# quarto > An open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc. > More information: . - Create a Quarto project: `quarto create-project {{path/to/project}}` - Create a new website project: `quarto create-project {{path/to/destination_directory}} --type {{website}}` - Create a new book project: `quarto create-project {{path/to/destination_directory}} --type {{book}}` - Render an R Markdown file to HTML: `quarto render {{path/to/file.rmd}} --to {{html}}` - Render a Quarto file to HTML: `quarto render {{path/to/file.qmd}} --to {{html}}` - Render a Jupyter notebook to HTML: `quarto render {{path/to/file.ipynb}} --to {{html}}` - Render an R Markdown, Jupyter, or Quarto file to PDF: `quarto render {{path/to/file}} --to {{pdf}}` - Render an R Markdown, Jupyter, or Quarto file to a Microsoft `docx` document: `quarto render {{path/to/file}} --to {{docx}}`