# pcapfix > Repair damaged or corrupted `pcap` and `pcapng` files. > More information: . - Repair a `pcap`/`pcapng` file (Note: for `pcap` files, only the first 262144 bytes of each packet are scanned): `pcapfix {{path/to/file.pcapng}}` - Repair an entire `pcap` file: `pcapfix --deep-scan {{path/to/file.pcap}}` - Repair a `pcap`/`pcapng` file and write the repaired file to the specified location: `pcapfix --outfile {{path/to/repaired.pcap}} {{path/to/file.pcap}}` - Repair a `pcapng` file and treat it as a `pcapng` file, ignoring the automatic recognition: `pcapfix --pcapng {{path/to/file.pcapng}}` - Repair a file and show the process in detail: `pcapfix --verbose {{path/to/file.pcap}}`