# xclip > X11 clipboard manipulation tool, similar to `xsel`. > Handles the X primary and secondary selections, plus the system clipboard (`Ctrl + C`/`Ctrl + V`). - Copy the output from a command to the X11 primary selection area (clipboard): `echo 123 | xclip` - Copy the output from a command to a given X11 selection area: `echo 123 | xclip -selection {{primary|secondary|clipboard}}` - Copy the contents of a file to the system clipboard, using short notation: `echo 123 | xclip -sel clip` - Copy the contents of a file into the system clipboard: `xclip -sel clip {{input_file.txt}}` - Copy the contents of a PNG image into the system clipboard (can be pasted in other programs correctly): `xclip -sel clip -t image/png {{input_file.png}}` - Paste the contents of the X11 primary selection area to the console: `xclip -o` - Paste the contents of the system clipboard to the console: `xclip -o -sel clip` - Paste the contents of the system clipboard into a file: `xclip -o -sel clip > {{output_file.txt}}`