# ps-nvm > PowerShell-based utility to manage multiple Node.js versions, inspired by `nvm`. > This tool provides multiple commands that all can only be run through PowerShell. > More information: . - View documentation for `Get-NodeInstallLocation`, a tool to get the current Node.js install location: `tldr get-nodeinstalllocation` - View documentation for `Get-NodeVersions`, a tool to list all available and currently-installed Node.js versions: `tldr get-nodeversions` - View documentation for `Install-NodeVersion`, a tool to install Node.js runtime versions: `tldr get-nodeversion` - View documentation for `Remove-NodeVersion`, a tool to uninstall an existing Node.js version: `tldr remove-nodeversion` - View documentation for `Set-NodeInstallLocation`, a tool to set the Node.js install location: `tldr set-nodeinstalllocation` - View documentation for `Set-NodeVersion`, a tool to set the default version of Node.js: `tldr set-nodeversion`