# mongoexport > Produce exports of data stored in a MongoDB instance formatted as JSON or CSV. > More information: . - Export a collection to `stdout`, formatted as JSON: `mongoexport --uri={{connection_string}} --collection={{collection_name}}` - Export the documents in the specified collection that match a query to a JSON file: `mongoexport --db={{database_name}} --collection={{collection_name}} --query="{{query_object}}" --out={{path/to/file.json}}` - Export documents as a JSON array instead of one object per line: `mongoexport --collection={{collection_name}} --jsonArray` - Export documents to a CSV file: `mongoexport --collection={{collection_name}} --type={{csv}} --fields="{{field1,field2,...}}" --out={{path/to/file.csv}}` - Export documents that match the query in the specified file to a CSV file, omitting the list of field names on the first line: `mongoexport --collection={{collection_name}} --type={{csv}} --fields="{{field1,field2,...}}" --queryFile={{path/to/file}} --noHeaderLine --out={{path/to/file.csv}}` - Export documents to `stdout`, formatted as human-readable JSON: `mongoexport --uri={{mongodb_uri}} --collection={{collection_name}} --pretty` - Display help: `mongoexport --help`