# input > Send event codes or touchscreen gestures to an Android device. > Event codes can be inputting single characters, ending calls, volume up, etc. > More information: . - Send an event code for a single character to an Android device: `input keyevent {{event_code}}` - Send a text to an Android device (`%s` represents spaces): `input text "{{text}}"` - Send a single tap to an Android device: `input tap {{x_pos}} {{y_pos}}` - Send a swipe gesture to an Android device: `input swipe {{x_start}} {{y_start}} {{x_end}} {{y_end}} {{duration_in_ms}}` - Send a long press to an Android device using a swipe gesture: `input swipe {{x_pos}} {{y_pos}} {{x_pos}} {{y_pos}} {{duration_in_ms}}`