# openvpn > OpenVPN client and daemon binary. > More information: . - Connect to server using a configuration file: `sudo openvpn {{path/to/client.conf}}` - Try to set up an insecure peer-to-peer tunnel on bob.example.com host: `sudo openvpn --remote {{alice.example.com}} --dev {{tun1}} --ifconfig {{}} {{}}` - Connect to the awaiting bob.example.com host without encryption: `sudo openvpn --remote {{bob.example.com}} --dev {{tun1}} --ifconfig {{}} {{}}` - Create a cryptographic key and save it to file: `openvpn --genkey secret {{path/to/key}}` - Try to set up a peer-to-peer tunnel on bob.example.com host with a static key: `sudo openvpn --remote {{alice.example.com}} --dev {{tun1}} --ifconfig {{}} {{}} --secret {{path/to/key}}` - Connect to the awaiting bob.example.com host with the same static key as on bob.example.com: `sudo openvpn --remote {{bob.example.com}} --dev {{tun1}} --ifconfig {{}} {{}} --secret {{path/to/key}}`