# odps > Aliyun ODPS command line tool. - Start the command line: `odpscmd --config {{odps_config.ini}}` - Switch current project: `use {{project_name}};` - Show tables in the current project: `show tables;` - Show table partitions: `show partitions {{table_name}};` - Describe table/partition: `desc {{table_name}} partition ({{partition_spec}});` - Create a partitiond table with lifecycle: `create table {{name}} ({{col}} {{type}}) partitioned by ({{col}} {{type}}) lifecycle {{days}};` - Read the content of table: `read {{table_name}} partition ({{partition_spec}}) {{limit}};` - Download the table: `tunnel download {{table_name}}/{{partition_spec}} {{file}};` - Upload the table: `tunnel upload {{file}} {{table_name}}/{{partition_spec}};`