# ffuf > A fast web fuzzer written in Go. > The `FUZZ` keyword is used as a placeholder. `ffuf` will try to hit the URL by replacing the word `FUZZ` with every word in the wordlist. > More information: . - Enumerate directories using [c]olored output and a [w]ordlist specifying a target [u]RL: `ffuf -c -w {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -u {{http://target/FUZZ}}` - Enumerate subdomains by changing the position of the keyword: `ffuf -w {{path/to/subdomains.txt}} -u {{http://FUZZ.target.com}}` - Fuzz with specified [t]hreads (default: 40) and pro[x]ying the traffic and save [o]utput to a file: `ffuf -o -w {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -u {{http://target/FUZZ}} -t {{500}} -x {{}}` - Fuzz a specific [H]eader ("Name: Value") and [m]atch HTTP status [c]odes: `ffuf -w {{path/to/wordlist.txt}} -u {{http://target.com}} -H "{{Host: FUZZ}}" -mc {{200}}` - Fuzz with specified HTTP method and [d]ata, while [f]iltering out comma separated status [c]odes: `ffuf -w {{path/to/postdata.txt}} -X {{POST}} -d "{{username=admin\&password=FUZZ}}" -u {{http://target/login.php}} -fc {{401,403}}`