# 2to3 > Automated Python 2 to 3 code conversion. > More information: . - Display the changes that would be performed without performing them (dry-run): `2to3 {{path/to/file.py}}` - Convert a Python 2 file to Python 3: `2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}}` - Convert specific Python 2 language features to Python 3: `2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --fix {{raw_input}} --fix {{print}}` - Convert all Python 2 language features except the specified ones to Python 3: `2to3 --write {{path/to/file.py}} --nofix {{has_key}} --nofix {{isinstance}}` - List all available language features that can be converted from Python 2 to Python 3: `2to3 --list-fixes` - Convert all Python 2 files in a directory to Python 3: `2to3 --output-dir {{path/to/python3_directory}} --write-unchanged-files --nobackups {{path/to/python2_directory}}` - Run 2to3 with multiple threads: `2to3 --processes {{4}} --output-dir {{path/to/python3_directory}} --write --nobackups --no-diff {{path/to/python2_directory}}`