alpine : add chinese translation

hugue 2018-12-21 21:00:55 +08:00 committed by Agniva De Sarker
parent 4d0cf0f12f
commit 83ab89b278
1248 changed files with 6 additions and 25978 deletions

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# 7z
> A file archiver with high compression ratio.
- Archive a file or folder:
`7z a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Encrypt an existing archive (including headers):
`7z a {{encrypted.7z}} -p{{password}} -mhe {{archived.7z}}`
- Extract an existing 7z file with original directory structure:
`7z x {{archived.7z}}`
- Extract an archive with user-defined output path:
`7z x {{archived.7z}} -o{{path/to/output}}`
- Archive using a specific archive type:
`7z a -t {{zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|...}} {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}}`
- List available archive types:
`7z i`
- List the contents of an archive file:
`7z l {{archived.7z}}`

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# 7za
> A file archiver with high compression ratio.
> A standalone version of `7z` with support for fewer archive types.
- Archive a file or folder:
`7za a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Extract an existing 7z file with original directory structure:
`7za x {{archived}}`
- Archive using a specific archive type:
`7za a -t{{zip|gzip|bzip2|tar|...}} {{archived}} {{path/to/file}}`
- List available archive types:
`7za i`
- List the contents of an archive file:
`7za l {{archived}}`

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# 7zr
> A file archiver with high compression ratio.
> A standalone version of `7z` that only supports .7z files.
- Archive a file or folder:
`7zr a {{archived.7z}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Extract an existing 7z file with original directory structure:
`7zr x {{archived.7z}}`
- List the contents of an archive file:
`7zr l {{archived.7z}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# ab
> Apache Benchmarking tool. The simplest tool to perform a load testing.
- Execute 100 HTTP GET requests to given URL:
`ab -n {{100}} {{url}}`
- Execute 100 HTTP GET requests, processing up to 10 requests concurrently, to given URL:
`ab -n {{100}} -c {{10}} {{url}}`
- Use keep alive:
`ab -k {{url}}`
- Set the maximum number of seconds to spend for benchmarking:
`ab -t {{60}} {{url}}`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# abduco
> Terminal session manager.
- List sessions:
- Attach to a session, creating it if it doesn't exist:
`abduco -A {{name}} {{bash}}`
- Attach to a session with `dvtm`, creating it if it doesn't exist:
`abduco -A {{name}}`
- Detach from a session:
`Ctrl + \`
- Attach to a session in read-only mode:
`abduco -Ar {{name}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# ack
> A search tool like grep, optimized for programmers.
- Find files containing "foo":
`ack {{foo}}`
- Find files in a specific language:
`ack --ruby {{each_with_object}}`
- Count the total number of matches for the term "foo":
`ack -ch {{foo}}`
- Show the file names containing "foo" and number of matches in each file:
`ack -cl {{foo}}`

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# adb
> Android Debug Bridge: communicate with an Android emulator instance or connected Android devices.
- Check whether the adb server process is running and start it:
`adb start-server`
- Terminate the adb server process:
`adb kill-server`
- Start a remote shell in the target emulator/device instance:
`adb shell`
- Push an Android application to an emulator/device:
`adb install -r {{path/to/file.apk}}`
- Copy a file/folder from the target device:
`adb pull {{path/to/device_file_or_folder}} {{path/to/local_destination_folder}}`
- Copy a file/folder to the target device:
`adb push {{path/to/local_file_or_folder}} {{path/to/device_destination_folder}}`
- Get a list of connected devices:
`adb devices`

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# ag
> The Silver Searcher. Like ack, but faster.
- Find files containing "foo", and print the line matches in context:
`ag {{foo}}`
- Find files containing "foo" in a specific directory:
`ag {{foo}} {{path/to/folder}}`
- Find files containing "foo", but only list the filenames:
`ag -l {{foo}}`
- Find files containing "FOO" case-insensitively, and print only the match, rather than the whole line:
`ag -i -o {{FOO}}`
- Find "foo" in files with a name matching "bar":
`ag {{foo}} -G {{bar}}`
- Find files whose contents match a regular expression:
`ag '{{^ba(r|z)$}}'`
- Find files with a name matching "foo":
`ag -g {{foo}}`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# airpaste
> Share messages and files on the same network.
- Wait for message and display when received:
- Send text:
`echo {{text}} | airpaste`
- Send file:
`airpaste < {{path/to/file}}`
- Receive file:
`airpaste > {{path/to/file}}`
- Create/Join channel:
`airpaste {{channel_name}}`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# alias
> Creates aliases -- words that are replaced by a command string.
> Aliases expire with the current shell session, unless they're defined in the shell's configuration file, e.g. `~/.bashrc`.
- Create a generic alias:
`alias {{word}}="{{command}}"`
- View the command associated to a given alias:
`alias {{word}}`
- Remove an aliased command:
`unalias {{word}}`
- List all aliased words:
`alias -p`
- Turn rm into an interactive command:
`alias {{rm}}="{{rm -i}}"`
- Create `la` as a shortcut for `ls -a`:
`alias {{la}}="{{ls -a}}"`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# ansible-galaxy
> Create and manage Ansible roles.
- Install a role:
`ansible-galaxy install {{username.role_name}}`
- Remove a role:
`ansible-galaxy remove {{username.role_name}}`
- List installed roles:
`ansible-galaxy list`
- Search for a given role:
`ansible-galaxy search {{role_name}}`
- Create a new role:
`ansible-galaxy init {{role_name}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# ansible-playbook
> Execute tasks defined in playbook on remote machines over SSH.
- Run tasks in playbook:
`ansible-playbook {{playbook}}`
- Run tasks in playbook with custom host inventory:
`ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -i {{inventory_file}}`
- Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined via the command line:
`ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "{{variable1}}={{value1}} {{variable2}}={{value2}}"`
- Run tasks in playbook with extra variables defined in a json file:
`ansible-playbook {{playbook}} -e "@{{variables.json}}"`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# ansible
> Manage groups of computers remotely over SSH.
> Use the /etc/ansible/hosts file to add new groups/hosts.
- List hosts belonging to a group:
`ansible {{group}} --list-hosts`
- Ping a group of hosts by invoking the ping module:
`ansible {{group}} -m ping`
- Display facts about a group of hosts by invoking the setup module:
`ansible {{group}} -m setup`
- Execute a command on a group of hosts by invoking command module with arguments:
`ansible {{group}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'`
- Execute a command with administrative privileges:
`ansible {{group}} --become --ask-become-pass -m command -a '{{my_command}}'`
- Execute a command using a custom inventory file:
`ansible {{group}} -i {{inventory_file}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'`

