# semanage > SELinux persistent policy management tool. > Some subcommands such as `boolean`, `fcontext`, `port`, etc. have their own usage documentation. > More information: . - Set or unset a SELinux boolean. Booleans allow the administrator to customize how policy rules affect confined process types (a.k.a domains): `sudo semanage boolean {{-m|--modify}} {{-1|--on|-0|--off}} {{haproxy_connect_any}}` - Add a user-defined file context labeling rule. File contexts define what files confined domains are allowed to access: `sudo semanage fcontext {{-a|--add}} {{-t|--type}} {{samba_share_t}} '/mnt/share(/.*)?'` - Add a user-defined port labeling rule. Port labels define what ports confined domains are allowed to listen on: `sudo semanage port {{-a|--add}} {{-t|--type}} {{ssh_port_t}} {{-p|--proto}} {{tcp}} {{22000}}` - Set or unset permissive mode for a confined domain. Per-domain permissive mode allows more granular control compared to `setenforce`: `sudo semenage permissive {{-a|--add|-d|--delete}} {{httpd_t}}` - Output local customizations in the default store: `sudo semanage export {{-f|--output_file}} {{path/to/file}}` - Import a file generated by `semanage export` into local customizations (CAREFUL: may remove current customizations!): `sudo semanage import {{-f|--input_file}} {{path/to/file}}`