# npm query > Print an array of dependency objects using CSS-like selectors. > More information: . - Print direct dependencies: `npm query ':root > *'` - Print all direct production/development dependencies: `npm query ':root > .{{prod|dev}}'` - Print dependencies with a specific name: `npm query '#{{package_name}}'` - Print dependencies with a specific name and within a semantic versioning range: `npm query #{{package_name}}@{{semantic_version}}` - Print dependencies which have no dependencies: `npm query ':empty'` - Find all dependencies with postinstall scripts and uninstall them: `npm query ":attr(scripts, [postinstall])" | jq 'map(.name) | join("\n")' -r | xargs -I {} npm uninstall {}` - Find all Git dependencies and print which application requires them: `npm query ":type(git)" | jq 'map(.name)' | xargs -I {} npm why {}`