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# ansiweather
> A shell script for displaying the current weather conditions in your terminal.
- Display a forecast using metric units for the next five days for Rzeszow, Poland:
`ansiweather -u {{metric}} -f {{5}} -l {{Rzeszow,PL}}`
- Display a forecast showing symbols and daylight data for your current location:
`ansiweather -s {{true}} -d {{true}}`
- Display a forecast showing wind and humidity data for your current location:
`ansiweather -w {{true}} -h {{true}}`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# apg
> Creates arbitrarily complex random passwords.
- Create random passwords (default password length is 8):
- Create a password with at least 1 symbol (S), 1 number (N), 1 uppercase (C), 1 lowercase (L):
`apg -M SNCL`
- Create a password with 16 characters:
`apg -m {{16}}`
- Create a password with maximum length of 16:
`apg -x {{16}}`
- Create a password that doesn't appear in a dictionary (the dictionary file has to be provided):
`apg -r {{dictionary_file}}`

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# apm
> Atom editor Package Manager.
> See `atom`.
- Install packages from and themes from
`apm install {{package_name}}`
- Remove packages/themes:
`apm remove {{package_name}}`
- Upgrade packages/themes:
`apm upgrade {{package_name}}`

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# apropos
> Search in manpages, for example to find a new command.
- Search for keyword:
`apropos {{regular_expression}}`
- Search without restricting output to terminal width:
`apropos -l {{regular_expression}}`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# ar
> Create, modify, and extract from archives (.a, .so, .o).
- Extract all members from an archive:
`ar -x {{libfoo.a}}`
- List the members of an archive:
`ar -t {{libfoo.a}}`
- Replace or add files to an archive:
`ar -r {{libfoo.a}} {{foo.o}} {{bar.o}} {{baz.o}}`
- Insert an object file index (equivalent to using `ranlib`):
`ar -s {{libfoo.a}}`
- Create an archive with files and an accompanying object file index:
`ar -rs {{libfoo.a}} {{foo.o}} {{bar.o}} {{baz.o}}`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# aria2c
> Fast download utility.
> Supports HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink.
- Download a URI to a file:
`aria2c {{url}}`
- Download from multiple sources:
`aria2c {{url_1}} {{url_2}}`
- Download the URIs listed in a file:
`aria2c -i {{filename}}`
- Download with multiple connections:
`aria2c -s {{connections_num}} {{url}}`
- FTP download with username and password:
`aria2c --ftp-user={{username}} --ftp-passwd={{password}} {{url}}`
- Limit download speed in bytes/s:
`aria2c --max-download-limit={{speed}} {{url}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# arp
> Show and manipulate your system's ARP cache.
- Show current arp table:
`arp -a`
- Clear the entire cache:
`sudo arp -a -d`
- Delete a specific entry:
`arp -d {{address}}`
- Create an entry:
`arp -s {{address}} {{mac_address}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# asar
> A file archiver for the Electron platform.
- Archive a file or folder:
`asar pack {{path/to/file}} {{archived.asar}}`
- Extract an archive:
`asar extract {{archived.asar}}`
- Extract a specific file from an archive:
`asar extract-file {{archived.asar}} {{file}}`
- List the contents of an archive file:
`asar list {{archived.asar}}`

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# asciinema
> Record and replay terminal sessions, and optionally share them on
- Associate the local install of `asciinema` with an account:
`asciinema auth`
- Make a new recording (once finished, user will be prompted to upload it or save it locally):
`asciinema rec`
- Make a new recording and save it to a local file:
`asciinema rec {{path/to/file}}.cast`
- Replay a terminal recording from a local file:
`asciinema play {{path/to/file}}.cast`
- Replay a terminal recording hosted on
`asciinema play{{cast_id}}`
- Make a new recording, limiting any idle time to at most 2.5 seconds:
`asciinema rec -i {{2.5}}`
- Print the full output of a locally saved recording:
`asciinema cat {{path/to/file}}.cast`
- Upload a locally saved terminal session to
`asciinema upload {{path/to/file}}.cast`

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# assimp
> Command-line client for the Open Asset Import Library.
> Supports loading of 40+ 3D file formats, and exporting to several popular 3D formats.
- List all supported import formats:
`assimp listext`
- List all supported export formats:
`assimp listexport`
- Convert a file to one of the supported output formats, using the default parameters:
`assimp export {{input_file.stl}} {{output_file.obj}}`
- Convert a file using custom parameters (the dox_cmd.h file in assimp's source code lists available parameters):
`assimp export {{input_file.stl}} {{output_file.obj}} {{parameters}}`
- Display a summary of a 3D file's contents:
`assimp info {{path/to/file}}`
- List all supported subcommands ("verbs"):
`assimp help`
- Get help on a specific subcommand (e.g. the parameters specific to it):
`assimp {{subcommand}} --help`

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# astyle
> Source code indenter, formatter, and beautifier for the C, C++, C# and Java programming languages.
> Upon running, a copy of the original file is created with an ".orig" appended to the original file name.
- Apply the default style of 4 spaces per indent and no formatting changes:
`astyle {{source_file}}`
- Apply the java style with attached braces:
`astyle --style=java {{path/to/file}}`
- Apply the allman style with broken braces:
`astyle --style=allman {{path/to/file}}`
- Apply a custom indent using spaces. Choose between 2 and 20 spaces:
`astyle --indent=spaces={{number_of_spaces}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Apply a custom indent using tabs. Choose between 2 and 20 tabs:
`astyle --indent=tab={{number_of_tabs}} {{path/to/file}}`

