# firewall-cmd > The firewalld command-line client. - View the available firewall zones: `firewall-cmd --get-active-zones` - View the rules which are currently applied: `firewall-cmd --list-all` - Permanently move the interface into the block zone, effectively blocking all communication: `firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{block}} --change-interface={{enp1s0}}` - Permanently open the port for a service in the specified zone (like port 443 when in the `public` zone): `firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --add-service={{https}}` - Permanently close the port for a service in the specified zone (like port 80 when in the `public` zone): `firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --remove-service={{http}}` - Permanently open two arbitrary ports in the specified zone: `firewall-cmd --permanent --zone={{public}} --add-port={{25565/tcp}} --add-port={{19132/udp}}` - Reload firewalld to force rule changes to take effect: `firewall-cmd --reload`