# dc > An arbitrary precision calculator. Uses reverse polish notation (RPN). - Run calculator in interactive mode: `dc` - Calculate 4 times 5 [4 5 *], subtract 17 [17 -], and [p]rint the output : `echo "4 5 * 17 - p"| dc` - Set number of decimal places to 10 [k 7], calculate 5 divided by -3 [5 _3 /] and [p]rint: `echo "7 k 5 _3 / p" | dc` - To 100 decimal places [100 k], calculate the golden ratio, phi: sqrt(5) [5 v] plus 1 [1 +], divided by 2 [2 /], and [p]rint result: `echo "100 k 5 v 1 + 2 / p" | dc`