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# at
> Execute commands once at a later time.
> Service atd (or atrun) should be running for the actual executions.
- Execute commands from standard input in 5 minutes (press `Ctrl + D` after entering commands):
`at now + 5 minutes`
- Execute a command from standard input at 10:00 AM today:
`echo "{{./}}" | at 1000`
- Execute commands from a given file next Tuesday:
`at -f {{path/to/file}} 9:30 PM Tue`

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# atom
> A cross-platform pluggable text editor.
> Plugins are managed by `apm`.
- Open a file or folder:
`atom {{path/to/file_or_folder}}`
- Open a file or folder in a new window:
`atom -n {{path/to/file_or_folder}}`
- Open a file or folder in an existing window:
`atom --add {{path/to/file_or_folder}}`
- Open atom in safe mode (does not load any additional packages):
`atom --safe`
- Prevent atom from forking into the background, keeping atom attached to the terminal:
`atom --foreground`

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# atq
> Show jobs scheduled by `at` or `batch` commands.
- Show the current user's scheduled jobs:
- Show jobs from queue named 'a' (queues have single-character names):
`atq -q {{a}}`
- Show jobs of all users (run as super user):
`sudo atq`

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# atrm
> Remove jobs scheduled by `at` or `batch` commands.
> To find job numbers use `atq`.
- Remove job number 10:
`atrm {{10}}`
- Remove many jobs, separated by spaces:
`atrm {{15}} {{17}} {{22}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# autoflake
> A tool to remove unused imports and variables from Python code.
- Remove unused variables from a single file and display the diff:
`autoflake --remove-unused-variables {{}}`
- Remove unused imports from multiple files and display the diffs:
`autoflake --remove-all-unused-imports {{}} {{}} {{}}`
- Remove unused variables from a file, overwriting the file:
`autoflake --remove-unused-variables --in-place {{}}`
- Remove unused variables recursively from all files in a directory, overwriting each file:
`autoflake --remove-unused-variables --in-place --recursive {{path/to/directory}}`

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# autojump
> Quickly jump among the directories you visit the most.
> Aliases like j or jc are provided for even less typing.
- Jump to a directory that contains the given pattern:
`j {{pattern}}`
- Jump to a sub-directory (child) of the current directory that contains the given pattern:
`jc {{pattern}}`
- Open a directory that contains the given pattern in the operating system file manager:
`jo {{pattern}}`
- Remove non-existing directories from the autojump database:
`j --purge`
- Show the entries in the autojump database:
`j -s`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# autossh
> Runs, monitors and restarts SSH connections.
> Auto-reconnects to keep port forwarding tunnels up. Accepts all ssh flags.
- Open an SSH session, restarting when a monitoring port fails return data:
`autossh -M {{monitor_port}} {{ssh_command}}`
- Open an SSH session which forwards a local port to a remote one, restarting if necessary:
`autossh -M {{monitor_port}} -L {{local_port}}:localhost:{{remote_port}} {{user}}@{{host}}`
- Fork before executing ssh (runs in the background) and don't open a remote shell:
`autossh -f -M {{monitor_port}} -N {{ssh_command}}`
- Run autossh in the background, with no monitoring port, instead relying on SSH keep-alives every 10 seconds to detect failure:
`autossh -f -M 0 -N -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" {{ssh_command}}`
- Run autossh in the background, with no monitoring port, no remote shell, exiting if the port forward fails:
`autossh -f -M 0 -N -o "ServerAliveInterval 10" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L {{local_port}}:localhost:{{remote_port}} {{user}}@{{host}}`
- Run autossh in the background with debug output logged to a file and ssh verbose output logged to a second file:
`AUTOSSH_DEBUG=1 AUTOSSH_LOGFILE={{log_file}} autossh -f -M {{monitor_port}} -v -E {{ssh_log_file}} {{ssh_command}}`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# avrdude
> Driver program for Atmel AVR microcontrollers programming.
- Read AVR microcontroller:
`avrdude -p {{AVR_device}} -c {{programmer}} -U flash:r:{{file.hex}}:i`
- Write AVR microcontroller:
`avrdude -p {{AVR_device}} -c {{programmer}} -U flash:w:{{file.hex}}`
- List available AVR devices:
`avrdude -p \?`
- List available AVR programmers:
`avrdude -c \?`

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# awk
> A versatile programming language for working on files.
- Print the fifth column (a.k.a. field) in a space-separated file:
`awk '{print $5}' {{filename}}`
- Print the second column of the lines containing "something" in a space-separated file:
`awk '/{{something}}/ {print $2}' {{filename}}`
- Print the last column of each line in a file, using a comma (instead of space) as a field separator:
`awk -F ',' '{print $NF}' {{filename}}`
- Sum the values in the first column of a file and print the total:
`awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' {{filename}}`
- Sum the values in the first column and pretty-print the values and then the total:
`awk '{s+=$1; print $1} END {print "--------"; print s}' {{filename}}`
- Print every third line starting from the first line:
`awk 'NR%3==1' {{filename}}`

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# aws s3
> CLI for AWS S3 - provides storage through web services interfaces.
- Show files in a bucket:
`aws s3 ls {{bucket_name}}`
- Sync files and folders from local to bucket:
`aws s3 sync {{path/to/files}} s3://{{bucket_name}}`
- Sync files and folders from bucket to local:
`aws s3 sync s3://{{bucket_name}} {{path/to/target}}`
- Sync files and folders with exclusions:
`aws s3 sync {{path/to/files}} s3://{{bucket_name}} --exclude {{path/to/file}} --exclude {{path/to/folder}}/*`
- Remove file from bucket:
`aws s3 rm s3://{{bucket}}/{{path/to/file}}`
- Preview changes only:
`aws s3 {{any_command}} --dryrun`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# aws
> The official CLI tool for Amazon Web Services.
- List all IAM users:
`aws iam list-users`
- List all EC2 instances from a specific region:
`aws ec2 describe-instances --region {{us-east-1}}`
- Receive message from a specific SQS queue:
`aws sqs receive-message --queue-url {{}}`
- Publish message to the specific SNS topic:
`aws sns publish --topic-arn {{arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:54633:testTopic}} --message "Message"`
- To see help text for the AWS command:
`aws {{command}} help`

