# bundle > Dependency manager for the Ruby programming language. > More information: . - Install all gems defined in the `Gemfile` expected in the working directory: `bundle install` - Execute a command in the context of the current bundle: `bundle exec {{command}} {{arguments}}` - Update all gems by the rules defined in the `Gemfile` and regenerate `Gemfile.lock`: `bundle update` - Update one or more specific gem(s) defined in the `Gemfile`: `bundle update {{gem_name1}} {{gem_name2}}` - Update one or more specific gems(s) defined in the `Gemfile` but only to the next patch version: `bundle update --patch {{gem_name1}} {{gem_name2}}` - Update all gems within the given group in the `Gemfile`: `bundle update --group {{development}}` - List installed gems in the `Gemfile` with newer versions available: `bundle outdated` - Create a new gem skeleton: `bundle gem {{gem_name}}`