linode-cli, linode-cli-lke, linode-cli-linodes, linode-cli-nodebalancers, linode-cli-object-storage, linode-cli-domains: add page

linode-cli, linode-cli-lke, linode-cli-linodes, linode-cli-nodebalancers, linode-cli-object-storage, linode-cli-domains: fix typo

linode-cli, linode-cli-lke, linode-cli-linodes, linode-cli-nodebalancers, linode-cli-object-storage, linode-cli-domains: fix typo

linode-cli, linode-cli-lke, linode-cli-linodes, linode-cli-nodebalancers, linode-cli-object-storage, linode-cli-domains: fix

linode-cli, linode-cli-lke, linode-cli-linodes, linode-cli-nodebalancers, linode-cli-object-storage, linode-cli-domains: add page
John 2023-09-14 20:47:32 +01:00 committed by K.B.Dharun Krishna
parent bfca57ffee
commit e93552e7bf
6 changed files with 180 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# linode-cli domains
> Command-line interface to manage Linode Domains and DNS via `linode-cli`.
- List all managed domains:
`linode-cli domains list`
- Create a new managed domain:
`linode-cli domains create --domain [domain-name] --type [master/slave] --soa-email [email]`
- View details of a specific domain:
`linode-cli domains view [domain-id]`
- Delete a managed domain:
`linode-cli domains delete [domain-id]`
- List records for a specific domain:
`linode-cli domains records-list [domain-id]`
- Add a DNS record to a domain:
`linode-cli domains records-create [domain-id] --type [A/AAAA/CNAME/MX/etc.] --name [subdomain] --target [target-value]`
- Update a DNS record for a domain:
`linode-cli domains records-update [domain-id] [record-id] --target [new-target-value]`
- Delete a DNS record from a domain:
`linode-cli domains records-delete [domain-id] [record-id]`

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# linode-cli linodes
> Command-line interface to manage Linode instances via `linode-cli`.
- List all Linodes:
`linode-cli linodes list`
- Create a new Linode:
`linode-cli linodes create --type [linode-type] --region [region] --image [image-id]`
- View details of a specific Linode:
`linode-cli linodes view [linode-id]`
- Update settings for a Linode:
`linode-cli linodes update [linode-id] --label [new-label]`
- Delete a Linode:
`linode-cli linodes delete [linode-id]`
- Boot/reboot/shutdown a Linode:
`linode-cli linodes [boot/reboot/shutdown] [linode-id]`
- List available backups for a Linode:
`linode-cli linodes backups-list [linode-id]`
- Restore a backup to a Linode:
`linode-cli linodes backups-restore [linode-id] --backup-id [backup-id]`

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# linode-cli lke
> Command-line interface to manage Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE) clusters via `linode-cli`.
- List all LKE clusters:
`linode-cli lke clusters list`
- Create a new LKE cluster:
`linode-cli lke clusters create --region [region] --type [type] --node-type [node-type] --nodes-count [count]`
- View details of a specific LKE cluster:
`linode-cli lke clusters view [cluster-id]`
- Update an existing LKE cluster:
`linode-cli lke clusters update [cluster-id] --node-type [new-node-type]`
- Delete an LKE cluster:
`linode-cli lke clusters delete [cluster-id]`

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# linode-cli nodebalancers
> Command-line interface to manage Linode NodeBalancers via `linode-cli`.
- List all NodeBalancers:
`linode-cli nodebalancers list`
- Create a new NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers create --region [region]`
- View details of a specific NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers view [nodebalancer-id]`
- Update an existing NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers update [nodebalancer-id] --label [new-label]`
- Delete a NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers delete [nodebalancer-id]`
- List configurations for a NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers configs list [nodebalancer-id]`
- Add a new configuration to a NodeBalancer:
`linode-cli nodebalancers configs create [nodebalancer-id] --port [port] --protocol [protocol]`

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# linode-cli object-storage
> Command-line interface to manage Linode Object Storage via `linode-cli`.
- List all Object Storage buckets:
`linode-cli object-storage buckets list`
- Create a new Object Storage bucket:
`linode-cli object-storage buckets create --cluster [cluster-id] --label [bucket-label]`
- Delete an Object Storage bucket:
`linode-cli object-storage buckets delete [cluster-id] [bucket-label]`
- List Object Storage cluster regions:
`linode-cli object-storage clusters list`
- List access keys for Object Storage:
`linode-cli object-storage keys list`
- Create a new access key for Object Storage:
`linode-cli object-storage keys create --label [label]`
- Revoke an access key for Object Storage:
`linode-cli object-storage keys revoke [access-key-id]`

pages/osx/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# linode-cli
> Command-line interface for managing Linode cloud services.
> Some subcommands such as `linode-cli linodes` have their own usage documentation.
> More information: <>.
- List all Linodes:
`linode-cli linodes list`
- Manage Linode Kubernetes Engine (LKE):
`linode-cli lke clusters [list|create|delete]`
- Manage NodeBalancers:
`linode-cli nodebalancers [list|create|delete]`
- Manage Object Storage:
`linode-cli object-storage buckets [list|create|delete]`
- Manage DNS domains:
`linode-cli domains [list|create|delete]`