# gbp > A system to integrate the Debian package build system with Git. > More information: . - Convert an existing Debian package to gbp: `gbp import-dsc {{path/to/package.dsc}}` - Build the package in the current directory using the default builder (`debuild`): `gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc` - Build a package in a `pbuilder` environment for Debian Bullseye: `DIST={{bullseye}} ARCH={{amd64}} gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --git-builder={{git-pbuilder}}` - Specify a package to be a source-only upload in the `.changes` file (see https://wiki.debian.org/SourceOnlyUpload): `gbp buildpackage -jauto -us -uc --changes-options={{-S}}` - Import a new upstream release: `gbp import-orig --pristine-tar {{path/to/package.tar.gz}}`