# nslookup > Query name server(s) for various domain records. > More information: . - Query your system's default name server for an IP address (A record) of the domain: `nslookup {{example.com}}` - Query a given name server for a NS record of the domain: `nslookup -type=NS {{example.com}} {{}}` - Query for a reverse lookup (PTR record) of an IP address: `nslookup -type=PTR {{}}` - Query for ANY available records using TCP protocol: `nslookup -vc -type=ANY {{example.com}}` - Query a given name server for the whole zone file (zone transfer) of the domain using TCP protocol: `nslookup -vc -type=AXFR {{example.com}} {{name_server}}` - Query for a mail server (MX record) of the domain, showing details of the transaction: `nslookup -type=MX -debug {{example.com}}` - Query a given name server on a specific port number for a TXT record of the domain: `nslookup -port={{port_number}} -type=TXT {{example.com}} {{name_server}}`