# simplehttpserver > A simple HTTP/S server that supports file upload, basic authentication, and YAML rules for custom responses. > A Go alternative to Python's `http.server`. > More information: . - Start the HTTP server serving the current directory with verbose output (listen on all interfaces and port 8000 by default): `simplehttpserver -verbose` - Start the HTTP server with basic authentication serving a specific path over port 80 on all interfaces: `sudo simplehttpserver -basic-auth {{username}}:{{password}} -path {{/var/www/html}} -listen` - Start the HTTP server, enabling HTTPS using a self-signed certificate with custom SAN on all interfaces: `sudo simplehttpserver -https -domain {{*.selfsigned.com}} -listen` - Start the HTTP server with custom response headers and upload capability: `simplehttpserver -upload -header '{{X-Powered-By: Go}}' -header '{{Server: SimpleHTTPServer}}'` - Start the HTTP server with customizable rules in YAML (see documentation for DSL): `simplehttpserver -rules {{rules.yaml}}`