# crontab > Schedule cron jobs to run on a time interval for the current user. > Job definition format: "(min) (hour) (day_of_month) (month) (day_of_week) command_to_execute". - Edit the crontab file for the current user: `crontab -e` - View a list of existing cron jobs for current user: `crontab -l` - Remove all cron jobs for the current user: `crontab -r` - Sample job which runs at 10:00 every day. * means any value: `0 10 * * * {{path/to/script.sh}}` - Sample job which runs every minute on the 3rd of April: `* * 3 Apr * {{path/to/script.sh}}` - Sample job which runs at 02:30 every Friday: `30 2 * * Fri {{path/to/script.sh}}`