# rsync > Transfer files either to or from a remote host (not between two remote hosts). > Can transfer single files, or multiple files matching a pattern. - Transfer file from local to remote host: `rsync {{path/to/file}} {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_host_location}}` - Transfer file from remote host to local: `rsync {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_file_location}} {{local_file_location}}` - Transfer file in archive (to preserve attributes) and compressed (zipped) mode with verbose and human-readable progress: `rsync -azvhP {{path/to/file}} {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_host_location}}` - Transfer a directory and all its children from a remote to local: `rsync -r {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_directory_location}} {{local_directory_location}}` - Transfer only updated files from remote host: `rsync -ru {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_directory_location}} {{local_directory_location}}` - Transfer file over SSH and delete local files that do not exist on remote host: `rsync -e ssh --delete {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_file}} {{local_file}}` - Transfer file over SSH and show global progress: `rsync -e ssh --info=progress2 {{remote_host_name}}:{{remote_file}} {{local_file}}`