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# axel
> Download accelerator.
> Supports HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP.
- Download a URL to a file:
`axel {{url}}`
- Download and specify filename:
`axel {{url}} -o {{filename}}`
- Download with multiple connections:
`axel -n {{connections_num}} {{url}}`
- Search for mirrors:
`axel -S {{mirrors_num}} {{url}}`
- Limit download speed (bytes per second):
`axel -s {{speed}} {{url}}`

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# az
> The official CLI tool for Microsoft Azure.
- Log in to Azure:
`az login`
- Manage azure subscription information:
`az account`
- List all Azure Managed Disks:
`az disk list`
- List all Azure virtual machines:
`az vm list`
- Manage Azure Kubernetes Services:
`az aks`
- Manage Azure Network resources:
`az network`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# b2sum
> Calculate BLAKE2 cryptographic checksums.
- Calculate the BLAKE2 checksum for a file:
`b2sum {{filename1}}`
- Calculate BLAKE2 checksums for multiple files:
`b2sum {{filename1}} {{filename2}}`
- Read a file of BLAKE2 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums:
`b2sum -c {{filename.b2}}`
- Calculate the BLAKE2 checksum from stdin:
`{{somecommand}} | shasum`

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
# babel
> A transpiler which converts code from JavaScript ES6/ES7 syntax to ES5 syntax.
- Transpile a specified input file and output to stdout:
`babel {{path/to/file}}`
- Transpile a specified input file and output to a specific file:
`babel {{path/to/input_file}} --out-file {{path/to/output_file}}`
- Transpile the input file every time it is changed:
`babel {{path/to/input_file}} --watch`
- Transpile a whole directory of files:
`babel {{path/to/input_directory}}`
- Ignore specified comma-separated files in a directory:
`babel {{path/to/input_directory}} --ignore {{ignored_files}}`
- Transpile and output as minified JavaScript:
`babel {{path/to/input_file}} --minified`
- Choose a set of presets for output formatting:
`babel {{path/to/input_file}} --presets {{presets}}`
- Output all available options:
`babel --help`

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
# badblocks
> Search a device for bad blocks.
> Some usages of badblocks can cause destructive actions, such as erasing all the data on a disk, including the partition table.
- Search a disk for bad blocks by using a non-destructive read-only test:
`sudo badblocks {{/dev/sda}}`
- Search an unmounted disk for bad blocks with a non-destructive read-write test:
`sudo badblocks -n {{/dev/sda}}`
- Search an unmounted disk for bad blocks with a destructive write test:
`sudo badblocks -w {{/dev/sda}}`

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@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# banner
> Print the given argument as a large ASCII art.
- Print the text message as a large banner (quotes are optional):
`banner {{"Hello World"}}`
- Print the text message as a banner with a width of 50 characters:
`banner -w {{50}} {{"Hello World"}}`
- Read text from stdin:

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# base32
> Encode or decode file or standard input, to standard output.
- Encode a file:
`base32 {{filename}}`
- Decode a file:
`base32 -d {{filename}}`
- Encode from stdin:
`{{somecommand}} | base32`
- Decode from stdin:
`{{somecommand}} | base32 -d`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# base64
> Encode or decode file or standard input, to standard output.
- Encode a file:
`base64 {{filename}}`
- Decode a file:
`base64 -d {{filename}}`
- Encode from stdin:
`{{somecommand}} | base64`
- Decode from stdin:
`{{somecommand}} | base64 -d`

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# basename
> Returns non-directory portion of a pathname.
- Show only the file name from a path:
`basename {{path/to/file}}`
- Show only the file name from a path, with a suffix removed:
`basename {{path/to/file}} {{suffix}}`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# bash
> Bourne-Again SHell.
> `sh`-compatible command line interpreter.
- Start interactive shell:
- Execute a command:
`bash -c "{{command}}"`
- Run commands from a file:
`bash {{}}`
- Run commands from a file, logging all commands executed to the terminal:
`bash -x {{}}`
- Run commands from STDIN:
`bash -s`
- Print the version information of bash (use `echo $BASH_VERSION` to show just the version string):
`bash --version`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# bashmarks
> Save and jump to commonly used directories using 1 character commands.
- List available bookmarks:
- Save the current folder as "bookmark_name":
`s {{bookmark_name}}`
- Go to a bookmarked folder:
`g {{bookmark_name}}`
- Print a bookmarked folder's contents:
`p {{bookmark_name}}`
- Delete a bookmark:
`d {{bookmark_name}}`

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# bat
> Print and concatenate files.
> A `cat` clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration.
- Print the contents of a file to the standard output:
`bat {{file}}`
- Concatenate several files into the target file:
`bat {{file1}} {{file2}} > {{target_file}}`
- Append several files into the target file:
`bat {{file1}} {{file2}} >> {{target_file}}`
- Number all output lines:
`bat -n {{file}}`
- Syntax highlight a json file:
`bat --language json {{file.json}}`
- Display all supported languages:
`bat --list-languages`

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# batch
> Execute commands at a later time when the system load levels permit.
> Service atd (or atrun) should be running for the actual executions.
- Execute a command from standard input:
`echo "{{./}}" | batch`
- Execute commands from a given file:
`batch -f {{path/to/file}}`
- Execute commands from standard input (press `Ctrl + D` when finished):

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# bc
> Calculator.
- Run calculator in interactive mode using the standard math library:
`bc -l`
- Calculate the result of an expression:
`bc <<< "(1 + 2) * 2 ^ 2"`
- Calculate expression and force number of decimal places to 10:
`bc <<< "scale=10; 5 / 3"`
- Calculate expression with sine and cosine using mathlib:
`bc -l <<< "s(1) + c(1)"`

