to/output.yaa}}` -- Create an archive with an 8MB block size: +- Create an archive with an 8 MB block size: `yaa archive -b {{8m}} -d {{path/to/directory}} -o {{path/to/output.yaa}}` diff --git a/pages/sunos/prctl.md b/pages/sunos/prctl.md index 9f30690df..9d320d7f1 100644 --- a/pages/sunos/prctl.md +++ b/pages/sunos/prctl.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ `prctl {{PID}}` -- Examine process limits and permissions in machine parseable format: +- Examine process limits and permissions in machine parsable format: `prctl -P {{PID}}` diff --git a/pages/sunos/snoop.md b/pages/sunos/snoop.md index a8f81bc5a..c71c2a5bc 100644 --- a/pages/sunos/snoop.md +++ b/pages/sunos/snoop.md @@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ `snoop to port {{port}} from host {{hostname}}` -- Capture and show an hex-dump of network packets exchanged between two IP addresses: +- Capture and show a hex-dump of network packets exchanged between two IP addresses: `snoop -x0 -p4 {{ip_address_1}} {{ip_address_2}}` diff --git a/pages/windows/eventcreate.md b/pages/windows/eventcreate.md index a63a13f13..ba7096912 100644 --- a/pages/windows/eventcreate.md +++ b/pages/windows/eventcreate.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ > Event IDs can be any number between 1 and 1000. > More information: . -- Create a new event with a given id (1-1000) in the log: +- Create a new event with a given ID (1-1000) in the log: `eventcreate /t {{success|error|warning|information}} /id {{id}} /d "{{message}}"` diff --git a/pages/windows/pathping.md b/pages/windows/pathping.md index 68a59c7c3..ce7b8b40b 100644 --- a/pages/windows/pathping.md +++ b/pages/windows/pathping.md @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ `pathping {{hostname}}` -- Do not perform reverse lookup of ip-address to hostname: +- Do not perform reverse lookup of IP address to hostname: `pathping {{hostname}} -n` diff --git a/pages/windows/robocopy.md b/pages/windows/robocopy.md index c076c2cfb..a3c54818f 100644 --- a/pages/windows/robocopy.md +++ b/pages/windows/robocopy.md @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ `robocopy {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} /E /XO` -- List all files 50 MBytes or larger in size instead of copying them: +- List all files 50 MB or larger instead of copying them: -`robocopy {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} /MIN:52428800 /L` +`robocopy {{path/to/source}} {{path/to/destination}} /MIN:{{52428800}} /L` - Allow resuming if network connection is lost and limit retries to 5 and wait time to 15 sec: diff --git a/pages/windows/taskkill.md b/pages/windows/taskkill.md index b2b17b880..44b75dd41 100644 --- a/pages/windows/taskkill.md +++ b/pages/windows/taskkill.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ # taskkill -> Terminate a process by its process id or name. +> Terminate a process by its process ID or name. > More information: . -- Terminate a process by its id: +- Terminate a process by its ID: `taskkill /pid {{process_id}}` diff --git a/pages/windows/whoami.md b/pages/windows/whoami.md index 65b34587c..d4321211d 100644 --- a/pages/windows/whoami.md +++ b/pages/windows/whoami.md @@ -19,6 +19,6 @@ `whoami /upn` -- Display the logon id of the current user: +- Display the logon ID of the current user: `whoami /logonid`