diff --git a/pages.de/common/curl.md b/pages.de/common/curl.md index 3b2ddafa1..45ef8cf52 100644 --- a/pages.de/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.de/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Überträgt Daten von oder zu einem Server. > Unterstützt die meisten Protokolle, inklusive HTTP, FTP und POP3. -> Weitere Informationen: . +> Weitere Informationen: . - Lade den Inhalt einer URL in eine Datei: diff --git a/pages.fr/common/curl.md b/pages.fr/common/curl.md index 5facdcf3b..e0c7463a3 100644 --- a/pages.fr/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.fr/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Transfère des données depuis ou vers un serveur. > Accepte la plupart des protocoles, notamment HTTP, FTP et POP3. -> Plus d'informations : . +> Plus d'informations : . - Télécharger le contenu d'une URL dans un fichier : diff --git a/pages.id/common/curl.md b/pages.id/common/curl.md index 91c93d8b4..6cf4226d7 100644 --- a/pages.id/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.id/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Mentransfer data dari atau ke server. > Mendukung sebagian besar protokol, termasuk HTTP, FTP, dan POP3. -> Informasi lebih lanjut: . +> Informasi lebih lanjut: . - Unduh konten URL ke file: diff --git a/pages.it/common/curl.md b/pages.it/common/curl.md index be0554952..aa06cd21b 100644 --- a/pages.it/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.it/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Trasferisci dati da o ad un server. > Supporta molti protocollo, tra cui HTTP, FTP e POP3. -> Maggiori informazioni: . +> Maggiori informazioni: . - Scarica il contenuto di un URL in un file: diff --git a/pages.ko/common/curl.md b/pages.ko/common/curl.md index e9fe67112..c93f9b9d8 100644 --- a/pages.ko/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.ko/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > 데이터를 서버에서 혹은 서버로 전송. > HTTP,FTP 및 POP3를 포함한 대부분의 프로토콜 지원. -> 더 많은 정보: . +> 더 많은 정보: . - URL의 내용을 파일로 다운로드: diff --git a/pages.pt_BR/common/curl.md b/pages.pt_BR/common/curl.md index 393e268b2..60977edbc 100644 --- a/pages.pt_BR/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.pt_BR/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Transfere dados entre o computador local e um servidor remoto. > Suporta a maioria dos protocolos de comunicação, incluindo HTTP, FTP e POP3. -> Mais informações: . +> Mais informações: . - Descarregar os conteúdos de um URL para um arquivo: diff --git a/pages.zh/common/curl.md b/pages.zh/common/curl.md index ebfd7187f..c269994c6 100644 --- a/pages.zh/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.zh/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > 向 / 从一个服务器传输数据。 > 支持大多数协议,包括 HTTP, FTP, 和 POP3. -> 更多信息:. +> 更多信息:. - 将指定 URL 的内容下载到文件: diff --git a/pages.zh_TW/common/curl.md b/pages.zh_TW/common/curl.md index 8b59a2baf..5bced0116 100644 --- a/pages.zh_TW/common/curl.md +++ b/pages.zh_TW/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > 向 / 從一個伺服器傳輸數據。 > 支持大多數協議,包括 HTTP、FTP 和 POP3. -> 更多資訊:. +> 更多資訊:. - 將指定 URL 的內容下載到檔案: diff --git a/pages/common/curl.md b/pages/common/curl.md index 1407a91c6..d8587aa56 100644 --- a/pages/common/curl.md +++ b/pages/common/curl.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ > Transfers data from or to a server. > Supports most protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and POP3. -> More information: . +> More information: . - Download the contents of a URL to a file: