# security > Administer keychains, keys, certificates and the Security framework. > More information: . - List all available keychains: `security list-keychains` - Delete a specific keychain: `security delete-keychain {{path/to/file.keychain}}` - Create a keychain: `security create-keychain -p {{password}} {{path/to/file.keychain}}` - Set a certificate to use with a website or [s]ervice by its [c]ommon name (fails if several certificates with the same common name exist): `security set-identity-preference -s {{URL|hostname|service}} -c "{{common_name}}" {{path/to/file.keychain}}` - Add a certificate from file to a [k]eychain (if -k isn't specified, the default keychain is used): `security add-certificates -k {{file.keychain}} {{path/to/cert.pem}}` - Add a CA certificate to the per-user Trust Settings: `security add-trusted-cert -k {{path/to/user-keychain.keychain-db}} {{path/to/ca-cert.pem}}` - Remove a CA certificate from the per-user Trust Settings: `security remove-trusted-cert {{path/to/ca-cert.pem}}`