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# beanstalkd
> A simple and generic work-queue server.
- Start beanstalkd, listening on port 11300:
- Start beanstalkd listening on a custom port and address:
`beanstalkd -l {{ip_address}} -p {{port_number}}`
- Persist work queues by saving them to disk:
`beanstalkd -b {{path/to/persistence_directory}}`
- Sync to the persistence directory every 500 milliseconds:
`beanstalkd -b {{path/to/persistence_directory}} -f {{500}}`

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# bedtools
> A swiss-army knife of tools for genomic-analysis tasks.
> Used to intersect, group, convert and count data in BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF format.
- Intersect two files with respect to the sequences' strand and save the result to {{path/to/output_file}}:
`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -s > {{path/to/output_file}}`
- Intersect two files with a left outer join, i.e. report each feature from {{file_1}} and NULL if no overlap with {{file_2}}:
`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -lof > {{path/to/output_file}}`
- Using more efficient algorithm to intersect two pre-sorted files:
`bedtools intersect -a {{path/to/file_1}} -b {{path/to/file_2}} -sorted > {{path/to/output_file}}`
- Group file {{path/to/file}} based on the first three and the fifth column and summarize the sixth column by summing it up:
`bedtools groupby -i {{path/to/file}} -c 1-3,5 -g 6 -o sum`
- Convert bam-formated file to a bed-formated one:
`bedtools bamtobed -i {{path/to/file}}.bam > {{path/to/file}}.bed`
- Find for all features in {{file_1}}.bed the closest one in {{file_2}}.bed and write their distance in an extra column (input files must be sorted):
`bedtools closest -a {{path/to/file_1}}.bed -b {{path/to/file_2}}.bed -d`

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# berks
> Chef cookbook dependency manager.
- Install cookbook dependencies into a local repo:
`berks install`
- Update a specific cookbook and its dependencies:
`berks update {{cookbook}}`
- Upload a cookbook to the Chef server:
`berks upload {{cookbook}}`
- View the dependencies of a cookbook:
`berks contingent {{cookbook}}`

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# bg
> Resumes jobs that have been suspended (e.g. using `Ctrl + Z`), and keeps them running in the background.
- Resume most recently suspended job and run it in the background:
- Resume a specific job (use `jobs -l` to get its ID) and run it in the background:
`bg {{job_id}}`

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# blender
> Command-line interface to the Blender 3D computer graphics application.
> Arguments are executed in the order they are given.
- Render all frames of an animation in the background, without loading the UI (output is saved to `/tmp`):
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend -a`
- Render an animation using a specific image naming pattern, in a path relative (`//`) to the .blend file:
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend -o //{{render/frame_###.png}} -a`
- Render the 10th frame of an animation as a single image, saved to an existing folder (absolute path):
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend -o {{/path/to/output_folder}} -f {{10}}`
- Render the second last frame in an animation as a JPEG image, saved to an existing folder (relative path):
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend -o //{{output_folder}} -F {{JPEG}} -f {{-2}}`
- Render the animation of a specific scene, starting at frame 10 and ending at frame 500:
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend -S {{scene_name}} -s {{10}} -e {{500}} -a`
- Render an animation at a specific resolution, by passing a Python expression:
`blender -b {{filename}}.blend --python-expr '{{import bpy;[0].render.resolution_percentage = 25}}' -a`
- Start an interactive Blender session in the terminal with a python console (do `import bpy` after starting):
`blender -b --python-console`

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# bmaptool
> Create or Copy blockmaps intelligently (and therefore faster than `cp` or `dd`).
- Create a blockmap from image file:
`bmaptool create -o {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img}}`
- Copy an image file into sdb:
`bmaptool copy --bmap {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img}} {{/dev/sdb}}`
- Copy a compressed image file into sdb:
`bmaptool copy --bmap {{blockmap.bmap}} {{source.img.gz}} {{/dev/sdb}}`
- Copy an image file into sdb without using a blockmap:
`bmaptool copy --nobmap {{source.img}} {{/dev/sdb}}`

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# boot
> Build tooling for the Clojure programming language.
- Start a REPL session either with the project or standalone:
`boot repl`
- Build a single "uberjar":
`boot jar`
- Learn about a command:
`boot cljs --help`
- Generate scaffolding for a new project based on a template:
`boot --dependencies boot/new new --template {{template_name}} --name {{project_name}}`
- Build for development (if using the boot/new template):
`boot dev`
- Build for production (if using the boot/new template):
`boot prod`

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# borg
> Deduplicating backup tool.
> Creates local or remote backups that are mountable as filesystems.
- Initialise a (local) repository:
`borg init {{/path/to/repo_folder}}`
- Backup a folder into the repository, creating an archive called "Monday":
`borg create --progress {{/path/to/repo_folder}}::{{Monday}} {{/path/to/source_folder}}`
- List all archives in a repository:
`borg list {{/path/to/repo_folder}}`
- Extract a specific folder from the "Monday" archive in a remote repository, excluding all *.ext files:
`borg extract {{user}}@{{host}}:{{/path/to/repo_folder}}::{{Monday}} {{path/to/target_folder}} --exclude '{{*.ext}}'`
- Prune a repository by deleting all archives older than 7 days, listing changes:
`borg prune --keep-within {{7d}} --list {{/path/to/repo_folder}}`
- Mount a repository as a FUSE filesystem:
`borg mount {{/path/to/repo_folder}}::{{Monday}} {{/path/to/mountpoint}}`
- Display help on creating archives:
`borg create --help`

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# bosh
> Command line tool to deploy and manage the bosh director.
- Create local alias for director:
`bosh alias-env {{environment_name}} -e {{ip_address|url}} --ca-cert {{ca_certificate}}`
- List environments:
`bosh environments`
- Login to the director:
`bosh login -e {{environment}} `
- List deployments:
`bosh -e {{environment}} deployments`
- List environment virtual machines:
`bosh -e {{environment}} vms -d {{deployment}}`
- Ssh into virtual machine:
`bosh -e {{environment}} ssh {{virtual_machine}} -d {{deployment}}`
- Upload stemcell:
`bosh -e {{environment}} upload-stemcell {{stemcell_file|url}}`
- Show current cloud config:
`bosh -e {{environment}} cloud-config`

