# sed > Edit text in a scriptable manner. > More information: . - Replace the first occurrence of a string in a file, and print the result: `sed 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}}` - Replace all occurrences of an extended regular expression in a file: `sed -E 's/{{regular_expression}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}}` - Replace all occurrences of a string [i]n a file, overwriting the file (i.e. in-place): `sed -i '' 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/g' {{filename}}` - Replace only on lines matching the line pattern: `sed '/{{line_pattern}}/s/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}}` - Print only text between n-th line till the next empty line: `sed -n '{{line_number}},/^$/p' {{filename}}` - Apply multiple find-replace expressions to a file: `sed -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' -e 's/{{find}}/{{replace}}/' {{filename}}` - Replace separator `/` by any other character not used in the find or replace patterns, e.g. `#`: `sed 's#{{find}}#{{replace}}#' {{filename}}` - [d]elete the line at the specific line number [i]n a file, overwriting the file: `sed -i '' '{{line_number}}d' {{filename}}`