# aria2c > Fast download utility. > Supports HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. > More information: . - Download a URI to a file: `aria2c {{url}}` - Download the file pointed to by the specified URI with the specified output name: `aria2c --out={{filename}} {{url}}` - Download multiple files in parallel: `aria2c --force-sequential {{url_1}} {{url_2}}` - Download from multiple sources each URI pointing to the same file: `aria2c {{url_1}} {{url_2}}` - Download the URIs listed in a file with limited parallel downloads: `aria2c --input-file={{filename}} --max-concurrent-downloads={{number_of_downloads}}` - Download with multiple connections: `aria2c --split={{number_of_connections}} {{url}}` - FTP download with username and password: `aria2c --ftp-user={{username}} --ftp-passwd={{password}} {{url}}` - Limit download speed in bytes/s: `aria2c --max-download-limit={{speed}} {{url}}`