# scamper > Actively probes the Internet in order to analyze topology and performance. > Includes some tools that start with `sc_`, for example `sc_warts2text` or `sc_ttlexp`. > More information: . - Execute the standard option (traceroute) to a destination: `scamper -i {{}}` - Execute two actions (ping and traceroute) on two different targets: `scamper -I "{{ping}} {{}}" -I "{{trace}} {{}}` - Ping several hosts with UDP, use a specific port number for the first ping and increase it for each subsequent ping: `scamper -c "{{ping}} -P {{UDP-dport}} -d {{33434}}" -i {{}} -i {{}}` - Use the Multipath Discovery Algorithm (MDA) to determine the presence of load-balanced paths to the destination and use ICMP echo packets to sample with a maximum of three attempts, write the result to a `warts` file: `scamper -O {{warts}} -o {{path/to/output.warts}} -I "{{tracelb}} -P {{ICMP-echo}} -q {{3}} {{}}"` - Execute a Paris traceroute with ICMP to a destination and save the result in a compressed `warts` file: `scamper -O {{warts.gz}} -o {{path/to/output.warts}} -I "{{trace}} -P {{icmp-paris}} {{2001:db8:dead:beaf::4}}"` - Record all ICMP packets that arrive at a specific IP address and have a specific ICMP ID in a `warts` file: `scamper -O {{warts}} -o {{path/to/output.warts}} -I "sniff -S {{2001:db8:dead:beef::6}} icmp[icmpid] == {{101}}"`