# surfraw > CLI to query a variety of web search engines. > Consists of a collection of elvi, each of which knows how to search a specific website. > More information: . - Display the list of supported website search scripts (elvi): `surfraw -elvi` - Open the elvi's results page for a specific search in the browser: `surfraw {{elvi}} "{{search_terms}}"` - Display an elvi description and its specific options: `surfraw {{elvi}} -local-help` - Search using an elvi with specific options and open the results page in the browser: `surfraw {{elvi}} {{elvi_options}} "{{search_terms}}"` - Display the URL to the elvi's results page for a specific search: `surfraw -print {{elvi}} "{{search_terms}}"` - Search using the alias: `sr {{elvi}} "{{search_terms}}"`