# wfuzz > A web application bruteforcer. > More information: . - Directory and file bruteforce using the specified wordlist and also proxying the traffic: `wfuzz -w {{path/to/file}} -p {{}} {{http://example.com/FUZZ}}` - Save the results to a file: `wfuzz -w {{path/to/file}} -f {{filename}} {{http://example.com/FUZZ}}` - Show colorized output while only showing the declared response codes in the output: `wfuzz -c -w {{path/to/file}} --sc {{200,301,302}} {{http://example.com/FUZZ}}` - Use a custom header to fuzz subdomains while hiding specific response codes and word counts. Increase the threads to 100 and include the target ip/domain: `wfuzz -w {{path/to/file}} -H {{"Host: FUZZ.example.com"}} --hc {{301}} --hw {{222}} -t {{100}} {{example.com}}`