# pw-config > List configuration paths and sections that will be used by the PipeWire server and clients. > More information: . - List all configuration files that will be used: `pw-config` - List all configuration files that will be used by the PipeWire PulseAudio server: `pw-config --name pipewire-pulse.conf` - List all configuration sections used by the PipeWire PulseAudio server: `pw-config --name pipewire-pulse.conf list` - List the `context.properties` fragments used by the JACK clients: `pw-config --name jack.conf list context.properties` - List the merged `context.properties` used by the JACK clients: `pw-config --name jack.conf merge context.properties` - List the merged `context.modules` used by the PipeWire server and [r]eformat: `pw-config --name pipewire.conf --recurse merge context.modules` - Display help: `pw-config --help`