# dtrace > A simple interface to invoke the D language compiler, retrieve buffered trace, and print traced data from the DTrace kernel facility. > Generic front-end to DTrace facility, requiring root privileges. > More information: . - Set target data model for a specific architecture: `dtrace -arch {{arch_name}}` - Claim [a]nonymous tracing state and display the traced data: `dtrace -a` - Set principal trace buffer size. Supported units are `k`, `m`, `g`, or `t`: `dtrace -b {{2g}}` - Compile the specified D Program [s]ource file: `dtrace -s {{D_script}}` - Run the specified [c]ommand and exit upon its completion: `dtrace -c {{command}}` - Specify [f]unction name to trace or list (-l option). The corresponding argument can include any of the probe description forms like `provider:module:function`, `module:function` or `function`: `dtrace -f {{function}}` - Grad the specified [p]rocess ID, cache its symbol table, and exit upon completion: `dtrace -p {{pid}}` - Combine different options for tracing function in a process: `dtrace -a -b {{buffer_size}} -f {{function}} -p {{pid}}`