# assimp > Command-line client for the Open Asset Import Library. > Supports loading of 40+ 3D file formats, and exporting to several popular 3D formats. > Homepage: . - List all supported import formats: `assimp listext` - List all supported export formats: `assimp listexport` - Convert a file to one of the supported output formats, using the default parameters: `assimp export {{input_file.stl}} {{output_file.obj}}` - Convert a file using custom parameters (the dox_cmd.h file in assimp's source code lists available parameters): `assimp export {{input_file.stl}} {{output_file.obj}} {{parameters}}` - Display a summary of a 3D file's contents: `assimp info {{path/to/file}}` - List all supported subcommands ("verbs"): `assimp help` - Get help on a specific subcommand (e.g. the parameters specific to it): `assimp {{subcommand}} --help`