# VBoxManage > Command-line interface to VirtualBox. > Includes all the functionality of the GUI and more. > More information: . - List all VirtualBox virtual machines: `VBoxManage list vms` - Show information about a particular virtual machine: `VBoxManage showvminfo {{name|uuid}}` - Start a virtual machine: `VBoxManage startvm {{name|uuid}}` - Start a virtual machine in headless mode: `VBoxManage startvm {{name|uuid}} --type headless` - Shutdown the virtual machine and save its current state: `VBoxManage controlvm {{name|uuid}} savestate` - Shutdown down the virtual machine without saving its state: `VBoxManage controlvm {{name|uuid}} poweroff` - Update VBox extension packs: `VBoxManage extpack install --replace {{VboxExtensionPackFileName}}`