# asterisk > Run and manage telephone and exchange (phone) server instances. > More information: . - [R]econnect to a running server, and turn on logging 3 levels of [v]erbosity: `asterisk -r -vvv` - [R]econnect to a running server, run a single command, and return: `asterisk -r -x "{{command}}"` - Show chan_SIP clients (phones): `asterisk -r -x "sip show peers"` - Show active calls and channels: `asterisk -r -x "core show channels"` - Show voicemail mailboxes: `asterisk -r -x "voicemail show users"` - Terminate a channel: `asterisk -r -x "hangup request {{channel_ID}}"` - Reload chan_SIP configuration: `asterisk -r -x "sip reload"`