# lsipc > Show information on System V IPC facilities currently employed in the system. > See also: `ipcs` for the older tool. > More information: . - Show information about all active IPC facilities: `lsipc` - Show information about active shared [m]emory segments, message [q]ueues or [s]empahore sets: `lsipc {{--shmems|--queues|--semaphores}}` - Show full details on the resource with a specific [i]D: `lsipc {{--shmems|--queues|--semaphores}} --id {{resource_id}}` - Print the given [o]utput columns (see all supported columns with `--help`): `lsipc --output {{KEY,ID,PERMS,SEND,STATUS,NSEMS,RESOURCE,...}}` - Use [r]aw, [J]SON, [l]ist or [e]xport (key="value") format: `lsipc {{--raw|--json|--list|--export}}` - Don't truncate the output: `lsipc --notruncate`