# blackfire > Monitor, profile and test a PHP application. > More information: . - Initialize and configure the Blackfire client: `blackfire config` - Launch the Blackfire agent: `blackfire agent` - Launch the Blackfire agent on a specific socket: `blackfire agent --socket="{{tcp://}}"` - Run the profiler on a specific program: `blackfire run {{php path/to/file.php}}` - Run the profiler and collect 10 samples: `blackfire --samples {{10}} run {{php path/to/file.php}}` - Run the profiler and output results as JSON: `blackfire --json run {{php path/to/file.php}}` - Upload a profiler file to the Blackfire web service: `blackfire upload {{path/to/file}}` - View the status of profiles on the Blackfire web service: `blackfire status`