Most people submit pull requests to the tldr-pages project [using GitHub's web interface][pr-howto]. If you prefer, you can do most of the process using the command-line instead. The overall process should look somewhat like this: 1. Fork the tldr-pages/tldr repository on the GitHub web interface. 2. Clone your fork locally: `git clone{{your_username}}/tldr.git && cd tldr` 3. Create a feature branch, e.g. named after the command you plan to edit: `git checkout -b {{branch_name}}` 4. Make your changes (edit existing files or create new ones) 5. Commit the changes (following the [commit message guidelines][commit-msg]): `git commit --all -m "{{commit_message}}"` 6. Push the commit(s) to your fork: `git push origin {{branch_name}}` 7. Go to the GitHub page for your fork and click the green "pull request" button. Please only send related changes in the same pull request. Typically a pull request will include changes in a single file. (Exceptions are [occasionally acceptable][mass-changes].) [pr-howto]: ../ [commit-msg]: ../ [mass-changes]:"mass+changes"