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# bower
> A package manager optimized for front-end web development.
> A package can be a GitHub user/repo shorthand, a Git endpoint, a URL or a registered package.
- Install a project's dependencies, listed in its bower.json:
`bower install`
- Install one or more packages to the bower_components directory:
`bower install {{package}} {{package}}`
- Uninstall packages locally from the bower_components directory:
`bower uninstall {{package}} {{package}}`
- List local packages and possible updates:
`bower list`
- Display help information about a bower command:
`bower help {{command}}`
- Create a bower.json file for your package:
`bower init`
- Install a specific dependency version, and add it to bower.json:
`bower install {{local_name}}={{package}}#{{version}} --save`

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# box
> A PHP application for building and managing Phars.
- Build a new Phar file:
`box build`
- Build a new Phar file using a specific config file:
`box build -c {{path/to/config}}`
- Display information about the PHAR PHP extension:
`box info`
- Display information about a specific Phar file:
`box info {{path/to/phar_file}}`
- Validate the first found config file in the working directory:
`box validate`
- Verify the signature of a specific Phar file:
`box verify {{path/to/phar_file}}`
- Display all available commands and options:
`box help`

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# browser-sync
> Starts local web server that updates browser on file changes.
- Start a server from a specific directory:
`browser-sync start --server {{path/to/directory}} --files {{path/to/directory}}`
- Start a server from local directory, watching all css files in some directory:
`browser-sync start --server --files '{{path/to/directory/*.css}}'`
- Create configuration file:
`browser-sync init`
- Start browser-sync from config file:
`browser-sync start --config {{config_file}}`

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# bundle
> Dependency manager for the Ruby programming language.
- Install all gems defined in the gemfile expected in the working directory:
`bundle install`
- Update all gems by the rules defined in the gemfile and regenerate gemfile.lock:
`bundle update`
- Update one specific gem defined in the gemfile:
`bundle update --source {{gemname}}`
- Create a new gem skeleton:
`bundle gem {{gemname}}`

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# bup
> Backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication.
- Initialize a backup repository in the specified local directory:
`bup -d {{path/to/repository}} init`
- Prepare a given folder before taking a backup:
`bup -d {{path/to/repository}} index {{path/to/folder}}`
- Backup a folder to the repository:
`bup -d {{path/to/repository}} save -n {{backup_name}} {{path/to/folder}}`
- Show the backup snapshots currently stored in the repository:
`bup -d {{path/to/repository}} ls`
- Restore a specific backup snapshot to a target directory:
`bup -d {{path/to/repository}} restore -C {{path/to/target_directory}} {{backup_name}}`

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# bw
> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault.
- Log in to a Bitwarden user account:
`bw login`
- Log out of a Bitwarden user account:
`bw logout`
- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault:
`bw list items --search {{github}}`
- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault:
`bw get item {{github}}`
- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault:
`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder`

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# c99
> Compiles C programs according to the ISO C standard.
- Compile source file(s) and create an executable:
`c99 {{file.c}}`
- Compile source file(s) and create an executable with a custom name:
`c99 -o {{executable_name}} {{file.c}}`
- Compile source file(s) and create object file(s):
`c99 -c {{file.c}}`
- Compile source file(s), link with object file(s), and create an executable:
`c99 {{file.c}} {{file.o}}`

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# cabal
> Command line interface to the Haskell package infrastructure (Cabal).
> Manage Haskell projects and Cabal packages from the Hackage package repository.
- Search and list packages from Hackage:
`cabal list {{search_string}}`
- Show information about a package:
`cabal info {{package_name}}`
- Download and install a package:
`cabal install {{package_name}}`
- Create a new Haskell project in the current directory:
`cabal init`
- Build the project in the current directory:
`cabal build`
- Run tests of the project in the current directory:
`cabal test`

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# calibre-server
> A server application that can be used to distribute ebooks over a network.
> Ebooks must be imported into the library using the GUI or calibredb before.
> Part of the Calibre ebook library.
- Start a server to distribute ebooks. Access at http://localhost:8080:
- Start server on different port. Access at http://localhost:port:
`calibre-server --port {{port}}`
- Password protect the server:
`calibre-server --username {{username}} --password {{password}}`

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# calibredb
> Tool to manipulate the your ebook database.
> Part of the Calibre ebook library.
- List ebooks in the library with additional information:
`calibredb list`
- Search for ebooks displaying additional information:
`calibredb list --search {{search_term}}`
- Search for just ids of ebooks:
`calibredb search {{search_term}}`
- Add one or more ebooks to the library:
`calibredb add {{file1 file2 …}}`
- Remove one or more ebooks from the library. You need ebook-ids (see above):
`calibredb remove {{id1 id2 …}}`

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# cargo
> Rust package manager.
> Manage Rust projects and their module dependencies (crates).
- Search for crates:
`cargo search {{search_string}}`
- Install a crate:
`cargo install {{crate_name}}`
- List installed crates:
`cargo install --list`
- Create a new binary Rust project in the current directory:
`cargo init --bin`
- Create a new library Rust project in the current directory:
`cargo init`
- Build the Rust project in the current directory:
`cargo build`
- Build with multiple parallel jobs:
`cargo build -j {{jobs}}`

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# case
> Branch based on the value of an expression.
- Match a variable against string literals to decide which command to run:
`case {{$tocount}} in {{words}}) {{wc -w README}}; ;; {{lines}}) {{wc -l README}}; ;; esac`
- Combine patterns with |, use * as a fallback pattern:
`case {{$tocount}} in {{[wW]|words}}) {{wc -w README}}; ;; {{[lL]|lines}}) {{wc -l README}}; ;; *) {{echo "what?"}}; ;; esac`

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# cat
> Print and concatenate files.
- Print the contents of a file to the standard output:
`cat {{file}}`
- Concatenate several files into the target file:
`cat {{file1}} {{file2}} > {{target_file}}`
- Append several files into the target file:
`cat {{file1}} {{file2}} >> {{target_file}}`
- Number all output lines:
`cat -n {{file}}`

