# journalctl > Query the systemd journal. - Show all messages from this [b]oot: `journalctl -b` - Show all messages from last [b]oot: `journalctl -b -1` - Show all messages with priority level 3 (errors) from this [b]oot: `journalctl -b --priority={{3}}` - [f]ollow new messages (like `tail -f` for traditional syslog): `journalctl -f` - Show all messages by a specific [u]nit: `journalctl -u {{unit}}` - Filter messages within a time range (either timestamp or placeholders like "yesterday"): `journalctl --since {{now|today|yesterday|tomorrow}} --until {{YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS}}` - Show all messages by a specific process: `journalctl _PID={{pid}}` - Show all messages by a specific executable: `journalctl {{path/to/executable}}`