# setcap > Set capabilities of specified file. > See also: `getcap`. > More information: . - Set capability `cap_net_raw` (to use RAW and PACKET sockets) for a given file: `setcap '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}` - Set multiple capabilities on a file (`ep` behind the capability means "effective permitted"): `setcap '{{cap_dac_read_search,cap_sys_tty_config+ep}}' {{path/to/file}}` - Remove all capabilities from a file: `setcap -r {{path/to/file}}` - Verify that the specified capabilities are currently associated with the specified file: `setcap -v '{{cap_net_raw}}' {{path/to/file}}` - The optional `-n root_uid` argument can be used to set the file capability for use only in a user namespace with this root user ID owner: `setcap -n {{root_uid}} '{{cap_net_admin}}' {{path/to/file}}`