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# cd
> Change the current working directory.
- Go to the given directory:
`cd {{path/to/directory}}`
- Go to home directory of current user:
- Go up to the parent of the current directory:
`cd ..`
- Go to the previously chosen directory:
`cd -`

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# chgrp
> Change group ownership of files and folders.
- Change the owner of a file/folder:
`chgrp {{group}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Recursively change the owner of a folder and its contents:
`chgrp -R {{group}} {{path/to/folder}}`
- Change the owner of a symbolic link:
`chgrp -h {{user}} {{path/to/symlink}}`
- Change the owner of a file/folder to match a reference file:
`chgrp --reference={{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file}}`

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# chmod
> Change the access permissions of a file or directory.
- Give the [u]ser who owns a file the right to e[x]ecute it:
`chmod u+x {{file}}`
- Give the user rights to [r]ead and [w]rite to a file/directory:
`chmod u+rw {{file}}`
- Remove executable rights from the [g]roup:
`chmod g-x {{file}}`
- Give [a]ll users rights to read and execute:
`chmod a+rx {{file}}`
- Give [o]thers (not in the file owner's group) the same rights as the group:
`chmod o=g {{file}}`
- Change permissions recursively giving [g]roup and [o]thers the abililty to [w]rite:
`chmod -R g+w,o+w {{directory}}`

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# chown
> Change user and group ownership of files and folders.
- Change the owner user of a file/folder:
`chown {{user}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Change the owner user and group of a file/folder:
`chown {{user}}:{{group}} {{path/to/file}}`
- Recursively change the owner of a folder and its contents:
`chown -R {{user}} {{path/to/folder}}`
- Change the owner of a symbolic link:
`chown -h {{user}} {{path/to/symlink}}`
- Change the owner of a file/folder to match a reference file:
`chown --reference={{path/to/reference_file}} {{path/to/file}}`

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# chromium
> Open-source web browser from Google.
- Open a file:
`chromium {{path/to/file.html}}`
- Open an URL:
`chromium {{}}`
- Open in incognito mode:
`chromium --incognito {{}}`
- Open in a new window:
`chromium --new-window {{}}`
- Open in app mode (without toolbars, URL bar, buttons, etc.):
`chromium --app='{{}}'`
- Use a proxy server:
`chromium --proxy-server="{{socks5://hostname:66}}" {{}}`

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# chroot
> Run command or interactive shell with special root directory.
- Run command as new root directory:
`chroot {{/path/to/new/root}} {{command}}`
- Specify user and group (ID or name) to use:
`chroot --userspec={{user:group}}`

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# chsh
> Change user's login shell.
- Change shell:
`chsh -s {{path/to/shell_binary}} {{username}}`

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# cksum
> Calculates CRC checksums and byte counts of a file.
> Note, on old UNIX systems the CRC implementation may differ.
- Display a 32 bit checksum, size in bytes and filename:
`cksum {{filename}}`

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# clang
> Compiler for C, C++, and Objective-C source files. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for GCC.
- Compile a source code file into an executable binary:
`clang {{input_source.c}} -o {{output_executable}}`
- Activate output of all errors and warnings:
`clang {{input_source.c}} -Wall -o {{output_executable}}`
- Include libraries located at a different path than the source file:
`clang {{input_source.c}} -o {{output_executable}} -I{{header_path}} -L{{library_path}} -l{{library_name}}`
- Compile source code into LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR):
`clang -S -emit-llvm {{file.c}} -o {{file.ll}}`

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# clear
> Clears the screen of the terminal.
- Clear the screen (equivalent to typing Control-L when using the bash shell):

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# cloc
> Count, and compute differences of, lines of source code and comments.
- Count all the lines of code in a directory:
`cloc {{/path/to/directory}}`
- Count all the lines of code in a directory, displaying a progress bar during the counting process:
`cloc --progress=1 {{/path/to/directory}}`
- Compare 2 directory structures and count the differences between them:
`cloc --diff {{/directory/one}} {{/directory/two}}`

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# cmake
> Cross-platform build system generator.
> It generates Makefiles, Visual Studio projects or others, depending on the target system.
- Generate a Makefile and use it to compile a project in the same folder as the source:
`cmake && make`
- Generate a Makefile and use it to compile a project in a separate "build" folder (out-of-source build):
`cmake -H. -B{{build}} && make -C {{build}}`
- Run cmake in interactive mode (it will ask for each variable, instead of using defaults):
`cmake -i`

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# cmark
> Converts CommonMark Markdown formatted text to other formats.
- Render a Commonmark Markdown file to HTML:
`cmark --to html {{}}`
- Convert data from standard input to latex:
`cmark --to latex`
- Convert straight quotes to smart quotes:
`cmark --smart --to html {{}}`
- Validate utf8 characters:
`cmark --validate-utf8 {{}}`

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# cmp
> Compare two files.
- Find the byte number and line number of the first difference between the files:
`cmp {{file1}} {{file2}}`
- Find the byte number and differing bytes of every difference:
`cmp -l {{file1}} {{file2}}`

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# code
> Visual Studio Code.
- Open VS Code:
- Open the current directory in VS Code:
`code .`
- Open a file or directory in VS Code:
`code {{path/to/file_or_folder}}`
- Open a file or directory in the currently open VS Code window:
`code --reuse-window {{path/to/file_or_folder}}`
- Compare two files in VS Code:
`code -d {{file1}} {{file2}}`

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# coffee
> Executes CoffeeScript scripts or compiles them into JavaScript.
- Run a script:
`coffee {{path/to/}}`
- Compile to JavaScript and save to a file with the same name:
`coffee --compile {{path/to/}}`
- Compile to JavaScript and save to a given output file:
`coffee --compile {{path/to/}} --output {{path/to/file.js}}`
- Run interactive REPL:
`coffee --interactive`
- Watch script for changes and re-run script:
`coffee --watch {{path/to/}}`

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# column
> Format standard input or file into multiple columns.
> Rows are filled before columns; default separator is whitespace.
- Format output for a 30 characters wide display:
`printf "header1 header2\nbar foo\n" | column -c {{30}}`
- Specify column delimiter character for the -t option (i.e. "," for csv); default is whitespace:
`printf "header1,header2\nbar,foo\n" | column -s{{,}}`
- Split columns automatically and auto-align in a tabular format:
`printf "header1 header2\nbar foo\n" | column -t`
- Fill columns before filling rows:
`printf "header1\nbar\nfoobar\n" | column -c {{30}} -x`

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# comm
> Select or reject lines common to two files. Both files must be sorted.
- Produce three tab-separated columns: lines only in first file, lines only in second file and common lines:
`comm {{file1}} {{file2}}`
- Print only lines common to both files:
`comm -12 {{file1}} {{file2}}`
- Print only lines common to both files, reading one file from stdin:
`cat {{file1}} | comm -12 - {{file2}}`
- Get lines only found in first file, saving the result to a third file:
`comm -23 {{file1}} {{file2}} > {{file1_only}}`
- Print lines only found in second file, when the files aren't sorted:
`comm -13 <(sort {{file1}}) <(sort {{file2}})`

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# complete
> Provides argument autocompletion to shell commands.
- Apply a function that performs autocompletion to a command:
`complete -F {{function}} {{command}}`
- Apply a command that performs autocompletion to another command:
`complete -C {{autocomplete_command}} {{command}}`
- Apply autocompletion without appending a space to the completed word:
`complete -o nospace -F {{function}} {{command}}`

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# composer
> A package-based dependency manager for PHP projects.
- Add a package as a dependency for this project, adding it to `composer.json`:
`composer require {{user/package_name}}`
- Install all the dependencies in this project's `composer.json`:
`composer install`
- Uninstall a package from this project, removing it as a dependency from `composer.json`:
`composer remove {{user/package_name}}`
- Update all the dependencies in this project's `composer.json`:
`composer update`
- Update composer to the latest version:
`composer self-update`

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# conda
> Package, dependency and environment management for any programming language.
- Create a new environment, installing named packages into it:
`conda create --name {{environment_name}} {{python=2.7 matplotlib}}`
- List all environments:
`conda info --envs`
- Load or unload an environment:
`source {{activate|deactivate}} {{environment_name}}`
- Delete an environment (remove all packages):
`conda remove --name {{environment_name}} --all`
- Search conda channels for a package by name:
`conda search {{package_name}}`
- Install packages into the current environment:
`conda install {{python=3.4 numpy}}`
- List currently installed packages in current environment:
`conda list`
- Delete unused packages and caches:
`conda clean --all`

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# consul-kv
> Distributed key-value store with health checking and service discovery.
- Read a value from the key-value store:
`consul kv get {{key}}`
- Store a new key-value pair:
`consul kv put {{key}} {{value}}`
- Delete a key-value pair:
`consul kv delete {{key}}`

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# consul
> Distributed key-value store with health checking and service discovery.
- Check the Consul version:
`consul --version`
- Show general help:
`consul --help`
- Show help for a sub-command:
`consul {{sub-command}} --help`

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@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
# convert
> Imagemagick image conversion tool.
- Convert an image from JPG to PNG:
`convert {{image.jpg}} {{image.png}}`
- Scale an image 50% its original size:
`convert {{image.png}} -resize 50% {{image2.png}}`
- Scale an image keeping the original aspect ratio to a maximum dimension of 640x480:
`convert {{image.png}} -resize 640x480 {{image2.png}}`
- Horizontally append images:
`convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} +append {{image123.png}}`
- Create a gif from a series of images with 100ms delay between them:
`convert {{image1.png}} {{image2.png}} {{image3.png}} -delay {{100}} {{animation.gif}}`

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# convmv
> Convert filenames (NOT file content) from one encoding to another.
- Test filename encoding conversion (don't actually change the filename):
`convmv -f {{from_encoding}} -t {{to_encoding}} {{input_file}}`
- Convert filename encoding and rename the file to the new encoding:
`convmv -f {{from_encoding}} -t {{to_encoding}} --notest {{input_file}}`

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
# cordova
> Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS.
- Create a cordova project:
`cordova create {{path}} {{package_name}} {{project_name}}`
- Display the current workspace status:
`cordova info`
- Add a cordova platform:
`cordova platform add {{platform}}`
- Remove a cordova platform:
`cordova platform remove {{platform}}`
- Add a cordova plugin:
`cordova plugin add {{pluginid}}`
- Remove a cordova plugin:
`cordova plugin remove {{pluginid}}`

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# couchdb
> Command line interface for Apache CouchDB database server.
- Start couchdb:
- Start couchdb interactive shell:
`couchdb -i`
- Start couchdb as a background process:
`couchdb -b`
- Kill the background process (Note: It will respawn if needed):
`couchdb -k`
- Shutdown the background process:
`couchdb -d`

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# cowsay
> Generate an ASCII character (by default a cow) saying or thinking something.
- Print an ASCII cow saying "Hello world!":
`cowsay "Hello world!"`
- List all available characters:
`cowsay -l`
- Print an ASCII dragon saying "Hello!":
`echo "Hello!" | cowsay -f dragon`
- Print a stoned thinking ASCII cow:
`cowthink -s "I'm just a cow, not a great thinker ..."`

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# cp
> Copy files and folders.
- Copy a file to another location:
`cp {{path/to/file.ext}} {{path/to/copy.ext}}`
- Copy a file into another folder, keeping the filename:
`cp {{path/to/file.ext}} {{path/to/target_parent_folder}}`
- Copy a folder recursively to another location:
`cp -r {{path/to/folder}} {{path/to/copy}}`
- Copy a folder recursively, in verbose mode (shows files as they are copied):
`cp -vr {{path/to/folder}} {{path/to/copy}}`
- Copy the contents of a folder into another folder:
`cp -r {{path/to/source_folder/*}} {{path/to/target_folder}}`
- Copy text files to another location, in interactive mode (prompts user before overwriting):
`cp -i {{*.txt}} {{path/to/target_folder}}`

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More